. "13224"^^ . . . "\u00C9cole de guerre - Terre"@fr . . . "L\u2019\u00C9cole de guerre-Terre (EDG-T) forme des officiers sup\u00E9rieurs fran\u00E7ais de l\u2019arm\u00E9e de Terre, des officiers sup\u00E9rieurs \u00E9trangers et des civils. Les officiers sup\u00E9rieurs fran\u00E7ais sont recrut\u00E9s principalement sur concours \u00E0 l\u2019issue d\u2019une premi\u00E8re partie de carri\u00E8re en corps de troupe, qui seront amen\u00E9s \u00E0 occuper des fonctions au sein du haut encadrement militaire. Les officiers sup\u00E9rieurs \u00E9trangers sont propos\u00E9s par les arm\u00E9es \u00E9trang\u00E8res. Les auditeurs civils sont s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9s sur dossier par un jury[r\u00E9f. non conforme]. L\u2019EDG-T fait partie de l'enseignement militaire sup\u00E9rieur, compos\u00E9 de la formation d\u2019\u00E9tat-major, du concours de l\u2019\u00C9cole de guerre (EDG), de la scolarit\u00E9 \u00E0 l\u2019EDG-T puis \u00E0 l\u2019EDG. L\u2019EDG-T, recr\u00E9\u00E9e en 2018 et install\u00E9e \u00E0 l\u2019\u00C9cole militaire, est h\u00E9riti\u00E8re de l\u2019\u00C9cole sup\u00E9rieure de guerre (ESG) ; la 136e promotion (2022-2023) suit actuellement la scolarit\u00E9. Il est important de noter que l\u2019EDG-T se distingue de l\u2019EDG par la nature de son enseignement. Alors que cette derni\u00E8re est tourn\u00E9e vers les op\u00E9rations interarm\u00E9es, l\u2019EDG-T consacre son enseignement aux op\u00E9rations a\u00E9roterrestres au sol et pr\u00E8s du sol de l\u2019arm\u00E9e de Terre."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1123400772"^^ . . . . . . "The \u00C9cole de Guerre-Terre (EDG-T) (\"Army War College\") is a French military academy that trains senior army officers, recruited mainly after succeeding competitive examinations right after the first part of their military career, in which they served as platoon and company commanders in regiments. They will soon be expected to serve as high-level senior officers. The EDG-T is indeed part of a high-level military education, consisting of staff training, passing the War College (\u00C9cole de Guerre / EDG) selective exam, education at the EDG-T, and then at the \u00C9cole de guerre (EdG) (\"War College\"). The EDG-T was recreated in 2018 and is located inside the walls of the \u00C9cole Militaire, a famous Parisian building facing the Eiffel Tower. It finds its roots in the \u00C9cole Sup\u00E9rieure de Guerre (ESG), the 136th promotion is currently following schooling. The nature of the teaching is actually very different EDG, which focuses on joint level operations, whereas EDG-T devotes its teaching to land operations (\u201Con the ground and near the ground\u201D). It was General Bosser's ambition (former Army chief of staff) to train and prepare tomorrow\u2019s leaders to an ever-degrading security context. Thus, graduates from the EDG-T must be: \n* Experts in the design and conduct of land operations; \n* Experts in land engagement environments; \n* Experts in the knowledge of the French Army."@en . . . "63685597"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The \u00C9cole de Guerre-Terre (EDG-T) (\"Army War College\") is a French military academy that trains senior army officers, recruited mainly after succeeding competitive examinations right after the first part of their military career, in which they served as platoon and company commanders in regiments. They will soon be expected to serve as high-level senior officers. The nature of the teaching is actually very different EDG, which focuses on joint level operations, whereas EDG-T devotes its teaching to land operations (\u201Con the ground and near the ground\u201D)."@en . . . "L\u2019\u00C9cole de guerre-Terre (EDG-T) forme des officiers sup\u00E9rieurs fran\u00E7ais de l\u2019arm\u00E9e de Terre, des officiers sup\u00E9rieurs \u00E9trangers et des civils. Les officiers sup\u00E9rieurs fran\u00E7ais sont recrut\u00E9s principalement sur concours \u00E0 l\u2019issue d\u2019une premi\u00E8re partie de carri\u00E8re en corps de troupe, qui seront amen\u00E9s \u00E0 occuper des fonctions au sein du haut encadrement militaire. Les officiers sup\u00E9rieurs \u00E9trangers sont propos\u00E9s par les arm\u00E9es \u00E9trang\u00E8res. Les auditeurs civils sont s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9s sur dossier par un jury[r\u00E9f. non conforme]."@fr . "Ecole de Guerre-Terre"@en .