. . "1102477283"^^ . "39139780"^^ . . . "2253"^^ . "Con el nombre de procesos de brujer\u00EDa de Labort de 1609 se hace referencia a una serie de procesos ordenados mediante mandato real del rey Enrique IV de Francia y III de Navarra al consejero de Estado Pierre de Lancre en la provincia vasco-francesa de Labort."@es . "Lapurdiko sorgin ehiza (1609)"@eu . . . "Labourd witch-hunt of 1609"@en . . . "Con el nombre de procesos de brujer\u00EDa de Labort de 1609 se hace referencia a una serie de procesos ordenados mediante mandato real del rey Enrique IV de Francia y III de Navarra al consejero de Estado Pierre de Lancre en la provincia vasco-francesa de Labort."@es . "Procesos de brujer\u00EDa de Labort de 1609"@es . . . . "1609ko Lapurdin sorgin ehiza Euskal Herriko lurralde horretan egin zen sorgin ehiza da, Pierre de Lancre epaileak zuzendu zuena. Pierre de Lancre 1609an iritsi zen Lapurdira Nafarroako Enrike III.aren aginduz, Lapurdin egiten ziren \u201Ckrimenak eta fedegabeziak\u201D epaitzeko. Hilabete gutxiren buruan, epaileak ehunka lagun \u2014gehienak emakumeak\u2014 atxilo hartu zituen, eta horietatik hirurogei inguru bizirik erretzera kondenatu zituen. Berri haiek Ternuako itsasbazterreraino iritsi ziren, han ari baitziren gizonezko herritar gehienak arrantzan. Hala, itzuli ziren Lapurdiko arrantza-ontziak, errepresio hura geldiarazi eta mendekua hartzeko. Hori ikusirik, Frantziako agintariek epailea lekualdatu zuten handik beste norabait."@eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1609ko Lapurdin sorgin ehiza Euskal Herriko lurralde horretan egin zen sorgin ehiza da, Pierre de Lancre epaileak zuzendu zuena. Pierre de Lancre 1609an iritsi zen Lapurdira Nafarroako Enrike III.aren aginduz, Lapurdin egiten ziren \u201Ckrimenak eta fedegabeziak\u201D epaitzeko. Hilabete gutxiren buruan, epaileak ehunka lagun \u2014gehienak emakumeak\u2014 atxilo hartu zituen, eta horietatik hirurogei inguru bizirik erretzera kondenatu zituen. Berri haiek Ternuako itsasbazterreraino iritsi ziren, han ari baitziren gizonezko herritar gehienak arrantzan. Hala, itzuli ziren Lapurdiko arrantza-ontziak, errepresio hura geldiarazi eta mendekua hartzeko. Hori ikusirik, Frantziako agintariek epailea lekualdatu zuten handik beste norabait."@eu . . . . . . . . "The Labourd witch-hunt of 1609 took place in Labourd, French Basque Country, in 1609. The investigation was managed by Pierre de Lancre on the order of King Henry IV of France and III of Navarre. It resulted in the execution of 70 people. The area suffered from instability after the French religious wars. The process began with a dispute between the Lord of Urtubi and some people who had accused him and his men of being witches. This dispute evolved in sporadic fight and soon the authorities of Donibane-Lohizune asked for the intervention of the Judge of Bourdeaux, who happened to be de Lancre."@en . "The Labourd witch-hunt of 1609 took place in Labourd, French Basque Country, in 1609. The investigation was managed by Pierre de Lancre on the order of King Henry IV of France and III of Navarre. It resulted in the execution of 70 people. The area suffered from instability after the French religious wars. The process began with a dispute between the Lord of Urtubi and some people who had accused him and his men of being witches. This dispute evolved in sporadic fight and soon the authorities of Donibane-Lohizune asked for the intervention of the Judge of Bourdeaux, who happened to be de Lancre. In less than a year some 70 people were burnt at the stake, among them several priests. De Lancre wasn't satisfied: he estimated that some 3,000 witches were still at large (10% of the population of Labourd in that time). The Parlement of Bordeaux eventually dismissed him from office. In his Portrait of the Inconstancy of Witches, de Lancre sums up his rationale as follows: To dance indecently; eat excessively; make love diabolically; commit atrocious acts of sodomy; blaspheme scandalously; avenge themselves insidiously; run after all horrible, dirty, and crudely unnatural desires; keep toads, vipers, lizards, and all sorts of poison as precious things; love passionately a stinking goat; caress him lovingly; associate with and mate with him in a disgusting and scabrous fashion\u2014are these not the uncontrolled characteristics of an unparalleled lightness of being and of an execrable inconstancy that can be expiated only through the divine fire that justice placed in Hell? The Labourd witch-hunt influenced the Basque witch trials, which begun the same year."@en .