. . . . . . "El hosho es un instrumento musical zimbabuense que consta de un par de calabazas maranka (mapudzi) con semillas. Usualmente contienen semillas de hota (Canna indica) dentro de ellas.\u200B El hosho suele acompa\u00F1ar la m\u00FAsica shona, especialmente la m\u00FAsica de mbira. Hacen un sonido al cual los occidentales pueden no estar acostumbrados, aun as\u00ED, este acompa\u00F1amiento es esencial cu\u00E1ndo se toca m\u00FAsica con una mbira o una marimba. Tan esencial, de hecho, que aquellos elementos vibratorios como mirlit\u00F3nes (membranas vibratorias hechas de tela de ara\u00F1a) son sujetados a los tubos resf\u00F3nicos de las marimbas, y las (Hoshos en miniatura hechos de conchas marinas o tapas de botella) se sujetan a las mbiras y a su .\u200B"@es . "The hosho are Zimbabwean musical instruments consisting of a pair of (mapudzi) gourds with seeds. They are used as major instruments in many traditional Shona music genres, such as in mbira ensembles and in mhande. They typically contain hota (Canna indica) seeds inside them. Before the hota seeds are added, the hosho is boiled in salted water and the inside is scraped out with a corncob, newspaper plug, or woven wire. Removing the debris inside the hosho allows for a more sharp and percussive tone. Other related percussion instruments from Zimbabwe include the (leg rattle) and ngoma (drum)."@en . . . . "Hosho (instrument)"@en . . . . . . . . "L'hosho \u00E8 uno strumento a percussione di tipo idiofono di origine africana, usato nella musica tradizionale dello Zimbabwe e diffuso soprattutto tra gli Shona. \u00C8 un tipo di , composto da una piccola zucca e dai semi di hota (canna indica) che accompagna un altro strumento della musica tradizionale Shona, la m'bira. Altri strumenti tipici della tradizione musicale diffusa in Zimbabwe sono il magavhu, un altro tipo di sonaglio che si lega alle caviglie e il , il tamburo regale."@it . . . . "Hosho (instrumento)"@es . . . . "498319"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "4697"^^ . . . . . . . . "The hosho are Zimbabwean musical instruments consisting of a pair of (mapudzi) gourds with seeds. They are used as major instruments in many traditional Shona music genres, such as in mbira ensembles and in mhande. They typically contain hota (Canna indica) seeds inside them. Before the hota seeds are added, the hosho is boiled in salted water and the inside is scraped out with a corncob, newspaper plug, or woven wire. Removing the debris inside the hosho allows for a more sharp and percussive tone. The hosho are used to accompany Shona music, especially mbira music. Hosho plays several key roles in Zimbabwean music. Oliver Mtukudzi insists that it\u2019s what keeps musicians on the same page. Hosho doesn't add thickness to mbira performance all due to its dense sound quality. It is also a good start in learning Mbira. This is because it helps beginners to observe patterns and learn from mbira masters by looking over their shoulders. Moreover, hosho has acted as a way for women to join mbira performance. Hosho make a rattling sound that western ears may be unaccustomed to hearing. However, this accompaniment is essential when playing mbira and/or marimba music. So essential, in fact, that extra vibrating elements such as mirlitons (buzzing membranes made from spider webs) are attached to the resonating tubes of marimbas and (miniature Hosho made from seashells or bottle caps) are attached to the mbira and its deze. Mbiras and marimbas from Africa; and even other instruments, such as drums, will have some kind of rattles associated with their use. Many hosho styles emphasize the second pulse of the triplet. This creates an off beat articulation that follows the bass notes of the mbira's kutsihnira part. From a western perspective the hosho are seen as accompanying instruments to mbira, when in actuality they are seen as the lead instruments by the mbira players. See a typical use of the hosho by selecting the link at the end of this paragraph, as played together with the mbira at 2008, by Musekiwa Chingodza.Hosho goes well too with Makwa. Makwa clapping is a very common aspect of musical practices but very often underlooked or rather not discussed as much. Whistling is one other feature that\u2019s usually distinctive, common but rarely talked about. Makwa plays significant roles in Zimbabwe Ngoma and mbira ensembles. It adds that sharpness that\u2019s usually heard over other instruments. This adds that the timbral element to many musical forms giving room for alterations hence more musical creations A smaller version of the hosho is made of a wild orange called a damba, tied together with sticks and filled with hota seeds or pebbles. Other related percussion instruments from Zimbabwe include the (leg rattle) and ngoma (drum). One of Zimbabwes most respected Hosho players is from Mbira deNharira."@en . . . "Hosho"@it . "El hosho es un instrumento musical zimbabuense que consta de un par de calabazas maranka (mapudzi) con semillas. Usualmente contienen semillas de hota (Canna indica) dentro de ellas.\u200B El hosho suele acompa\u00F1ar la m\u00FAsica shona, especialmente la m\u00FAsica de mbira. Hacen un sonido al cual los occidentales pueden no estar acostumbrados, aun as\u00ED, este acompa\u00F1amiento es esencial cu\u00E1ndo se toca m\u00FAsica con una mbira o una marimba. Tan esencial, de hecho, que aquellos elementos vibratorios como mirlit\u00F3nes (membranas vibratorias hechas de tela de ara\u00F1a) son sujetados a los tubos resf\u00F3nicos de las marimbas, y las (Hoshos en miniatura hechos de conchas marinas o tapas de botella) se sujetan a las mbiras y a su .\u200B De una perspectiva occidental el hosho est\u00E1 visto como instrumentos acompa\u00F1antes de las mbiras, cuando en realidad quienes tocan la mbira lo consideran el instrumento principal. Una versi\u00F3n m\u00E1s peque\u00F1a del hosho se hace de una naranja salvaje llamada damba, se une con palos y se llena con semillas de hota o guijarros. Otros instrumentos de percusi\u00F3n relacionados de Zimbabue incluyen el y el . Uno de m\u00FAsicos de hosho m\u00E1s respetados de Zimbabue es de , una banda zimbabuense oriunda de ."@es . . . . . . "1123345799"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'hosho \u00E8 uno strumento a percussione di tipo idiofono di origine africana, usato nella musica tradizionale dello Zimbabwe e diffuso soprattutto tra gli Shona. \u00C8 un tipo di , composto da una piccola zucca e dai semi di hota (canna indica) che accompagna un altro strumento della musica tradizionale Shona, la m'bira. Altri strumenti tipici della tradizione musicale diffusa in Zimbabwe sono il magavhu, un altro tipo di sonaglio che si lega alle caviglie e il , il tamburo regale."@it .