"Executive One is the call sign designated for any United States civil aircraft when the president of the United States is on board. Typically, the president flies in military aircraft that are under the command of the Presidential Airlift Group, which include Air Force One, Marine One, Army One, and Navy One. On December 26, 1973, then-President Richard Nixon became the only sitting president to travel on a regularly scheduled commercial airline flight when he flew on United Airlines flight 55 from Washington Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles International Airport, \"to set an example for the rest of the nation during the current energy crisis\" and to \"demonstrate his confidence in the airlines\". Nixon, first lady Pat, daughter Tricia, and 22 staffers, security, and pool purchased 13 first-class tickets at $217.64, and 12 coach tickets at $167.64 aboard the DC-10 on what is traditionally not a very busy flight, and quietly boarded the plane without fanfare in order to maintain security for the flight prior to departure. A Nixon aide carried a suitcase-sized secure communication device on board the plane, so that the President could remain in contact with Washington in the event of an emergency. If the president's family members are aboard, but not the president himself, the flight can, at the discretion of the White House staff or Secret Service, use the callsign Executive One Foxtrot (EXEC1F). \"Foxtrot\" is the phonetic alphabet designation for the letter \"F\", with that being the first letter of \"family\". The military helicopter that normally has the call sign \"Marine One\" is assigned the \"Executive One\" call sign when it transports the outgoing president on their final flight from the Capitol, after the inauguration of their successor, as was done on January 20, 2009 for George W. Bush and on January 20, 2017 for Barack Obama."@en . . "Executive One est l'indicatif d'appel d\u00E9signant un a\u00E9ronef civil am\u00E9ricain, quand le pr\u00E9sident des \u00C9tats-Unis est \u00E0 bord."@fr . . "\u30A8\u30B0\u30BC\u30AF\u30C6\u30A3\u30D6\u30EF\u30F3"@ja . . . . . . "Executive One je volac\u00ED znak ur\u010Den\u00FD k ozna\u010Den\u00ED jak\u00E9hokoliv americk\u00E9ho civiln\u00EDho letadla nesouc\u00EDho na palub\u011B prezidenta Spojen\u00FDch st\u00E1t\u016F. Prezident Spojen\u00FDch st\u00E1t\u016F je v\u0161ak p\u0159ev\u00E1\u017En\u011B p\u0159epravov\u00E1n letadly americk\u00FDch ozbrojen\u00FDch sil v r\u00E1mci tzv. \u201EPrezidentsk\u00E9 vzdu\u0161n\u00E9 transportn\u00ED skupiny\u201C (anglicky Presidential Airlift Group), nesouc\u00ED ozna\u010Den\u00ED Air Force One, Marine One, Navy One a jin\u00E1. \u201EPrezidentsk\u00E1 vzdu\u0161n\u00E1 transportn\u00ED skupina\u201C je sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED 89. transportn\u00EDho k\u0159\u00EDdla (89th Airlift Wing) Letectva Spojen\u00FDch st\u00E1t\u016F (USAF), dislokovan\u00E9ho na Joint Base Andrews (d\u0159\u00EDve Andrews Air Force Base) nedaleko v ve st\u00E1t\u011B Maryland. V roce 1973, aby \u201E\u0161el p\u0159\u00EDkladem cel\u00E9mu n\u00E1rodu b\u011Bhem prob\u00EDhaj\u00EDc\u00ED ropn\u00E9 krize\u201C a \u201Euk\u00E1zal svou d\u016Fv\u011Bru v aerolinky\u201C, se tehdej\u0161\u00ED prezident Richard Nixon stal zat\u00EDm jedin\u00FDm \u00FA\u0159aduj\u00EDc\u00EDm prezidentem USA cestuj\u00EDc\u00EDm pravideln\u00FDm linkov\u00FDm letem, kdy\u017E k letu mezi Washington Dulles International