. . "Khafre Enthroned is a funerary statue of the Pharaoh Khafre, who reigned during the Fourth Dynasty of ancient Egypt (c. 2570 BCE). It is now located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The construction is made of anorthosite gneiss (related to diorite), a valuable, extremely hard, and dark stone brought 400 miles down the Nile River from royal quarries. This highlights Khafre's importance and power as a ruler. The statue was carved for the Pharaoh's valley temple near the Great Sphinx, a part of the necropolis (funerary city) used in funeral rituals. This Old Kingdom statue has an important function in Egyptian tombs as substitute abodes for the Pharaoh's ka\u2014the life force that accompanied a person with a kind of other self. After death, the ka leaves the body into the afterlife, but still needs a place to rest: the statue. This sculpture, depicted in-the-round (versus relief sculpture), shows Khafre seated, one of the basic formulaic types used during the Old Kingdom to show the human figure. Mummification played a huge role in the Egyptian culture, a 70-day process to ensure immortality for the pharaoh. Starting in the 3rd millennium BCE, if the pharaoh's mummy was damaged, a ka statue was created to \"ensure immortality and permanence of the deceased's identity by providing a substitute dwelling place for the ka\". Khafre rigidly sits in his royal throne, gazing off into the distance. The pharaoh wears a linen nemes headdress, which cover most of his forehead and folds over his broad shoulders. This royal headdress depicts the uraeus, or cobra emblem, on the front along with the royal false beard attached at the end of his chiseled chin. Khafre wears a kilt covering his waist, revealing his idealized upper body and muscle definition. The Egyptian idealized portraiture is not meant to record individualized features, but instead proclaim the divine nature of Egyptian kingship. Two stylized lions' bodies form the throne Khafre sits on, creating a sturdy base. Lotus plants (symbolic of Upper Egypt) and papyrus plants (symbolic of Lower Egypt) grow between the legs of the throne, referring to the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt which ended the Egyptian Pre-Dynastic period. The god Horus, depicted as a falcon, protects the backside of Khafre's head with his wings, another reference to the united Egypt. Besides the striking view of the falcon (unseen from the front) resting behind Khafre's head, Khafre's feet are emplaced upon a flat platform, engraved with nine archery bows, representing the king's and kingdom's dominance over foreign/domestic enemy tribes, the nine bows. The symmetrical pharaoh shows no movement or change, suppressing all motion and time to create an eternal stillness; his strong build and permanent stance demonstrate no notion of time\u2014Khafre is timeless, and his power will exist even in the afterlife. The statue is based upon compactness and solidity with few projecting parts; Khafre's block-like body is attached to the throne to last for eternity, creating one single structure. His arms rest on his thighs, directly facing the viewer in a rigid, frontal pose. The bilaterally symmetric statue, symbolizing order and control in the pharaoh, is the same on either side of the vertical axis of the statue, only differing in Khafre's clenched right fist. The tight profile and block-like aspect represent Khafre as a permanent being and part of the stone to keep his ka safe. Khafre will always exist, on earth and in the afterlife. The pharaoh's sculpture can be described as absolutely frontal, utterly immobile, and perfectly calm: the characteristics of Egyptian block statue."@en . . "29616758"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "La statua di Chefren assiso in trono (JE 10062) \u00E8 un'antica scultura funeraria egizia del faraone Chefren (ca. - 2532 a.C.), che regn\u00F2 durante la IV dinastia. Si trova al Museo egizio del Cairo. Il suo materiale \u00E8 l'anortosite-gneiss (un tipo di diorite), una pietra scura, pregiata ed estremamente dura, proveniente da cave regali distanti dal sito del ritrovamento oltre 640 chilometri - a sud lungo il corso del Nilo. L'opera, ritenuta uno dei massimi capolavori della statuaria egizia, intende sottolineare il potere e la dignit\u00E0 regale di Chefren e fu scolpita per essere collocata nel Tempio a valle, accanto alla Sfinge di Giza, all'interno della grande necropoli; era oggetto di un culto funerario: le sculture dei sovrani defunti, all'interno dei loro templi funerari, erano intese come sos"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Statue des K\u00F6nigs Chephren im \u00C4gyptischen Museum in Kairo mit der Inventarnummer JE 10062 (auch CG 14) stellt den alt\u00E4gyptischen K\u00F6nig (Pharao) Chephren der 4. Dynastie (Altes Reich) dar, der etwa von 2570 bis 2530 v. Chr. regierte. Sie ist ein typisches Herrscherbildnis dieser Zeit und steht im Kontext der Monumentalarchitektur der Pyramiden-Zeit. Urspr\u00FCnglich stand sie im Taltempel der Chephren-Pyramide in Gizeh, zusammen mit 23 \u00E4hnlichen Statuen. Der dunkelgraue Diorit wurde mit sehr hoher Kunstfertigkeit bearbeitet. Der Horus-Falke umschlie\u00DFt von hinten mit seinen Schwingen sch\u00FCtzend den Kopf des K\u00F6nigs, ist aber in der Frontalansicht der Statue nicht zu sehen. Diese Darstellung dr\u00FCckt aus, dass der K\u00F6nig sowohl unter dem Schutz des Horus steht, als auch eine Manifestation dieses Gottes auf Erden ist."