. "Ibon Koteron (Bilbo, 1967ko urtarrilaren 5a) euskal musikaria da, gaur egungo albokaririk aktiboenetarikoa dena. 20 urterekin hasi zen musika tresna hori jotzen ikasten, eta berehala irakasteari ekin zion. Gaur egun Euskal Herriko eskolarik garrantzitsuena kudeatzen du, Kepa Junkera musikari ezagunarekin batera. Albokari tradizional nagusiekin harremanak eduki eta gero, hauek omentzeko ekitaldiak antolatzen ibili zen, Leon Bilbao (Arteaga, 1996) eta \"Txilibrin\"i (Bilbo, 1998) egindakoetan. Hainbat elkarlan egin izan ditu Tomas San Miguel, Fran Lasuen, Tapia eta Leturia eta Berrog\u00FCettoren musikariekin, besteak beste. Halaber, filosofia irakaslea eta Nafarroako gaita edo dultzaina jolea da."@eu . . . . . . "Ibon Koteron (born in Bilbao in 1967) is a Basque musician renowned as a player of the alboka. His 1996 debut release was a joint record with Kepa Junkera, entitled (the roarings of Leon, a homage to the great albokalari ). He was educated in a Jesuit school in Bilbao where he was known for his expertise playing chess and his anarchist tendencies. He graduated in Basque philology in the University of Deusto, but he is now teaching Philosophy in IES Ategorri, Erandio. He has published many articles on the alboka and is developing a multimedia method to learn to play this unique instrument."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2408"^^ . "1100691325"^^ . "Ibon Koteron (born in Bilbao in 1967) is a Basque musician renowned as a player of the alboka. His 1996 debut release was a joint record with Kepa Junkera, entitled (the roarings of Leon, a homage to the great albokalari ). He was educated in a Jesuit school in Bilbao where he was known for his expertise playing chess and his anarchist tendencies. He graduated in Basque philology in the University of Deusto, but he is now teaching Philosophy in IES Ategorri, Erandio. His career as musician started after he studied alboka and in 1987-88 and became a teacher of these instruments himself. In the early 1990s, forming a duo with his brother, he started playing, often for free, as an accompanist to numerous popular acts, notably in support of the , which was then waging a popular disobedience campaign against conscription and the army itself. He has published many articles on the alboka and is developing a multimedia method to learn to play this unique instrument. In 2004 he released a second record entitled (the air), produced by Kepa Junkera. He has also collaborated with other musicians, including , , , and . He leads a band that includes the following musicians: \n* \u2013 percussions, txalaparta, trikitixa \n* Ion Garmendia \u2013 percussions, txalaparta, xirula \n* Belen Fernandez \u2013 cello, voice \n* Unai Frantsesena \u2013 keys, percussions, txalaparta \n* Ibon Koteron \u2013 alboka, flute, voice"@en . . . . "Ibon Koteron"@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ibon Koteron, f\u00F6dd 5 januari 1967 i Bilbao, \u00E4r en baskisk musiker och l\u00E4rare som spelar alboka. Koteron har en utbildning fr\u00E5n Universidad de Deusto. \u00C5r 1987 l\u00E4rde han att spela alboka och gaita och b\u00F6rjade undervisa andra. Han har utvecklat ett multimediaprogram f\u00F6r att l\u00E4ra andra spela alboka och arbetar ocks\u00E5 som l\u00E4rare i filosofi p\u00E5 gymnasiet. I samband med sitt arbete f\u00F6r att bevara albokan har han skivit ett stort antal artiklar och utbildat m\u00E5nga moderna albokaspelare. Tillsammans med den baskiska dragspelaren Kepa Junkera spelade han in skivan Leonen Orroak (lejonets vr\u00E5l) \u00E5r 1997. Paret har ocks\u00E5 arrangerat festivaler i Artea och Bilbao till \u00E4ra f\u00F6r de traditionella akbokaspelarna Leon Bilbao (1916\u20131990) och Silbestre Elezkano \"Txilibrin\" (1912\u20132003). P\u00E5 albumet Airea (luften) fr\u00E5n 2004 samarbetar Koteron med folkmusiker fr\u00E5n Irland, Albanien, Korsika och Finland."@sv . . . . . . . . . "Ibon Koteron"@en . . . . . "Ibon Koteron, f\u00F6dd 5 januari 1967 i Bilbao, \u00E4r en baskisk musiker och l\u00E4rare som spelar alboka. Koteron har en utbildning fr\u00E5n Universidad de Deusto. \u00C5r 1987 l\u00E4rde han att spela alboka och gaita och b\u00F6rjade undervisa andra. Han har utvecklat ett multimediaprogram f\u00F6r att l\u00E4ra andra spela alboka och arbetar ocks\u00E5 som l\u00E4rare i filosofi p\u00E5 gymnasiet. I samband med sitt arbete f\u00F6r att bevara albokan har han skivit ett stort antal artiklar och utbildat m\u00E5nga moderna albokaspelare. P\u00E5 albumet Airea (luften) fr\u00E5n 2004 samarbetar Koteron med folkmusiker fr\u00E5n Irland, Albanien, Korsika och Finland."@sv . . . "7857130"^^ . . . "Ibon Koteron (Bilbo, 1967ko urtarrilaren 5a) euskal musikaria da, gaur egungo albokaririk aktiboenetarikoa dena. 20 urterekin hasi zen musika tresna hori jotzen ikasten, eta berehala irakasteari ekin zion. Gaur egun Euskal Herriko eskolarik garrantzitsuena kudeatzen du, Kepa Junkera musikari ezagunarekin batera. Albokari tradizional nagusiekin harremanak eduki eta gero, hauek omentzeko ekitaldiak antolatzen ibili zen, Leon Bilbao (Arteaga, 1996) eta \"Txilibrin\"i (Bilbo, 1998) egindakoetan. Halaber, filosofia irakaslea eta Nafarroako gaita edo dultzaina jolea da."@eu . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ibon Koteron"@eu . . . . .