. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ian Craib (ur. 12 grudnia 1945, zm. 22 grudnia 2002) - brytyjski socjolog i psychoterapeuta psychoanalityczny. Pochodzi\u0142 z rodziny robotniczej. Sko\u0144czy\u0142 w Croydon i wst\u0105pi\u0142 na wydzia\u0142 socjologiczny w , a stopie\u0144 doktora uzyska\u0142 na uniwersytecie Manchester. Od 1973 roku zwi\u0105zany by\u0142 z uniwersytetem w Essex, a od 1997 roku by\u0142 profesorem tej\u017Ce uczelni. Od ko\u0144ca lat 80. XX wieku by\u0142 psychoterapeut\u0105 w . Od samego pocz\u0105tku kariery naukowej zainteresowany by\u0142 zwi\u0105zkami pomi\u0119dzy teoriami spo\u0142ecznymi a filozofi\u0105. By\u0142 zdeklarowanym humanist\u0105 marksistowskim, silnie zainspirowanym egzystencjalizmem Jean-Paul Sartre'a. By\u0142 dzia\u0142aczem trockistowskiej organizacji , a nast\u0119pnie dzia\u0142a\u0142 w ramach Partii Pracy. W p\u00F3\u017Aniejszych latach po\u015Bwi\u0119ci\u0142 si\u0119 nauczaniu, pracy terapeutycznej i pisaniu. Zainteresowania egzystencjalizmem zaprowadzi\u0142y go do psychoanalizy. W po\u0142owie lat 80. XX wieku zosta\u0142 certyfikowanym analitycznym psychoterapeut\u0105 grupowym Londy\u0144skiego Centrum Psychoterapii. Zwi\u0105zki pomi\u0119dzy wykszta\u0142ceniem socjologicznym a wiedz\u0105 psychoanalityczn\u0105 znalaz\u0142y szczeg\u00F3lne miejsce w jego ksi\u0105\u017Cce Psychoanalysis And Social Theory (1989). Ian Craib ca\u0142e \u017Cycie stara\u0142 si\u0119 by\u0107 \u201Epowa\u017Cnym marksist\u0105\u201D, cho\u0107 pod koniec \u017Cycia stwierdza\u0142, \u017Ce by\u0142 raczej \u201Eniepowa\u017Cnym\u201D marksist\u0105 - bli\u017Cej mu by\u0142o, by\u0107 mo\u017Ce, do stanowiska anarchosyndykalistycznego - cho\u0107, jak dodawa\u0142, do ko\u0144ca nie wie, co ten termin znaczy. By\u0142 wieloletnim wsp\u00F3\u0142pracownik czasopisma . W 1993 roku zdiagnozowano u niego raka, na kt\u00F3rego zmar\u0142 w 2002 roku."@pl . . . . "Ian Ernest Craib (12 December 1945 \u2013 22 December 2002) was an English sociologist and psychotherapist. He was educated at Trinity School of John Whitgift, and the South Bank Polytechnic, eventually receiving his doctorate at the Victoria University of Manchester. He went on to join the University of Essex in 1973, eventually rising to the chair of Professor of Sociology. During his time at the University, he gained an international reputation in sociology, and is widely read as a theoretician who ably links sociology and psychoanalysis. He died of cancer on 22 December 2002, at the age of 57."@en . . . . "3344"^^ . "Ian Ernest Craib (12 December 1945 \u2013 22 December 2002) was an English sociologist and psychotherapist. He was educated at Trinity School of John Whitgift, and the South Bank Polytechnic, eventually receiving his doctorate at the Victoria University of Manchester. He went on to join the University of Essex in 1973, eventually rising to the chair of Professor of Sociology. During his time at the University, he gained an international reputation in sociology, and is widely read as a theoretician who ably links sociology and psychoanalysis. In the mid-1980s, he received qualification as a psychotherapist and group analyst, bringing together his interests in the reciprocal effects between individuals, groups and societies. In the late 1980s he was central \u2014 along with , Joan Busfield, and \u2014 to the creation of a master's degree in Sociology and Psychotherapy, organised jointly by the University of Essex and the Mental Health Trust. This was one of the first university courses of its type in the country, combining clinical experience with theoretical thinking. Craib's working-class origins influenced his understanding of class systems and the politics of power, and this partly explains his attachment in his late teens to Trotskyite parties. He later rejected them, however, because of their authoritarianism. Unfair treatment and unequal distribution of power and influence angered him. In the psychoanalytic field he encouraged the sharing of the difficulties, pain, joy and fun of group psychotherapeutic work. The need to get things right, the wonder at how interpretations were so often lost and ignored, the question of whether one should be working with the deep unconscious in therapeutic groups or making comments at the overt conscious level were constant themes that he brought to discussions. He died of cancer on 22 December 2002, at the age of 57."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ian Craib"@pl . "Ian Craib (ur. 12 grudnia 1945, zm. 22 grudnia 2002) - brytyjski socjolog i psychoterapeuta psychoanalityczny. Pochodzi\u0142 z rodziny robotniczej. Sko\u0144czy\u0142 w Croydon i wst\u0105pi\u0142 na wydzia\u0142 socjologiczny w , a stopie\u0144 doktora uzyska\u0142 na uniwersytecie Manchester. Od 1973 roku zwi\u0105zany by\u0142 z uniwersytetem w Essex, a od 1997 roku by\u0142 profesorem tej\u017Ce uczelni. Od ko\u0144ca lat 80. XX wieku by\u0142 psychoterapeut\u0105 w . By\u0142 wieloletnim wsp\u00F3\u0142pracownik czasopisma . W 1993 roku zdiagnozowano u niego raka, na kt\u00F3rego zmar\u0142 w 2002 roku."@pl . . . "Ian Craib"@en . . . . . . "1085210434"^^ . . . . . "10963134"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .