. . . "1105337158"^^ . . . "Vallot in 1892"@en . . . . . . . . . "Henri Marie Joseph Vallot (16 de febrero de 1854, Lod\u00E8ve, H\u00E9rault - 1925, Niza) fue un astr\u00F3nomo, ge\u00F3grafo, glaci\u00F3logo, naturalista, alpinista, mecenas franc\u00E9s. Nacido en una familia rica, nunca sabr\u00EDa de problema financiero y su fortuna pagar\u00EDa la mayor parte de la construcci\u00F3n de un observatorio. Sin embargo, los cient\u00EDficos no lo consideraron verdaderamente como uno de ellos, pero como hombre rico se distra\u00EDa con la ciencia, mientras se desempe\u00F1aba en diversas \u00E1reas: bot\u00E1nica, glaciolog\u00EDa, construcci\u00F3n, geolog\u00EDa, fotograf\u00EDa, medicina, fisiolog\u00EDa, cartograf\u00EDa, monta\u00F1ismo, meteorolog\u00EDa, espeleolog\u00EDa,... y han sido reconocidos como de inter\u00E9s cient\u00EDfico."@es . "French"@en . "69669263"^^ . . . . . . "Joseph Vallot"@en . . "1854"^^ . . . . . . "Henri Marie Joseph Vallot (16 de febrero de 1854, Lod\u00E8ve, H\u00E9rault - 1925, Niza) fue un astr\u00F3nomo, ge\u00F3grafo, glaci\u00F3logo, naturalista, alpinista, mecenas franc\u00E9s. Nacido en una familia rica, nunca sabr\u00EDa de problema financiero y su fortuna pagar\u00EDa la mayor parte de la construcci\u00F3n de un observatorio. Sin embargo, los cient\u00EDficos no lo consideraron verdaderamente como uno de ellos, pero como hombre rico se distra\u00EDa con la ciencia, mientras se desempe\u00F1aba en diversas \u00E1reas: bot\u00E1nica, glaciolog\u00EDa, construcci\u00F3n, geolog\u00EDa, fotograf\u00EDa, medicina, fisiolog\u00EDa, cartograf\u00EDa, monta\u00F1ismo, meteorolog\u00EDa, espeleolog\u00EDa,... y han sido reconocidos como de inter\u00E9s cient\u00EDfico."@es . . . "Scientific research on Mont Blanc; construction of observatory and mountain refuge"@en . "1854-02-16"^^ . "Joseph Vallot"@fr . . . . . . . . . "1854-02-16"^^ . . . "Henri Marie Joseph Vallot (* 16. Februar 1854 in Lod\u00E8ve, D\u00E9partement H\u00E9rault; \u2020 1925 in Nizza) war ein franz\u00F6sischer Privatgelehrter. Vallot war mit seinen breitgef\u00E4cherten Interessen in den Gebieten Botanik, Glaziologie, Bauwesen, Geologie, Fotografie, Medizin, Physiologie, Kartographie, Alpinismus und Meteorologie als ernsthafter Amateurwissenschaftler bekannt. Aus einer wohlhabenden Familie stammend, war es ihm m\u00F6glich, seine Interessen weitgehend selbst zu finanzieren."@de . . . "30950"^^ . . . . "Joseph Vallot"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Joseph Vallot (Henry Marie Joseph Vallot, Henri Marie Joseph selon d'autres sources) est un astronome, g\u00E9ographe, naturaliste, alpiniste et m\u00E9c\u00E8ne fran\u00E7ais, n\u00E9 le 16 f\u00E9vrier 1854 \u00E0 Lod\u00E8ve (H\u00E9rault) et mort le 11 avril 1925 \u00E0 Nice. Issu d'une famille fortun\u00E9e, il ne conna\u00EEt jamais de probl\u00E8me financier et sa fortune lui permet de payer la plus grande partie de la construction de son observatoire. Cependant, les scientifiques universitaires ne le consid\u00E8reront jamais comme un des leurs, mais au mieux pour un homme riche se distrayant avec la science. Pourtant, ses travaux exerc\u00E9s dans divers domaines : botanique, glaciologie, construction, g\u00E9ologie, photographie, m\u00E9decine, physiologie, cartographie, alpinisme, m\u00E9t\u00E9orologie, sp\u00E9l\u00E9ologie, ont \u00E9t\u00E9 reconnus comme pr\u00E9sentant un int\u00E9r\u00EAt scientifique important."@fr . . . . . . . "Joseph Vallot"@en . . "Joseph Vallot (Henry Marie Joseph Vallot, Henri Marie Joseph selon d'autres sources) est un astronome, g\u00E9ographe, naturaliste, alpiniste et m\u00E9c\u00E8ne fran\u00E7ais, n\u00E9 le 16 f\u00E9vrier 1854 \u00E0 Lod\u00E8ve (H\u00E9rault) et mort le 11 avril 1925 \u00E0 Nice."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Joseph Vallot (16 February 1854 \u2013 11 April 1925) was a French scientist, astronomer, botanist, geographer, cartographer and alpinist and \"one of the founding fathers of scientific research on Mont Blanc\". He is known mainly for his fascination with Mont Blanc and his work in funding and constructing a high-altitude observatory below its summit, and for the many years of study and research work that he and his wife conducted both there, and at their base in Chamonix. The observatory and adjacent refuge that he constructed for use by mountain guides and their clients attempting Mont Blanc summit both still bear his name today, despite being rebuilt in modern times. He received many awards for his scientific achievements, including France's Legion of Honour."@en . . . . . . . . . "1925"^^ . . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . "Henri Marie Joseph Vallot (* 16. Februar 1854 in Lod\u00E8ve, D\u00E9partement H\u00E9rault; \u2020 1925 in Nizza) war ein franz\u00F6sischer Privatgelehrter. Vallot war mit seinen breitgef\u00E4cherten Interessen in den Gebieten Botanik, Glaziologie, Bauwesen, Geologie, Fotografie, Medizin, Physiologie, Kartographie, Alpinismus und Meteorologie als ernsthafter Amateurwissenschaftler bekannt. Aus einer wohlhabenden Familie stammend, war es ihm m\u00F6glich, seine Interessen weitgehend selbst zu finanzieren."@de . . "Joseph Vallot (16 February 1854 \u2013 11 April 1925) was a French scientist, astronomer, botanist, geographer, cartographer and alpinist and \"one of the founding fathers of scientific research on Mont Blanc\". He is known mainly for his fascination with Mont Blanc and his work in funding and constructing a high-altitude observatory below its summit, and for the many years of study and research work that he and his wife conducted both there, and at their base in Chamonix. The observatory and adjacent refuge that he constructed for use by mountain guides and their clients attempting Mont Blanc summit both still bear his name today, despite being rebuilt in modern times."@en . . . . . . "Joseph Vallot"@en . . . . . . "1925-04-11"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "1925-04-11"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Joseph Vallot"@de . . . . . . . . . . . .