@de . . . . "Khafre Enthroned is a funerary statue of the Pharaoh Khafre, who reigned during the Fourth Dynasty of ancient Egypt (c. 2570 BCE). It is now located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The construction is made of anorthosite gneiss (related to diorite), a valuable, extremely hard, and dark stone brought 400 miles down the Nile River from royal quarries. This highlights Khafre's importance and power as a ruler. The statue was carved for the Pharaoh's valley temple near the Great Sphinx, a part of the necropolis (funerary city) used in funeral rituals. This Old Kingdom statue has an important function in Egyptian tombs as substitute abodes for the Pharaoh's ka\u2014the life force that accompanied a person with a kind of other self. After death, the ka leaves the body into the afterlife, but still ne"@en . . "L'Est\u00E0tua sedent de Khefren fou tallada per escultors egipcis entre els anys 2550-2480 ae, i es considera una escultura cl\u00E0ssica de l'\u00E8poca de les pir\u00E0mides i una de les m\u00E9s importants obres de l'art de l'antic Egipte."@ca . . "Khafre Enthroned"@en . "Est\u00E0tua sedent de Khefren"@ca . . . . . . . "Anorthosite gneiss"@en . "1119140255"^^ . "La Estatua sedente de Kefr\u00E9n o Estatua sedente de Jafra fue tallada por los escultores egipcios entre los a\u00F1os 2550-2480 a. C., estando considerada como la escultura cl\u00E1sica de la \u00E9poca de las pir\u00E1mides y una de las m\u00E1s importantes obras del arte del Antiguo Egipto.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . . "Khafre Enthroned"@en . "Estatua sedente de Kefr\u00E9n"@es . . . . "L'Est\u00E0tua sedent de Khefren fou tallada per escultors egipcis entre els anys 2550-2480 ae, i es considera una escultura cl\u00E0ssica de l'\u00E8poca de les pir\u00E0mides i una de les m\u00E9s importants obres de l'art de l'antic Egipte."@ca . "Die Statue des K\u00F6nigs Chephren im \u00C4gyptischen Museum in Kairo mit der Inventarnummer JE 10062 (auch CG 14) stellt den alt\u00E4gyptischen K\u00F6nig (Pharao) Chephren der 4. Dynastie (Altes Reich) dar, der etwa von 2570 bis 2530 v. Chr. regierte. Sie ist ein typisches Herrscherbildnis dieser Zeit und steht im Kontext der Monumentalarchitektur der Pyramiden-Zeit. Urspr\u00FCnglich stand sie im Taltempel der Chephren-Pyramide in Gizeh, zusammen mit 23 \u00E4hnlichen Statuen. Der dunkelgraue Diorit wurde mit sehr hoher Kunstfertigkeit bearbeitet. Der Horus-Falke umschlie\u00DFt von hinten mit seinen Schwingen sch\u00FCtzend den Kopf des K\u00F6nigs, ist aber in der Frontalansicht der Statue nicht zu sehen. Diese Darstellung dr\u00FCckt aus, dass der K\u00F6nig sowohl unter dem Schutz des Horus steht, als auch eine Manifestation dieses G"@de . . . . . . "La Estatua sedente de Kefr\u00E9n o Estatua sedente de Jafra fue tallada por los escultores egipcios entre los a\u00F1os 2550-2480 a. C., estando considerada como la escultura cl\u00E1sica de la \u00E9poca de las pir\u00E1mides y una de las m\u00E1s importantes obras del arte del Antiguo Egipto.\u200B"@es . . . . . "c. 2570 BC"@en . . . . . . . . . . "9649"^^ . . . . "La statua di Chefren assiso in trono (JE 10062) \u00E8 un'antica scultura funeraria egizia del faraone Chefren (ca. - 2532 a.C.), che regn\u00F2 durante la IV dinastia. Si trova al Museo egizio del Cairo. Il suo materiale \u00E8 l'anortosite-gneiss (un tipo di diorite), una pietra scura, pregiata ed estremamente dura, proveniente da cave regali distanti dal sito del ritrovamento oltre 640 chilometri - a sud lungo il corso del Nilo. L'opera, ritenuta uno dei massimi capolavori della statuaria egizia, intende sottolineare il potere e la dignit\u00E0 regale di Chefren e fu scolpita per essere collocata nel Tempio a valle, accanto alla Sfinge di Giza, all'interno della grande necropoli; era oggetto di un culto funerario: le sculture dei sovrani defunti, all'interno dei loro templi funerari, erano intese come sostituti del corpo del re per divenire sedi del suo ka: secondo la religione egizia, il ka era la forza che animava la forma visibile di qualcuno (sia il corpo oppure solo una statua) che il ba aveva scelto, dandole cos\u00EC la vita (questa complessa nozione non ha un equivalente nelle moderne lingue europee: la sua traduzione con i termini anima o spirito \u00E8 solo parzialmente precisa). Dopo la morte, il ka avrebbe abbandonato il corpo, pur continuando a necessitare di un luogo in cui insediarsi: la statua. Scolpita a tutto tondo, l'opera raffigura Chefren seduto (una delle modalit\u00E0 pi\u00F9 comuni per la rappresentazione della figura umana durante l'Antico Regno)."@it . "Khafre Enthroned"@en . . . . . . "Egyptian Museum in Cairo"@en . . "168"^^ . . . "Chefren in trono (JE 10062)"@it . . . . "Statue des K\u00F6nigs Chephren (JE 10062)"@de . . . . . .