"Henry Petre"@en . . . . . . . . . . "24891869"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Henry Petre at Central Flying School, 1914"@en . . . . . . . . . "Henry Aloysius Petre"@en . . . "United Kingdom" . . "1912"^^ . . . . "\"Peter the Monk\""@en . . "Australia"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1884-06-12"^^ . "United Kingdom"@en . "Henry Aloysius Petre"@en . . . . . "25991"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Half-portrait of man in flying helmet and goggles seated in the open cockpit of a biplane"@en . . . . . . . . "Ingatestone, Essex, England"@en . . . "1912"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Australia" . . . . . . . . . . . "Henry Petre"@fr . . . . . . . . . "Mesopotamian Half Flight(1915)" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Henry Aloysius Petre DSO MC (Ingatestone, 12 de junho de 1884 \u2013 Londres, 24 de abril de 1962) foi um advogado ingl\u00EAs que se tornou no primeiro aviador militar da Austr\u00E1lia e foi membro fundador do Australian Flying Corps (AFC), o predecessor da Real For\u00E7a A\u00E9rea Australiana (RAAF)."@pt . . . . . "No. 5 Squadron AFC(1917\u201318)" . . . "London, England"@en . . . "1118949805"^^ . "1962-04-24"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Henry Aloysius Petre, DSO, MC (12 June 1884 \u2013 24 April 1962) was an English solicitor who became Australia's first military aviator and a founding member of the Australian Flying Corps, the predecessor of the Royal Australian Air Force. Born in Essex, Petre forsook his early legal career to pursue an interest in aviation, building his own aeroplane and gaining employment as an aircraft designer and pilot. In 1912, he answered the Australian Defence Department's call for pilots to form an aviation school, and was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Australian Military Forces. The following year, he chose the site of the country's first air base at Point Cook, Victoria, and established its inaugural training institution, the Central Flying School, with Eric Harrison."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Henry Petre"@pt . . . . "Central Flying School(1913\u201315)" . . "Henry Aloysius Petre, DSO, MC (12 June 1884 \u2013 24 April 1962) was an English solicitor who became Australia's first military aviator and a founding member of the Australian Flying Corps, the predecessor of the Royal Australian Air Force. Born in Essex, Petre forsook his early legal career to pursue an interest in aviation, building his own aeroplane and gaining employment as an aircraft designer and pilot. In 1912, he answered the Australian Defence Department's call for pilots to form an aviation school, and was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Australian Military Forces. The following year, he chose the site of the country's first air base at Point Cook, Victoria, and established its inaugural training institution, the Central Flying School, with Eric Harrison. Shortly after the outbreak of World War I, Petre was appointed commander of the Mesopotamian Half Flight, the first unit of the newly formed Australian Flying Corps to see active service. He led the Half Flight through the Battles of Es Sinn and Ctesiphon, and the siege of Kut. His actions in the Middle East earned him the Distinguished Service Order, the Military Cross, and four mentions in despatches. Transferring to the Royal Air Force as a major in 1918, he commanded No. 75 Squadron before retiring from the military the following year. Petre resumed his legal practice in England, and continued to fly recreationally until his death in 1962, aged seventy-seven. He was married to racing driver Kay Petre."@en . . . . . . . . "Henry Aloysius Petre est un solliciteur, aviateur et militaire anglais, n\u00E9 le 12 juin 1884 \u00E0 Ingatestone en Angleterre et mort le 24 avril 1962 \u00E0 Londres. Membre fondateur de l'Australian Flying Corps, il est le premier pilote de l'histoire de l'arm\u00E9e de l'air australienne. Il abandonne une carri\u00E8re de juriste pour se tourner vers l'aviation et r\u00E9ussit m\u00EAme \u00E0 construire son propre a\u00E9ronef. Voulant faire de cette passion un m\u00E9tier, il devient par la suite pilote qualifi\u00E9 et concepteur d'avion. En 1912, il r\u00E9pond \u00E0 un appel du minist\u00E8re de la D\u00E9fense de l'Australie qui cherche \u00E0 recruter des pilotes dans le but de cr\u00E9er une \u00E9cole d'aviation. D\u00E8s lors, il est nomm\u00E9 lieutenant dans les forces arm\u00E9es australiennes et \u00E9tablit la