. "\u73CD\u5A1C\u7DAD\u5F17\u00B7\u8C9D\u502B\u5FB7\uFF08\u6CD5\u8A9E\uFF1AGenevi\u00E8ve Behrend\uFF0C1881\u5E74\uFF0D1960\u5E74\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u4F4D\u51FA\u751F\u65BC\u6CD5\u570B\u7684\u5973\u4F5C\u5BB6\uFF0C\u5FC3\u9748\u79D1\u5B78\u548C\u65B0\u601D\u7DAD\u7684\u5021\u5C0E\u8005\uFF0C\u70BA\uFF08\u65B0\u601D\u7DAD\u904B\u52D5\u4EE3\u8868\u4EBA\u7269\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF09\u552F\u4E00\u5DF2\u77E5\u7684\u5165\u9580\u5B78\u751F\u3002\u8457\u6709\u300A\u4F60\u7684\u7121\u5F62\u529B\u91CF\u300B\u3001\u300A\u9858\u671B\u7149\u91D1\u8853\u300B\u3002 \u6717\u9054\u00B7\u62DC\u6069\u5728\u300A\u79D8\u5BC6\u300B\u4E00\u66F8\u4E2D\u5F15\u7528\u4E86\u8C9D\u502B\u5FB7\u7684\u7406\u8AD6\u3002"@zh . . "\u73CD\u5A1C\u7DAD\u5F17\u00B7\u8C9D\u502B\u5FB7\uFF08\u6CD5\u8A9E\uFF1AGenevi\u00E8ve Behrend\uFF0C1881\u5E74\uFF0D1960\u5E74\uFF09\u662F\u4E00\u4F4D\u51FA\u751F\u65BC\u6CD5\u570B\u7684\u5973\u4F5C\u5BB6\uFF0C\u5FC3\u9748\u79D1\u5B78\u548C\u65B0\u601D\u7DAD\u7684\u5021\u5C0E\u8005\uFF0C\u70BA\uFF08\u65B0\u601D\u7DAD\u904B\u52D5\u4EE3\u8868\u4EBA\u7269\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF09\u552F\u4E00\u5DF2\u77E5\u7684\u5165\u9580\u5B78\u751F\u3002\u8457\u6709\u300A\u4F60\u7684\u7121\u5F62\u529B\u91CF\u300B\u3001\u300A\u9858\u671B\u7149\u91D1\u8853\u300B\u3002 \u6717\u9054\u00B7\u62DC\u6069\u5728\u300A\u79D8\u5BC6\u300B\u4E00\u66F8\u4E2D\u5F15\u7528\u4E86\u8C9D\u502B\u5FB7\u7684\u7406\u8AD6\u3002"@zh . "Genevieve Behrend (Parigi, 1881 \u2013 1960) \u00E8 stata una scrittrice ed esponente del New Thought francese. \u00C8 nota anche per essere stata l'unica persona ad aver ricevuto personalmente l'insegnamento di Thomas Troward. Il primo libro pubblicato dalla Behrend, Il potere invisibile della visualizzazione, nel quale insegna varie tecniche, come la visualizzazione creativa, volte a cambiare la vita per il meglio, \u00E8 anche quello che ha avuto il pi\u00F9 grande e duraturo successo ed \u00E8 oggi considerato un classico del New Thought."@it . . "t"@en . . . . . . . "38299431"^^ . . . . "5312"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u73CD\u5A1C\u7DAD\u5F17\u00B7\u8C9D\u502B\u5FB7"@zh . . . "Genevi\u00E8ve Behrend"@en . . . . . . . . . "Genevi\u00E8ve Behrend (1881 in Paris \u2013 1960 in United States) was a French-born author and teacher of Mental Science, a New Thought discipline taught by Thomas Troward. There is little known about her early life except that one of her parents was Scottish. After her husband died she traveled extensively. She studied Christian Science and met its founder Mary Baker Eddy, but ultimately left that faith. She met Abdul Baha, whose father had founded Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith, and he told her that she would \u201Ctravel the world over seeking the truth, and when [she] had found it, would speak it out\u201D. She later wrote in her book Your Invisible Power that she found a book of Thomas Troward's lectures."@en . . . "1108392255"^^ . . "Genevi\u00E8ve Behrend (1881 in Paris \u2013 1960 in United States) was a French-born author and teacher of Mental Science, a New Thought discipline taught by Thomas Troward. There is little known about her early life except that one of her parents was Scottish. After her husband died she traveled extensively. She studied Christian Science and met its founder Mary Baker Eddy, but ultimately left that faith. She met Abdul Baha, whose father had founded Bah\u00E1\u02BC\u00ED Faith, and he told her that she would \u201Ctravel the world over seeking the truth, and when [she] had found it, would speak it out\u201D. She later wrote in her book Your Invisible Power that she found a book of Thomas Troward's lectures. Inspired by this, she wanted to study with Troward, but lacked the money to travel to Cornwall, England where he lived, as she was then living in New York. So every night and morning she visualized counting out twenty $1,000 bills, buying her ticket to London, travelling on the ship, and being accepted as Troward\u2019s pupil. She also constantly affirmed to herself, \u201CMy mind is a center of Divine operations\u201D. Then, to quote her in Your Invisible Power, \"While these reflections were going on in my mind, there seemed to come up from within me the thought: 'I am all the substance there is.' Then, from another channel in my brain the answer seemed to come, 'Of course, that's it; everything must have its beginning in mind. The 'I', the Idea, must be the only one and primary substance there is, and this means money as well as everything else.' My mind accepted this idea, and immediately all the tension of mind and body was relaxed\". In about six weeks, she received the money. From 1912 until 1914 she studied with Thomas Troward; Behrend was the only personal student he had throughout his life. After her studies with Troward she founded a New Thought school called in approximately 1915 in New York City, running it herself until 1925. She then founded another New Thought school in Los Angeles, after which she traveled throughout North America lecturing on mental science and New Thought for 35 years, as well as giving radio broadcasts. She is quoted as an expert in the best-selling self-help book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne."@en . . . . . "Genevi\u00E8ve Behrend"@en . . . . "Genevieve Behrend"@it . . . . "Genevieve Behrend (Parigi, 1881 \u2013 1960) \u00E8 stata una scrittrice ed esponente del New Thought francese. \u00C8 nota anche per essere stata l'unica persona ad aver ricevuto personalmente l'insegnamento di Thomas Troward. Mentre Troward andava elaborando l'insieme di concetti della sua \"scienza mentale\" egli decise di trasmettere le sue idee a un'unica discepola, la quale avrebbe potuto raccoglierne l'eredit\u00E0 e condividere tali insegnamenti con il mondo. Dopo aver terminato i suoi studi con Troward la Behrend si trasfer\u00EC a New York City, dove inizi\u00F2 a predicare e dove mand\u00F2 avanti una scuola, \"The School of Builders\", fino al 1925. Si rec\u00F2 quindi a Los Angeles, dove fond\u00F2 una nuova scuola prima di iniziare a girare le principali citt\u00E0 nordamericane, tenendo apprezzate conferenze per i successivi 35 anni. Durante questo periodo milioni di persone ascoltano i suoi discorsi, sia dal vivo che attraverso la radio, e decine di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo di lingua inglese studiano le sue idee attraverso le sue opere. Il primo libro pubblicato dalla Behrend, Il potere invisibile della visualizzazione, nel quale insegna varie tecniche, come la visualizzazione creativa, volte a cambiare la vita per il meglio, \u00E8 anche quello che ha avuto il pi\u00F9 grande e duraturo successo ed \u00E8 oggi considerato un classico del New Thought."@it . .