Airport a Los Angeles International Airport pou\u017Eil DC-10 United Airlines. Jeho pobo\u010Dn\u00EDk, doprov\u00E1zej\u00EDc\u00ED jej na palubu, nesl za\u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED pro zabezpe\u010Denou komunikaci velikosti aktovky, umo\u017E\u0148uj\u00EDc\u00ED v p\u0159\u00EDpad\u011B krizov\u00E9 situace komunikaci s Washingtonem. Pokud jsou na palub\u011B letadla p\u0159\u00EDslu\u0161n\u00EDci prezidentsk\u00E9 rodiny, ale nikoliv prezident osobn\u011B, m\u016F\u017Ee let, z rozhodnut\u00ED Secret Service \u010Di person\u00E1lu B\u00EDl\u00E9ho domu, u\u017E\u00EDvat volac\u00ED zna\u010Dku Executive One Foxtrot. \u201EFoxtrot\u201C je ve fonetick\u00E9 abeced\u011B ICAO slovo zastupuj\u00EDc\u00ED p\u00EDsmeno \u201EF\u201C, kter\u00E9 je prvn\u00EDm p\u00EDsmenem anglick\u00E9ho slova family (rodina). Hillary Clintonov\u00E1 byla v dob\u011B, kdy byla prvn\u00ED d\u00E1mou USA, zn\u00E1m\u00E1 u\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00EDm linkov\u00FDch spoj\u016F ozna\u010Den\u00FDch \u201EExecutive One Foxtrot\u201C pro lety na newyorsk\u00E9 Leti\u0161t\u011B LaGuardia. Dne 20. ledna 2009 nesl vrtuln\u00EDk, b\u011B\u017En\u011B u\u017E\u00EDvaj\u00EDc\u00ED volac\u00ED zna\u010Dku \u201EMarine One\u201C, volac\u00ED znak \u201EExecutive One\u201C, kdy\u017E transportoval George W. Bushe, jeho\u017E funk\u010Dn\u00ED obdob\u00ED pr\u00E1v\u011B skon\u010Dilo."@cs . . "Executive One est l'indicatif d'appel d\u00E9signant un a\u00E9ronef civil am\u00E9ricain, quand le pr\u00E9sident des \u00C9tats-Unis est \u00E0 bord."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Executive One je volac\u00ED znak ur\u010Den\u00FD k ozna\u010Den\u00ED jak\u00E9hokoliv americk\u00E9ho civiln\u00EDho letadla nesouc\u00EDho na palub\u011B prezidenta Spojen\u00FDch st\u00E1t\u016F. Prezident Spojen\u00FDch st\u00E1t\u016F je v\u0161ak p\u0159ev\u00E1\u017En\u011B p\u0159epravov\u00E1n letadly americk\u00FDch ozbrojen\u00FDch sil v r\u00E1mci tzv. \u201EPrezidentsk\u00E9 vzdu\u0161n\u00E9 transportn\u00ED skupiny\u201C (anglicky Presidential Airlift Group), nesouc\u00ED ozna\u010Den\u00ED Air Force One, Marine One, Navy One a jin\u00E1. \u201EPrezidentsk\u00E1 vzdu\u0161n\u00E1 transportn\u00ED skupina\u201C je sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED 89. transportn\u00EDho k\u0159\u00EDdla (89th Airlift Wing) Letectva Spojen\u00FDch st\u00E1t\u016F (USAF), dislokovan\u00E9ho na Joint Base Andrews (d\u0159\u00EDve Andrews Air Force Base) nedaleko v ve st\u00E1t\u011B Maryland."@cs . "Executive One ist das Funkrufzeichen eines zivilen Luftfahrzeugs, in dem sich der Pr\u00E4sident der Vereinigten Staaten befindet. Einen Ausnahmefall stellten die Fl\u00FCge des ehemaligen Pr\u00E4sidenten George W. Bush am Tag der Amts\u00FCbernahme durch Pr\u00E4sident Barack Obama dar. Am 20. Januar 2009 erhielten sowohl der Marines-Hubschrauber, der normalerweise das Rufzeichen Marine One f\u00FChrt, als auch die Boeing 747, die normalerweise das Rufzeichen Air Force One f\u00FChrt, das Rufzeichen Executive One, als sie George W. Bush von Washington nach Texas transportierten. Befindet sich nicht der Pr\u00E4sident selbst an Bord, aber ein Familienmitglied, lautet der Rufname Executive One Foxtrott (Foxtrott, das \u201EF\u201C im ICAO-Buchstabieralphabet, steht f\u00FCr family). Befindet sich der Vizepr\u00E4sident an Bord eines zivilen Luftfahrzeugs, lautet dessen Rufname Executive Two, bei Familienmitgliedern entsprechend Executive Two Foxtrott. Executive Two wurde regelm\u00E4\u00DFig benutzt, als Nelson Rockefeller Vizepr\u00E4sident war. Er besa\u00DF privat eine Gulfstream, die er der Air-Force-Douglas DC-9, die f\u00FCr ihn vorgesehen war, vorzog. Als Vizepr\u00E4sident Al Gore am 2. Februar 2000 kurzfristig f\u00FCr eine Abstimmung im US-Senat ben\u00F6tigt wurde, flog er in einem kommerziellen Flugzeug von New York nach Washington."