premi\u00E8re base a\u00E9rienne militaire du pays \u00E0 Point Cook. En 1913, il fonde avec Eric Harrison la Central Flying School. Peu de temps apr\u00E8s le d\u00E9clenchement de la Premi\u00E8re Guerre mondiale, Petre est nomm\u00E9 commandant du Mesopotamian Half Flight, premi\u00E8re unit\u00E9 de l'Australian Flying Corps \u00E0 entrer dans le service actif, qu'il m\u00E8ne durant la bataille d'Es Sinn, la bataille de Ct\u00E9siphon et le si\u00E8ge de Kut-el-Amara. Pour ses efforts de guerre au Moyen-Orient, il re\u00E7oit l'Ordre du Service distingu\u00E9, la Croix militaire et quatre citations militaires. En 1918, Henry Aloysius Petre est transf\u00E9r\u00E9 dans la Royal Air Force au grade de major, o\u00F9 il est charg\u00E9 du commandement du No. 75 Squadron RAF avant de se retirer de l'arm\u00E9e l'ann\u00E9e suivante. Il reprend ses activit\u00E9s de juriste en Angleterre mais ne d\u00E9laisse pas pour autant sa passion pour les avions. Il continue en effet \u00E0 voler de mani\u00E8re r\u00E9cr\u00E9ative jusqu'\u00E0 sa mort en avril 1962, \u00E0 l'\u00E2ge de soixante-dix-sept ans."@fr . . . "Henry Aloysius Petre DSO MC (Ingatestone, 12 de junho de 1884 \u2013 Londres, 24 de abril de 1962) foi um advogado ingl\u00EAs que se tornou no primeiro aviador militar da Austr\u00E1lia e foi membro fundador do Australian Flying Corps (AFC), o predecessor da Real For\u00E7a A\u00E9rea Australiana (RAAF). Nascido em Essex, Petre abandonou a sua carreira jur\u00EDdica que ainda estava no in\u00EDcio para perseguir o seu interesse pela avia\u00E7\u00E3o, construir o seu pr\u00F3prio avi\u00E3o e conseguir um emprego como designer e piloto de aeronaves. Em 1912, ele respondeu ao apelo do Departamento de Defesa da Austr\u00E1lia que recrutava pilotos volunt\u00E1rios para a forma\u00E7\u00E3o de uma escola de avia\u00E7\u00E3o, e assim foi incorporado como tenente nas For\u00E7as Militares Australianas. No ano seguinte, ele escolheu o local da primeira base a\u00E9rea do pa\u00EDs em Point Cook, Victoria, e estabeleceu a sua institui\u00E7\u00E3o de instru\u00E7\u00E3o inaugural, a Escola de Voo Central da RAAF, com Eric Harrison. Logo ap\u00F3s a eclos\u00E3o da Primeira Guerra Mundial, Petre foi nomeado comandante da Meia Esquadrilha da Mesopot\u00E2mia, a primeira unidade do rec\u00E9m-formado Australian Flying Corps a ver o servi\u00E7o activo. Ele liderou a Meia Esquadrilha pelas Batalhas de Es Sinn e Ctesiphon, e tamb\u00E9m no Cerco de Kut. Pelas suas ac\u00E7\u00F5es no M\u00E9dio Oriente foi condecorado com a Ordem de Servi\u00E7os Distintos, a Cruz Militar e quatro men\u00E7\u00F5es em despachos. Transferindo-se para a Real For\u00E7a A\u00E9rea (RAF) como major em 1918, ele comandou o Esquadr\u00E3o N.\u00BA 75 da RAF antes de se aposentar das for\u00E7as armadas no ano seguinte. Depois da guerra, Petre retomou a sua pr\u00E1tica jur\u00EDdica na Inglaterra e continuou a voar como recrea\u00E7\u00E3o, tendo batido o recorde brit\u00E2nico de dura\u00E7\u00E3o de planagem em 1931, com um tempo de quase tr\u00EAs horas e meia, e mais tarde serviu como instrutor de planadores no Corpo de Treino A\u00E9reo entre 1943 e 1948. Viria a falecer em 1962, aos 77 anos. Ele era casado com a piloto de corridas Kay Petre."@pt . . . . . "\"Peter the Monk\""@en . . . "Henry Aloysius Petre est un solliciteur, aviateur et militaire anglais, n\u00E9 le 12 juin 1884 \u00E0 Ingatestone en Angleterre et mort le 24 avril 1962 \u00E0 Londres. Membre fondateur de l'Australian Flying Corps, il est le premier pilote de l'histoire de l'arm\u00E9e de l'air australienne. Il abandonne une carri\u00E8re de juriste pour se tourner vers l'aviation et r\u00E9ussit m\u00EAme \u00E0 construire son propre a\u00E9ronef. Voulant faire de cette passion un m\u00E9tier, il devient par la suite pilote qualifi\u00E9 et concepteur d'avion. En 1912, il r\u00E9pond \u00E0 un appel du minist\u00E8re de la D\u00E9fense de l'Australie qui cherche \u00E0 recruter des pilotes dans le but de cr\u00E9er une \u00E9cole d'aviation. D\u00E8s lors, il est nomm\u00E9 lieutenant dans les forces arm\u00E9es australiennes et \u00E9tablit la premi\u00E8re base a\u00E9rienne militaire du pays \u00E0 Point Cook. En 1913, il "@fr . "No. 75 Squadron RAF(1918\u201319)" . . . "World War I\n* Middle Eastern theatre\n** Mesopotamian campaign\n** Battle of Es Sinn\n** Battle of Ctesiphon\n** Siege of Kut\n* European theatre"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "No. 30 Squadron RFC(1915\u201316)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .