. . "\u062C\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0641\u0627\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u062A\u0634 3 (\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062C\u0644\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0629: gerovital H3) \u0623\u0648 ( \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u062A\u062C\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0631\u0648\u0641\u0629 \u0628\u0627\u0633\u0645 GH3 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u063A\u064A\u0631\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062E\u0631\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u0642\u062F \u062A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0623\u0648 \u0644\u0627 \u062A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0645\u062A\u0637\u0627\u0628\u0642\u0629 \u0645\u0639 Gerovital H3) \u0647\u0648 \u0645\u0633\u062A\u062D\u0636\u0631 \u0645\u062B\u064A\u0631 \u0644\u0644\u062C\u062F\u0644 \u062A\u0645 \u062A\u0637\u0648\u064A\u0631\u0647 \u062E\u0644\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u0633\u064A\u0646\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0648\u062A\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0631\u0648\u064A\u062C \u0644\u0647 \u0632\u0648\u0631\u0627\u064B \u0645\u0646 \u0642\u0628\u0644 \u062F\u0627\u0639\u0645\u064A\u0647 \u0643\u0639\u0644\u0627\u062C \u0641\u0639\u0627\u0644 \u0644\u0645\u0643\u0627\u0641\u062D\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u064A\u062E\u0648\u062E\u0629. \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u062D\u062F\u0629\u060C \u062A\u0645\u0646\u0639 \u0625\u062F\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u063A\u0630\u0627\u0621 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u062F\u0648\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0645\u0631\u064A\u0643\u064A\u0629 \u062C\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0641\u0627\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u062A\u0634 3 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u062C\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0628\u064A\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0628\u0627\u0639\u062A\u0628\u0627\u0631\u0647 \u0648\u0645\u0646\u0630 \u0639\u0627\u0645 1982\u060C \u062D\u0638\u0631\u062A \u0627\u0633\u062A\u064A\u0631\u0627\u062F\u0647. \u064A\u062A\u0645 \u062A\u0639\u0632\u064A\u0632 \u062C\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0641\u0627\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0644 \u0628\u0645\u0632\u0627\u0639\u0645 \u0643\u0627\u0630\u0628\u0629 \u0639\u0646 \u0642\u062F\u0631\u0627\u062A\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0644\u0627\u062C\u064A\u0629 \u0644\u0645\u062C\u0645\u0648\u0639\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u0633\u0639\u0629 \u0645\u0646 \u061B \u0644\u0645 \u064A\u062C\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0628\u062D\u062B \u0623\u064A \u062F\u0644\u064A\u0644 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0623\u0646 \u0644\u0647 \u0623\u064A \u0641\u0627\u0626\u062F\u0629 \u0635\u062D\u064A\u0629 \u0623\u0648 \u062E\u0635\u0627\u0626\u0635 \u00AB\u00BB."@ar . . "1082492185"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Gerovital"@it . "Gerovital H3 (o clorhidrato de proca\u00EDna y los productos conocidos como GH3 y otras variantes que, pueden o no, ser id\u00E9nticas a Gerovital H3) es una preparado controvertido desarrollado durante la d\u00E9cada de 1950 y promovido por sus defensores como un eficaz tratamiento antienvejecimiento. Durante el apogeo de la jet-set se comentaba que personajes como John F. Kennedy, Marlene Dietrich, Kirk Douglas y Salvador Dal\u00ED consum\u00EDan el preparado[cita requerida]. En los Estados Unidos, la FDA prohibi\u00F3 Gerovital H3 para su comercio interestatal como un f\u00E1rmaco no aprobado y, desde 1982, se ha prohibido su importaci\u00F3n. Fue descubierto por Ana Aslan, m\u00E9dica del Instituto Nacional de Gerontolog\u00EDa y Geriatr\u00EDa en Rumania. Los pacientes tratados con GH3 mostraban mejoras en la funci\u00F3n circulatoria, la elasticidad de la piel, \u00FAlceras, parkinsonismo, artritis, p\u00E9rdida de cabello, senilidad, mejora de la memoria y cognici\u00F3n, potencia muscular, capacidad pulmonar y anti-depresivo. Seg\u00FAn los informes, casi todos los fen\u00F3menos de envejecimiento disminuyen en intensidad con el GH3."@es . . . . . . . "Gerovital H3 (or procaine hydrochloride and products known as GH3 and other variants which may or may not be identical to Gerovital H3) is a preparation developed during the 1950s and promoted by its advocates as an effective anti-aging treatment. In the United States, the FDA bans Gerovital H3 from interstate commerce as an unapproved drug and, since 1982, has prohibited its importation. Gerovital is promoted with unsupported claims of its curative abilities for a wide range of human ailments; research has found no evidence that it has any health benefit or \"anti-aging\" properties."@en . . . . . "Gerovital H3 (o clorhidrato de proca\u00EDna y los productos conocidos como GH3 y otras variantes que, pueden o no, ser id\u00E9nticas a Gerovital H3) es una preparado controvertido desarrollado durante la d\u00E9cada de 1950 y promovido por sus defensores como un eficaz tratamiento antienvejecimiento. Durante el apogeo de la jet-set se comentaba que personajes como John F. Kennedy, Marlene Dietrich, Kirk Douglas y Salvador Dal\u00ED consum\u00EDan el preparado[cita requerida]. En los Estados Unidos, la FDA prohibi\u00F3 Gerovital H3 para su comercio interestatal como un f\u00E1rmaco no aprobado y, desde 1982, se ha prohibido su importaci\u00F3n."@es . . . . "\u062C\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0641\u0627\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u062A\u0634 3 (\u0628\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0646\u062C\u0644\u064A\u0632\u064A\u0629: gerovital H3) \u0623\u0648 ( \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0646\u062A\u062C\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0631\u0648\u0641\u0629 \u0628\u0627\u0633\u0645 GH3 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u063A\u064A\u0631\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062E\u0631\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u0642\u062F \u062A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0623\u0648 \u0644\u0627 \u062A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0645\u062A\u0637\u0627\u0628\u0642\u0629 \u0645\u0639 Gerovital H3) \u0647\u0648 \u0645\u0633\u062A\u062D\u0636\u0631 \u0645\u062B\u064A\u0631 \u0644\u0644\u062C\u062F\u0644 \u062A\u0645 \u062A\u0637\u0648\u064A\u0631\u0647 \u062E\u0644\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u062E\u0645\u0633\u064A\u0646\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0648\u062A\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0631\u0648\u064A\u062C \u0644\u0647 \u0632\u0648\u0631\u0627\u064B \u0645\u0646 \u0642\u0628\u0644 \u062F\u0627\u0639\u0645\u064A\u0647 \u0643\u0639\u0644\u0627\u062C \u0641\u0639\u0627\u0644 \u0644\u0645\u0643\u0627\u0641\u062D\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u064A\u062E\u0648\u062E\u0629. \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u062D\u062F\u0629\u060C \u062A\u0645\u0646\u0639 \u0625\u062F\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u063A\u0630\u0627\u0621 \u0648\u0627\u0644\u062F\u0648\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0645\u0631\u064A\u0643\u064A\u0629 \u062C\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0641\u0627\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u062A\u0634 3 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u062C\u0627\u0631\u0629 \u0628\u064A\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0644\u0627\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0628\u0627\u0639\u062A\u0628\u0627\u0631\u0647 \u0648\u0645\u0646\u0630 \u0639\u0627\u0645 1982\u060C \u062D\u0638\u0631\u062A \u0627\u0633\u062A\u064A\u0631\u0627\u062F\u0647. \u064A\u062A\u0645 \u062A\u0639\u0632\u064A\u0632 \u062C\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0641\u0627\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0644 \u0628\u0645\u0632\u0627\u0639\u0645 \u0643\u0627\u0630\u0628\u0629 \u0639\u0646 \u0642\u062F\u0631\u0627\u062A\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0644\u0627\u062C\u064A\u0629 \u0644\u0645\u062C\u0645\u0648\u0639\u0629 \u0648\u0627\u0633\u0639\u0629 \u0645\u0646 \u061B \u0644\u0645 \u064A\u062C\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0628\u062D\u062B \u0623\u064A \u062F\u0644\u064A\u0644 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0623\u0646 \u0644\u0647 \u0623\u064A \u0641\u0627\u0626\u062F\u0629 \u0635\u062D\u064A\u0629 \u0623\u0648 \u062E\u0635\u0627\u0626\u0635 \u00AB\u00BB."@ar . "6271"^^ . "Gerovital H3 (or procaine hydrochloride and products known as GH3 and other variants which may or may not be identical to Gerovital H3) is a preparation developed during the 1950s and promoted by its advocates as an effective anti-aging treatment. In the United States, the FDA bans Gerovital H3 from interstate commerce as an unapproved drug and, since 1982, has prohibited its importation. Gerovital is promoted with unsupported claims of its curative abilities for a wide range of human ailments; research has found no evidence that it has any health benefit or \"anti-aging\" properties."@en . . "\u062C\u064A\u0631\u0648\u0641\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0644 \u0627\u062A\u06343"@ar . . . "Gerovital"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Il Gerovital H3, o cloridrato di procaina e prodotti noti come GH3 e altre varianti che possono pi\u00F9 o meno essere assimilate al Gerovital H3, \u00E8 una preparazione farmaceutica sviluppata durante gli anni cinquanta e dichiarata a suo tempo come capace di effetti antiet\u00E0 sull'uomo. Durante la sua massima notoriet\u00E0 il Gerovital venne usato da persone del jet set, come John F. Kennedy, Marlene Dietrich, Kirk Douglas e Salvador Dal\u00ED."@it . . . . "851386"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Gerovital"@es . "Il Gerovital H3, o cloridrato di procaina e prodotti noti come GH3 e altre varianti che possono pi\u00F9 o meno essere assimilate al Gerovital H3, \u00E8 una preparazione farmaceutica sviluppata durante gli anni cinquanta e dichiarata a suo tempo come capace di effetti antiet\u00E0 sull'uomo. Durante la sua massima notoriet\u00E0 il Gerovital venne usato da persone del jet set, come John F. Kennedy, Marlene Dietrich, Kirk Douglas e Salvador Dal\u00ED. Il Gerovital \u00E8 stato in passato dichiarato anche capace di curare alcune malattie; nessuna sperimentazione scientifica ha mai confermato benefici alla salute o capacit\u00E0 antinvecchiamento."@it . . . . .