"1089304343"^^ . . "Fran\u00E7ois-Marie Picot\u00E9"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "15844"^^ . . . . . . "8788235"^^ . . . . . . . . "Fran\u00E7ois-Marie Picot\u00E9 de Belestre, n\u00E9 le 17 novembre 1716 et mort le 30 mars 1793, s'est rendu c\u00E9l\u00E8bre pendant la guerre de la Nouvelle-France contre la Grande-Bretagne, comme \u00E9tant un des derniers officiers fran\u00E7ais \u00E0 r\u00E9sister aux troupes britanniques."@fr . "Fran\u00E7ois-Marie Picot\u00E9, sieur de Belestre II (17 November 1716 \u2013 30 March 1793) was a colonial soldier for both New France and Great Britain. As a soldier in the French troupes de la marine, Belestre fought against British and American colonial troops for 30 years, from Nova Scotia to the Mississippi River valley. Belestre became famous during the wars between France and Great Britain, serving in the North American theater of the Seven Years' War, also known as the French and Indian War (1754\u201363). He was one of the last officers of New France to surrender to British troops. In 1758, Belestre became the thirteenth and last official French Commandant of Fort Ponchartrain (Fort Detroit). His term ended in 1760 with the end of French rule in Detroit, after which he was sent to England. He returned to Quebec under British rule, and joined the British troops which defended Fort Saint Jean from American colonial forces in 1775. He became a colonel in the British Army before his death."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fran\u00E7ois-Marie Picot\u00E9 de Belestre"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fran\u00E7ois-Marie Picot\u00E9, sieur de Belestre II (17 November 1716 \u2013 30 March 1793) was a colonial soldier for both New France and Great Britain. As a soldier in the French troupes de la marine, Belestre fought against British and American colonial troops for 30 years, from Nova Scotia to the Mississippi River valley. Belestre became famous during the wars between France and Great Britain, serving in the North American theater of the Seven Years' War, also known as the French and Indian War (1754\u201363). He was one of the last officers of New France to surrender to British troops. In 1758, Belestre became the thirteenth and last official French Commandant of Fort Ponchartrain (Fort Detroit). His term ended in 1760 with the end of French rule in Detroit, after which he was sent to England. He retur"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Fran\u00E7ois-Marie Picot\u00E9 de Belestre, n\u00E9 le 17 novembre 1716 et mort le 30 mars 1793, s'est rendu c\u00E9l\u00E8bre pendant la guerre de la Nouvelle-France contre la Grande-Bretagne, comme \u00E9tant un des derniers officiers fran\u00E7ais \u00E0 r\u00E9sister aux troupes britanniques. Picot\u00E9 de Belestre a combattu les arm\u00E9es britanniques et am\u00E9ricaines pendant 30 ans, d\u00E8s 1745 de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse, jusqu\u2019au Kentucky, la Louisiane, en passant par le Minnesota et le Michigan, et il fut le dernier commandant des arm\u00E9es de la Nouvelle-France \u00E0 Fort Pontchartrain du D\u00E9troit (aujourd'hui D\u00E9troit). Il a ensuite rejoint les troupes britanniques des colonies britanniques et reconquit Fort Saint-Jean des forces am\u00E9ricaines en 1775. Il fut colonel dans l\u2019arm\u00E9e britannique avant de mourir."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . .