. "1105219247"^^ . . . . "In European folklore and myth, the Erlking is a sinister elf who lingers in the woods. He stalks children who stay in the woods for too long, and kills them by a single touch. The name \"Erlking\" (German: Erlk\u00F6nig, lit.\u2009'alder-king') is a name used in German Romanticism for the figure of a spirit or \"king of the fairies\". It is usually assumed that the name is a derivation from the ellekonge (older elverkonge, i.e. \"Elf-king\") in Danish folklore. The name is first used by Johann Gottfried Herder in his ballad \"Erlk\u00F6nigs Tochter\" (1778), an adaptation of the Danish Hr. Oluf han rider (1739), and was taken up by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in his poem \"Erlk\u00F6nig\" (1782), which was set to music by Schubert, among others. In English translations of Goethe's poem, the name is sometimes rendered as"@en . . . . . . . . "7701"^^ . "Erlk\u00F6nig (folklore)"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'Erlking (tedesco: Erlk\u00F6nig, lett. \"Re degli elfi\") \u00E8 un personaggio della letteratura tedesca che compare in molte ballate e poesie come creatura malvagia che infesta boschi e foreste e conduce i viandanti verso la morte. Il nome \u00E8 una cattiva traduzione del XVIII secolo della parola originale danese elverkonge, \"re degli elfi\". La pi\u00F9 famosa composizione poetica in cui compare \u00E8 Der Erlk\u00F6nig, ballata di Goethe, da cui l'adattamento musicale di Franz Schubert con lo stesso titolo."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'Erlk\u00F6nig (Roi des Aulnes) est un personnage imaginaire repr\u00E9sent\u00E9 dans un certain nombre de po\u00E8mes et ballades allemands comme une cr\u00E9ature mal\u00E9fique qui hante les for\u00EAts et entra\u00EEne les voyageurs vers leur mort. La cr\u00E9ature a \u00E9t\u00E9 rendue populaire par le po\u00E8me de Goethe, Der Erlk\u00F6nig (\u00AB Le Roi des aulnes \u00BB), et par le lied qu\u2019a compos\u00E9 Schubert."@fr . "L'Erlk\u00F6nig (Roi des Aulnes) est un personnage imaginaire repr\u00E9sent\u00E9 dans un certain nombre de po\u00E8mes et ballades allemands comme une cr\u00E9ature mal\u00E9fique qui hante les for\u00EAts et entra\u00EEne les voyageurs vers leur mort. La cr\u00E9ature a \u00E9t\u00E9 rendue populaire par le po\u00E8me de Goethe, Der Erlk\u00F6nig (\u00AB Le Roi des aulnes \u00BB), et par le lied qu\u2019a compos\u00E9 Schubert."@fr . . . "1475243"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Erlk\u00F6nig (personaggio)"@it . . . . . "In European folklore and myth, the Erlking is a sinister elf who lingers in the woods. He stalks children who stay in the woods for too long, and kills them by a single touch. The name \"Erlking\" (German: Erlk\u00F6nig, lit.\u2009'alder-king') is a name used in German Romanticism for the figure of a spirit or \"king of the fairies\". It is usually assumed that the name is a derivation from the ellekonge (older elverkonge, i.e. \"Elf-king\") in Danish folklore. The name is first used by Johann Gottfried Herder in his ballad \"Erlk\u00F6nigs Tochter\" (1778), an adaptation of the Danish Hr. Oluf han rider (1739), and was taken up by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in his poem \"Erlk\u00F6nig\" (1782), which was set to music by Schubert, among others. In English translations of Goethe's poem, the name is sometimes rendered as Erl-king."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Erlking"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'Erlking (tedesco: Erlk\u00F6nig, lett. \"Re degli elfi\") \u00E8 un personaggio della letteratura tedesca che compare in molte ballate e poesie come creatura malvagia che infesta boschi e foreste e conduce i viandanti verso la morte. Il nome \u00E8 una cattiva traduzione del XVIII secolo della parola originale danese elverkonge, \"re degli elfi\". La pi\u00F9 famosa composizione poetica in cui compare \u00E8 Der Erlk\u00F6nig, ballata di Goethe, da cui l'adattamento musicale di Franz Schubert con lo stesso titolo."@it . . . . .