@de . . . "Executive One"@en . . . "Executive One \u00E8 l'identificativo radio di un qualsiasi velivolo civile che trasporti il presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America. Solitamente il presidente vola su aerei militari al comando della \"Presidential Airlift Group\", parte dell'89th Airlift Wing stanziato alla Andrews Air Force Base, nel Maryland, primo tra tutti il VC-25 adibito ad Air Force One."@it . . "\u30A8\u30B0\u30BC\u30AF\u30C6\u30A3\u30D6\u30EF\u30F3 (Executive One) \u3068\u306F\u3001\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u5408\u8846\u56FD\u5927\u7D71\u9818\u304C\u642D\u4E57\u3057\u305F\u969B\u306E\u6C11\u9593\u6A5F\u306E\u30B3\u30FC\u30EB\u30B5\u30A4\u30F3\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . "Executive One is het callsign van de luchtverkeersleiding voor elk niet-militair vliegtuig waar de president van de Verenigde Staten in zit. Gewoonlijk maakt de president gebruik van militaire luchtvaarttoestellen van de Presidential Airlift Group van de . Het gebruik van dit callsign is dan ook zeer uitzonderlijk. Op 20 januari 2009 kreeg een marinehelicopter de aanduiding Executive One toen de voormalig president George W. Bush kort na de inhuldiging van zijn opvolger met dit toestel werd vervoerd. Normaal zou het toestel met Marine One zijn aangeduid."@nl . . . "7641"^^ . . . "1123309697"^^ . "\u30A8\u30B0\u30BC\u30AF\u30C6\u30A3\u30D6\u30EF\u30F3 (Executive One) \u3068\u306F\u3001\u30A2\u30E1\u30EA\u30AB\u5408\u8846\u56FD\u5927\u7D71\u9818\u304C\u642D\u4E57\u3057\u305F\u969B\u306E\u6C11\u9593\u6A5F\u306E\u30B3\u30FC\u30EB\u30B5\u30A4\u30F3\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002"@ja . . . . . . . . . "1443124"^^ . "Executive One is het callsign van de luchtverkeersleiding voor elk niet-militair vliegtuig waar de president van de Verenigde Staten in zit. Gewoonlijk maakt de president gebruik van militaire luchtvaarttoestellen van de Presidential Airlift Group van de . Het gebruik van dit callsign is dan ook zeer uitzonderlijk. In 1973 droeg een DC-10 toestel van United Airlines dat van Washington D.C. naar Los Angeles vloog voor enige tijd het callsign Executive One omdat toenmalig president Nixon aan boord was. Deze had bij hoge uitzondering een reguliere vlucht genomen om \"het goede voorbeeld\" te geven ten tijde van de . Tegelijk vloog een militair toestel dat gewoonlijk Air Force One was geweest direct achter het burgertoestel voor het geval er iets mis mocht gaan. Op 20 januari 2009 kreeg een marinehelicopter de aanduiding Executive One toen de voormalig president George W. Bush kort na de inhuldiging van zijn opvolger met dit toestel werd vervoerd. Normaal zou het toestel met Marine One zijn aangeduid."