. . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (Brussel, ca. 1396 - aldaar, ca. 1486), eigenlijk Jan van den Berghe, was een Brabants architect uit de 15e eeuw. Het hoogtepunt van zijn lange en rijkgevulde carri\u00E8re was de uitbreiding van het Brusselse stadhuis. Hij plaatste er een van de ingenieuze torenspitsen op waarin hij gespecialiseerd was."@nl . . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (Brussel, ca. 1396 - aldaar, ca. 1486), eigenlijk Jan van den Berghe, was een Brabants architect uit de 15e eeuw. Het hoogtepunt van zijn lange en rijkgevulde carri\u00E8re was de uitbreiding van het Brusselse stadhuis. Hij plaatste er een van de ingenieuze torenspitsen op waarin hij gespecialiseerd was."@nl . . . . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (also known as Jan van den Berghe) was a Flemish architect of the early 15th century (the dates of his birth and death are unknown). He served as official architect to the Duke of Brabant. His best known work was the tower of Brussels' Town Hall (Stadhuis or H\u00F4tel de Ville). The Gothic building, which stands in the city's Grand-Place (Grote Markt), is widely regarded as a masterpiece of medieval European secular architecture. It was designed by Jacob van Thienen some time around 1402 and van Ruysbroek's tower was added between 1444 and 1463."@en . . . . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (auch Jan van den Berghe) war ein fl\u00E4mischer Architekt des 15. Jahrhunderts. Sein genaues Geburts- und Sterbedatum sind unbekannt; als sein Todesjahr gilt mittlerweile 1485 (oder 1486)."@de . . . . . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (detto anche Jan van den Berghe, o in francese Jean van Ruysbroeck; ... \u2013 ...; fl. XV secolo) \u00E8 stato un architetto fiammingo, bruxellese del XV secolo, dove le date precise della nascita e morte sono sconosciute. La \"Tour Inimitable\" del Municipio di Bruxelles, alta 96 metri, gioiello dell'Architettura gotica Secondo , mor\u00EC in et\u00E0 molto avanzata dopo il mese di luglio del 1485. Fu architetto di corte di Filippo il Buono"@it . . . . . . . . "Jean van Ruysbroeck, dit van den Berghe, est un architecte bruxellois du XVe si\u00E8cle, dont les dates pr\u00E9cises de naissance sont \u00E0 ce jour inconnues. Il mourut selon Guillaume Des Marez, peu apr\u00E8s le mois de juillet 1485, \u00E0 un \u00E2ge tr\u00E8s avanc\u00E9."@fr . "Jan van Ruysbroeck"@de . "Jan van Ruysbroeck"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Jean Van Ruysbroeck (architecte)"@fr . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (architect)"@en . . . "Jean van Ruysbroeck, dit van den Berghe, est un architecte bruxellois du XVe si\u00E8cle, dont les dates pr\u00E9cises de naissance sont \u00E0 ce jour inconnues. Il mourut selon Guillaume Des Marez, peu apr\u00E8s le mois de juillet 1485, \u00E0 un \u00E2ge tr\u00E8s avanc\u00E9."@fr . . . . . . . . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (detto anche Jan van den Berghe, o in francese Jean van Ruysbroeck; ... \u2013 ...; fl. XV secolo) \u00E8 stato un architetto fiammingo, bruxellese del XV secolo, dove le date precise della nascita e morte sono sconosciute. La \"Tour Inimitable\" del Municipio di Bruxelles, alta 96 metri, gioiello dell'Architettura gotica Secondo , mor\u00EC in et\u00E0 molto avanzata dopo il mese di luglio del 1485. Fu architetto di corte di Filippo il Buono"@it . . . . . "1119304939"^^ . . . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (auch Jan van den Berghe) war ein fl\u00E4mischer Architekt des 15. Jahrhunderts. Sein genaues Geburts- und Sterbedatum sind unbekannt; als sein Todesjahr gilt mittlerweile 1485 (oder 1486)."@de . . . . . . "1770644"^^ . "Jan van Ruysbroeck (also known as Jan van den Berghe) was a Flemish architect of the early 15th century (the dates of his birth and death are unknown). He served as official architect to the Duke of Brabant. His best known work was the tower of Brussels' Town Hall (Stadhuis or H\u00F4tel de Ville). The Gothic building, which stands in the city's Grand-Place (Grote Markt), is widely regarded as a masterpiece of medieval European secular architecture. It was designed by Jacob van Thienen some time around 1402 and van Ruysbroek's tower was added between 1444 and 1463. Other works by van Ruysbroeck include: \n* the fountain at the Hospital of Our Lady in Oudenaarde (1443\u20131445); \n* the tower of the Church of Ste-Gertrude, Leuven, (completed 1453); \n* part of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter and St. Guido, Anderlecht (1479\u20131485); \n* probably the towers of the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula, Brussels (1470\u20131485)."@en . . . . . "Jan van Ruysbroeck"@nl . . "1911"^^ . . .