. . . . . . . "Le Clairon est un \u00E9ph\u00E9m\u00E8re quotidien royaliste et catholique fran\u00E7ais fond\u00E9 en mars 1881 avec le soutien de la duchesse d'Uz\u00E8s, d'Alfred Edwards et de la principale banque catholique, l'Union g\u00E9n\u00E9rale, qui d\u00E9tenait cent actions. Paul Eug\u00E8ne Bontoux (1820-1904), patron de la banque, contr\u00F4lait les articles financiers du Clairon, gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 une \u00AB Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 de publicit\u00E9 universelle \u00BB qu'il avait cr\u00E9\u00E9e, et qui avait afferm\u00E9 les pages de publicit\u00E9 financi\u00E8re. Le r\u00E9dacteur en chef Jules Corn\u00E9ly (1845-1907) avait embauch\u00E9 onze journalistes venus comme lui du quotidien Le Gaulois, parmi lesquels Louis de Fourcaud, Raoul Toch\u00E9, Gabriel Terrail, dit \u00AB Mermeix \u00BB (1859-1930), Ars\u00E8ne Houssaye (1815-1896) et \u00C9mile Blavet (1838-1924). R\u00E9dacteur \u00E0 La France nouvelle d'Adrien Maggiolo, Andr\u00E9 Barbes a \u00E9galement appartenu \u00E0 la r\u00E9daction du Clairon d\u00E8s l'automne 1881. Faute de lecteurs, le quotidien fut repris par Arthur Meyer, qui acquit aussi Le Gaulois en 1882 et le Paris-Journal, et fusionna les trois titres. L'ensemble devint Le Gaulois nouvelle formule en ao\u00FBt 1884. Jules Corn\u00E9ly \u00E9tait entre-temps parti pour le quotidien Le Matin et ne revint au Gaulois qu'en 1888."@fr . "3334"^^ . . . . . "Le Clairon (quotidien)"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . "Paris"@en . . . "Le Clairon was a short-lived French newspaper, published daily, that was pro-royalist and pro-Catholic. It was founded in March 1881 with support from the Duchesse d'Uz\u00E8s, from Alfred Edwards and from France's main Catholic bank, l'Union g\u00E9n\u00E9rale, which owned one hundred shares. Paul Eug\u00E8ne Bontoux (1820\u20131904), chief executive of the Catholic bank, controlled the financial articles of Le Clairon, by means of a \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 de Publicit\u00E9 Universelle\", which he had created and which funded the financial advertising pages. The editor-in-chief Jules Corn\u00E9ly (1845\u20131907) hired away from the staff of the daily newspaper Le Gaulois, eleven journalists, including Louis de Fourcaud, Ren\u00E9-Raoul Toch\u00E9, Gabriel Terrail, called \"Mermeix\" (1859\u20131930), Ars\u00E8ne Houssaye (1815\u20131896) and \u00C9mile Blavet (1838\u20131924). The shareholders of Le Clairon sold the newspaper to Arthur Meyer, who also acquired the Le Gaulois in 1882 and then the Paris-Journal and merged the three newspaper franchises. The merged newspaper was published under the title Le Gaulois from August 1884. Jules Corn\u00E9ly had meanwhile resigned and joined the daily newspaper Le Matin but in 1888 returned to Le Gaulois (which merged with Le Figaro in 1929)."@en . . . . . . . "Jules Corn\u00E9ly"@en . . "Le Clairon was a short-lived French newspaper, published daily, that was pro-royalist and pro-Catholic. It was founded in March 1881 with support from the Duchesse d'Uz\u00E8s, from Alfred Edwards and from France's main Catholic bank, l'Union g\u00E9n\u00E9rale, which owned one hundred shares. Paul Eug\u00E8ne Bontoux (1820\u20131904), chief executive of the Catholic bank, controlled the financial articles of Le Clairon, by means of a \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 de Publicit\u00E9 Universelle\", which he had created and which funded the financial advertising pages."@en . . . . . "Le Clairon"@en . . . . . . "50089022"^^ . . "1086251637"^^ . . . . "Le Clairon est un \u00E9ph\u00E9m\u00E8re quotidien royaliste et catholique fran\u00E7ais fond\u00E9 en mars 1881 avec le soutien de la duchesse d'Uz\u00E8s, d'Alfred Edwards et de la principale banque catholique, l'Union g\u00E9n\u00E9rale, qui d\u00E9tenait cent actions. Paul Eug\u00E8ne Bontoux (1820-1904), patron de la banque, contr\u00F4lait les articles financiers du Clairon, gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 une \u00AB Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 de publicit\u00E9 universelle \u00BB qu'il avait cr\u00E9\u00E9e, et qui avait afferm\u00E9 les pages de publicit\u00E9 financi\u00E8re."@fr . . . "Le Clairon"@en . "Le Clairon"@en . . . . "1882"^^ . "Daily"@en .