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . "Executive One \u00E8 l'identificativo radio di un qualsiasi velivolo civile che trasporti il presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America. Solitamente il presidente vola su aerei militari al comando della \"Presidential Airlift Group\", parte dell'89th Airlift Wing stanziato alla Andrews Air Force Base, nel Maryland, primo tra tutti il VC-25 adibito ad Air Force One. L'unico episodio in cui un presidente in carica si imbarc\u00F2 come regolare passeggero su un aereo di linea accadde il 26 dicembre 1973, durante la crisi del petrolio, quando Richard Nixon vol\u00F2 come un normale passeggero. Per dare l'esempio al resto della nazione durante l'attuale crisi energetica il presidente viaggi\u00F2 dall'aeroporto Internazionale di Washington-Dulles all'aeroporto Internazionale di Los Angeles insieme alla famiglia e ai membri dello staff su un DC-10 della United Airlines. Un assistente di Nixon port\u00F2 a bordo un apparecchio di comunicazione sicura, con cui il presidente avrebbe potuto mettersi in contatto con Washington in caso di emergenza. Il 20 gennaio 2009, all'elicottero VH-60 dei Marines normalmente utilizzato dal presidente (e che in questo caso prende l'identificativo radio Marine One) venne dato l'identificativo Executive One mentre trasportava George W. Bush, il cui mandato era appena terminato, insieme alla moglie, verso la base aerea di Andrews. Se a bordo di un qualsiasi velivolo si trova la famiglia del presidente, ma non il presidente stesso, esso pu\u00F2 prendere l'identificativo radio Executive One Foxtrot a discrezione dello staff della Casa Bianca e del servizio segreto. L'aereo utilizzato da Hillary Clinton il 2 dicembre 1999 per atterrare all'aeroporto LaGuardia di New York prese appunto l'identificativo Executive One Foxtrot. Executive Two \u00E8 invece l'identificativo radio di un velivolo civile che trasporti il vicepresidente degli Stati Uniti d'America. Come per l'Executive One, se a bordo si trovano solo i familiari del vicepresidente esso prende l'identificativo Executive Two Foxtrot. Come il presidente, anche il vicepresidente vola solitamente con aerei militari, in particolare con il VC-32 adibito ad Air Force Two. Tuttavia, quando Nelson Rockefeller venne nominato vice di Gerald Ford nel 1974, egli prefer\u00EC continuare a volare con il Gulfstream che possedeva, anzich\u00E9 con il DC-9 allora utilizzato come aereo vicepresidenziale. In quanto aereo privato, il Gulfstream portava l'identificativo radio di Executive Two quando Rockfeller era a bordo. Il servizio segreto lo convinse poi, per questioni di sicurezza, praticit\u00E0 e convenienza, ad utilizzare l'Air Force Two."@it . . . "Executive One"@it . . . . "Executive One ist das Funkrufzeichen eines zivilen Luftfahrzeugs, in dem sich der Pr\u00E4sident der Vereinigten Staaten befindet. Einen Ausnahmefall stellten die Fl\u00FCge des ehemaligen Pr\u00E4sidenten George W. Bush am Tag der Amts\u00FCbernahme durch Pr\u00E4sident Barack Obama dar. Am 20. Januar 2009 erhielten sowohl der Marines-Hubschrauber, der normalerweise das Rufzeichen Marine One f\u00FChrt, als auch die Boeing 747, die normalerweise das Rufzeichen Air Force One f\u00FChrt, das Rufzeichen Executive One, als sie George W. Bush von Washington nach Texas transportierten."@de . . . . . . "Executive One"@cs . . . "Executive One"@fr . . "Executive One"@de . "Executive One is the call sign designated for any United States civil aircraft when the president of the United States is on board. Typically, the president flies in military aircraft that are under the command of the Presidential Airlift Group, which include Air Force One, Marine One, Army One, and Navy One."@en . . "Executive One"@nl .