. . . . "Five Minute Walk"@en . . . "SaraBellum"@en . "Five Iron Frenzy (tamb\u00E9m conhecida como Five Iron ou FIF) foi uma banda ska crist\u00E3 formada em Denver, Colorado em 1995 e desmembrada em 2003. As influ\u00EAncias da banda v\u00EAem do ska e punk rock, igualmente inclui-se o heavy metal. A banda assinou contrato com a gravadora 5 Minute Walk em 1996 e permaneceu na gravadora por nove lan\u00E7amentos. Dois outros \u00E1lbuns foram lan\u00E7amentos independentes e um outro pela Asian Man Records.A banda nunca recebeu um importante pr\u00E9mio da m\u00FAsica, tendo mesmo recebido pouca cobertura por parte dos media. O seu ponto mais alto a n\u00EDvel nacional, foi quando a sua can\u00E7\u00E3o \"Oh, Canada\" (era referenciado William Shatner), apareceu na s\u00E9rie de televis\u00E3o Boston Legal (com Shatner no elenco) em Outubro de 2005, quase dois anos depois do seu \u00FAltimo concerto.Eles eram conhecid"@pt . "Five Iron Frenzy (oder einfach FIF) ist eine christliche Ska-Punk-Band aus Denver (USA)."@de . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@nl . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@it . . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy (oder einfach FIF) ist eine christliche Ska-Punk-Band aus Denver (USA)."@de . "2003"^^ . "* Reese Roper\n* Micah Ortega\n* Dennis Culp\n* Andrew Verdecchio\n* Leanor Ortega Till\n* Nathanael \"Brad\" Dunham\n* Sonnie Johnston\n* Scott Kerr"@en . . "1995"^^ . . "* Keith Hoerig"@en . . "Five Iron Frenzy is an American band formed in Denver, Colorado, in 1995. Best known for playing ska punk music characterized by an offbeat sense of humor and prominent Christian themes, Five Iron was one of the pioneering figures of the Christian ska movement which emerged with ska's mainstream revival in the 1990s. Since 2000, the band's music has shifted away from straight ska to include and embrace stronger alternative rock and pop punk influences, though it continues to create ska music and feature Christian overtones despite several members' changes in religious beliefs."@en . . ""@en . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy (ook wel bekend als Five Iron of FIF) is een christelijke skaband uit de Verenigde Staten die in 1995 werd opgericht. De band is een tijd uit elkaar geweest maar is inmiddels weer bij elkaar."@nl . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy, \u00E9galement connu sous le nom de Five Iron ou FIF, est un groupe de ska chr\u00E9tien am\u00E9ricain, originaire de Denver, dans le Colorado. Il est form\u00E9 en 1995, dissous en 2003, et reform\u00E9 en 2011. La musique du groupe a \u00E9t\u00E9 plus influenc\u00E9e par le ska et le punk rock, mais leur influence fut \u00E9galement le heavy metal."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1995"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy (ook wel bekend als Five Iron of FIF) is een christelijke skaband uit de Verenigde Staten die in 1995 werd opgericht. De band is een tijd uit elkaar geweest maar is inmiddels weer bij elkaar."@nl . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy, \u00E9galement connu sous le nom de Five Iron ou FIF, est un groupe de ska chr\u00E9tien am\u00E9ricain, originaire de Denver, dans le Colorado. Il est form\u00E9 en 1995, dissous en 2003, et reform\u00E9 en 2011. La musique du groupe a \u00E9t\u00E9 plus influenc\u00E9e par le ska et le punk rock, mais leur influence fut \u00E9galement le heavy metal."@fr . . . . "57470"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gli Five Iron Frenzy (talvolta indicati o conosciuti come Five Iron o FIF) sono un gruppo musicale ska-christian rock originario di Denver (Colorado). Il gruppo, attivo dal 1995, si \u00E8 sciolto nel 2003 per poi ricomporsi nel 2011."@it . . . . . . "355308"^^ . . . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1123506632"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "group_or_band"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@en . . "\"It's one thing to say, now that I'm 39, maybe we could still be doing this, or we could have had one hit song that made the radio. But I would much rather tell my kids that we helped pay for two orphanages, or that every tour we did, we collected something \u2014 socks or coats \u2014 for homeless people.\""@en . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@de . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@es . . . . . . . "25.0"^^ . . . . "Denver, Colorado, U.S."@en . . "Five Iron Frenzy es una banda procedente de Denver, Colorado (EE. UU.) que t\u00E9cnicamente se engloba en el g\u00E9nero musical Ska de la tercera oleada (mediados de los 90). No obstante una de las caracter\u00EDsticas de esta peculiar banda es su tendencia a experimentar/mezclar diversos estilos con resultados asombrosos: ska tradicional, reggae, rock and roll, hardcore/punk, trash/metal, pachanga, rap.. Dos son los rasgos que caracterizan a FIF:"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@en . . . . . "Gli Five Iron Frenzy (talvolta indicati o conosciuti come Five Iron o FIF) sono un gruppo musicale ska-christian rock originario di Denver (Colorado). Il gruppo, attivo dal 1995, si \u00E8 sciolto nel 2003 per poi ricomporsi nel 2011."@it . . . . . . . . . "group_or_band" . . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy es una banda procedente de Denver, Colorado (EE. UU.) que t\u00E9cnicamente se engloba en el g\u00E9nero musical Ska de la tercera oleada (mediados de los 90). No obstante una de las caracter\u00EDsticas de esta peculiar banda es su tendencia a experimentar/mezclar diversos estilos con resultados asombrosos: ska tradicional, reggae, rock and roll, hardcore/punk, trash/metal, pachanga, rap.. Five Iron Frenzy fue uno de los aparentemente miles de ska-punk que domin\u00F3 el post-grunge-rock convencional moderna escena de finales de los 90. El grupo - compuesto por Reese Roper (voz), Miqueas Ortega (guitarra), Scott Kerr (guitarra y coros), Keith Hoerig (bajo), Andrew Verdecchio (bater\u00EDa), Dannis Culp (tromb\u00F3n, coros), Leanor \" Jeff \"Ortega (saxof\u00F3n) y Nathanael\" Brad \"Dunham (trompeta) - se form\u00F3 en Denver durante los a\u00F1os 90. Despu\u00E9s de unos a\u00F1os de Tocando constantemente, la banda atrajo a un p\u00FAblico regional fuerte y su \u00E1lbum debut de 1996, y Upbeats Beatdowns, se convirti\u00F3 en un \u00E9xito local. El registro llevado a un inter\u00E9s importante sello, y la banda firm\u00F3 con la subsidiaria de Time Warner SaraBellum en 1997. Upbeats SaraBellum reeditado & Beatdowns en la primavera, allanando el camino para la liberaci\u00F3n en noviembre de nuestros m\u00E1s recientes Album Ever!, El segundo \u00E1lbum de la banda. La prueba en vivo que los j\u00F3venes son Revolting seguido en 1999, y un a\u00F1o despu\u00E9s de Five Iron Frenzy regres\u00F3 con el \u00E1lbum de estudio ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, All Music Guide. Dos son los rasgos que caracterizan a FIF: 1. \n* Tendencias cristianas. Todos los miembros de la banda son de religi\u00F3n cristiana y muchas de sus canciones, la mayor\u00EDa, son de alabanza. No obstante distan mucho de ser el tipo de m\u00FAsica que puede escucharse en una iglesia. 2. \n* Presencia esc\u00E9nica. Adem\u00E1s de cristianos, los miembros de la banda son DIVERTIDOS y realizan toda clase de gags y chistes sobre el escenario (disfrazados con cierta frecuencia)."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy (tamb\u00E9m conhecida como Five Iron ou FIF) foi uma banda ska crist\u00E3 formada em Denver, Colorado em 1995 e desmembrada em 2003. As influ\u00EAncias da banda v\u00EAem do ska e punk rock, igualmente inclui-se o heavy metal. A banda assinou contrato com a gravadora 5 Minute Walk em 1996 e permaneceu na gravadora por nove lan\u00E7amentos. Dois outros \u00E1lbuns foram lan\u00E7amentos independentes e um outro pela Asian Man Records.A banda nunca recebeu um importante pr\u00E9mio da m\u00FAsica, tendo mesmo recebido pouca cobertura por parte dos media. O seu ponto mais alto a n\u00EDvel nacional, foi quando a sua can\u00E7\u00E3o \"Oh, Canada\" (era referenciado William Shatner), apareceu na s\u00E9rie de televis\u00E3o Boston Legal (com Shatner no elenco) em Outubro de 2005, quase dois anos depois do seu \u00FAltimo concerto.Eles eram conhecidos pelas suas letras positivas e concertos muito energ\u00E9ticos. Normalmente usavam em palco fato completo (principalmente o vocalista Reese Roper); durante uma turn\u00EA, toda a banda usou os uniformes utilizados na s\u00E9rie de televis\u00E3o Star Trek. Nas turn\u00EAs, usavam temas, muitas vezes com objectivo de abrir a consci\u00EAncia social.Em muitas das letras inclu\u00EDam as injusti\u00E7as cometidas aos nativos americanos, ao abuso do consumismo, \u00E0 hipocrisia do cristianismo, bem como \u00E0 renova\u00E7\u00E3o da f\u00E9 crist\u00E3."@pt . "Five Iron Frenzy is an American band formed in Denver, Colorado, in 1995. Best known for playing ska punk music characterized by an offbeat sense of humor and prominent Christian themes, Five Iron was one of the pioneering figures of the Christian ska movement which emerged with ska's mainstream revival in the 1990s. Since 2000, the band's music has shifted away from straight ska to include and embrace stronger alternative rock and pop punk influences, though it continues to create ska music and feature Christian overtones despite several members' changes in religious beliefs. Five Iron experienced their greatest commercial success during the late 1990s as part of the American ska revival, touring prolifically within both Christian and secular markets, where the band gained a cult following for their energetic live shows typified by humorous stage antics which often drew attention to various social causes and charities. By the early 2000s, Five Iron had independently sold a total of almost one million albums, though a number of factors eventually contributed to their break-up in 2003. After an eight-year hiatus, the band reunited in 2011 to resume intermittent touring, launching a coincident Kickstarter campaign to finance a new album which raised a then record-breaking $207,980. The resultant album, Engine of a Million Plots, was released in November 2013. Five Iron is often noted for the broad tonal range of their lyricism, covering subject matter both spiritual and secular in manners both serious and satirical. Many of the band's songs are firmly rooted in Social Gospel convictions, often exploring themes of Christian hypocrisy and fundamentalism, manifest destiny and the injustices done to Native Americans, and faith-based criticisms of capitalism, consumerism, nationalism, xenophobia, racism, homophobia and even the Christian music industry, as well as more traditional and uplifting songs of praise and worship. The band is also known for their comic songs which rely on droll self-deprecating and self-referential humor, absurdist non-sequiturs and frequent references to pop culture and geek culture."@en . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy in July 2019"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Reese Roper, on the band's decision to remain independent."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Five Iron Frenzy"@pt .