. "--03-03"^^ . "15091"^^ . . . . . "2017-03-03"^^ . "(allegedly)" . . . "--03-14"^^ . "Supported by:" . . "Brig. Mustafa al-Shirksi\n----\n Idris Bukhamada"@en . "Misratan militias \n----\n Government of National Accord \n*Petroleum Facilities Guard"@en . "Ofensiva sobre o Crescente Petrol\u00EDfero (2017)"@pt . . "Coast of the Gulf of Sidra, Libya"@en . "Gulf of Sidra Offensive (2017)"@en . . . . . . "the Second Libyan Civil War"@en . . . "*Benghazi Defense Brigades" . . . . . . . . "*Petroleum Facilities Guard" . "The Gulf of Sidra Offensive was an offensive of the Second Libyan Civil War. It was launched by the Benghazi Defense Brigades on 3 March 2017, and initially resulted in them taking control of a strip of coastal territory between the towns of Nofaliya and Ras Lanuf, which was then handed over to the Government of National Accord. A number of significant oil ports are located in this area, sometimes referred to as the Oil Crescent. The loss of the Oil Crescent was perceived by analysts as a major blow to the power of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar."@en . "Government of National Accord(After 7 March)" . "*Mercenaries (allegedly)" . . . . . . . . . "Offensive du Croissant p\u00E9trolier (2017)"@fr . . . "*Benghazi Defense Brigades capture a strip of coastal territory betweenNofaliyaandRas Lanuf, and transfer it to Government of National Accord." . . "1059350858"^^ . "Libyan National Armyvictory" . "53415419"^^ . . "L'Offensive du Croissant p\u00E9trolier se d\u00E9roule du 3 au 14 mars 2017, lors de la deuxi\u00E8me guerre civile libyenne, et est men\u00E9e par les Brigades de d\u00E9fense de Benghazi, qui tentent en vain de prendre le contr\u00F4le du Croissant p\u00E9trolier \u00E0 l'auto-proclam\u00E9e Arm\u00E9e nationale libyenne (ANL) du mar\u00E9chal Haftar."@fr . . "----" . "General National Congress\n* Benghazi Defense Brigades\n*Mercenaries \nSupported by:"@en . "350"^^ . . . "*On 14 March 2017, LNA recaptures all lost positions in a counter-offensive." . . "The Gulf of Sidra Offensive was an offensive of the Second Libyan Civil War. It was launched by the Benghazi Defense Brigades on 3 March 2017, and initially resulted in them taking control of a strip of coastal territory between the towns of Nofaliya and Ras Lanuf, which was then handed over to the Government of National Accord. A number of significant oil ports are located in this area, sometimes referred to as the Oil Crescent. The loss of the Oil Crescent was perceived by analysts as a major blow to the power of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. On 14 March, the LNA recaptured all positions lost to the Benghazi Defence and Misratan Brigades in a counter-offensive after several days of aerial bombardment."@en . . "A Ofensiva sobre o Crescente Petrol\u00EDfero foi uma ofensiva militar ocorrida durante a Segunda Guerra Civil L\u00EDbia, lan\u00E7ada pelas Brigadas de Defesa de Bengazi em 3 de mar\u00E7o de 2017 e que resultou na tomada de controle de uma faixa de territ\u00F3rio costeiro entre as cidades de Nofaliya e Ras Lanuf, que foram ent\u00E3o entregues ao Governo do Acordo Nacional. V\u00E1rios portos petrol\u00EDferos significativos est\u00E3o localizados nesta \u00E1rea, mais conhecida como Crescente Petrol\u00EDfero. A perda do Crescente Petrol\u00EDfero foi percebida por analistas como um grande rev\u00E9s para o poder do Marechal Khalifa Haftar."@pt . . . . . . "House of Representatives\n* Libyan National Army\n* Libyan Air Force\n*Mercenaries \nSupported by:"@en . "Gulf of Sidra Offensive"@en . "Gulf of Sidra Offensive (2017)"@en . "Map of the initial GNS offensive. GNS gains were later reversed."@en . . . . "House of Representatives" . "*Libyan Air Force" . . . . . . . . . . "Misratan militias" . "Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar"@en . . . . . "*Libyan National Army" . "L'Offensive du Croissant p\u00E9trolier se d\u00E9roule du 3 au 14 mars 2017, lors de la deuxi\u00E8me guerre civile libyenne, et est men\u00E9e par les Brigades de d\u00E9fense de Benghazi, qui tentent en vain de prendre le contr\u00F4le du Croissant p\u00E9trolier \u00E0 l'auto-proclam\u00E9e Arm\u00E9e nationale libyenne (ANL) du mar\u00E9chal Haftar."@fr . . "General National Congress" . . "A Ofensiva sobre o Crescente Petrol\u00EDfero foi uma ofensiva militar ocorrida durante a Segunda Guerra Civil L\u00EDbia, lan\u00E7ada pelas Brigadas de Defesa de Bengazi em 3 de mar\u00E7o de 2017 e que resultou na tomada de controle de uma faixa de territ\u00F3rio costeiro entre as cidades de Nofaliya e Ras Lanuf, que foram ent\u00E3o entregues ao Governo do Acordo Nacional. V\u00E1rios portos petrol\u00EDferos significativos est\u00E3o localizados nesta \u00E1rea, mais conhecida como Crescente Petrol\u00EDfero. A perda do Crescente Petrol\u00EDfero foi percebida por analistas como um grande rev\u00E9s para o poder do Marechal Khalifa Haftar. Em 14 de mar\u00E7o, o Ex\u00E9rcito Nacional L\u00EDbio recuperou todas as posi\u00E7\u00F5es perdidas para as Brigadas de Defesa de Bengazi e para as Brigadas de Misrata em uma contra-ofensiva ap\u00F3s v\u00E1rios dias de bombardeio a\u00E9reo."@pt . .