. . . "Dentes de Drag\u00E3o (Dragon Teeth, no original em ingl\u00EAs) \u00E9 um romance de fic\u00E7\u00E3o hist\u00F3rica do autor americano Michael Crichton. Chrichton come\u00E7ou a coletar dados para a sua escrita em 1974, mas a obra somente foi publicada postumamente, em 2017, ap\u00F3s a sua esposa Sherri ter descoberto nos seus extensos arquivos o manuscrito que permitiu a sua publica\u00E7\u00E3o. Esse manuscrito teria sido a inspira\u00E7\u00E3o para o c\u00E9lebre romance Jurassic Park."@pt . "Smocze k\u0142y (ang. Dragon Teeth) \u2013 powie\u015B\u0107 Michaela Crichtona, wydana po\u015Bmiertnie 23 maja 2017 roku, kt\u00F3rej akcja rozgrywa si\u0119 w 1876 r. na Zachodzie Stan\u00F3w Zjednoczonych podczas wojny o ko\u015Bci. Jej maszynopis zosta\u0142 odkryty w\u015Br\u00F3d archiw\u00F3w autora przez \u017Con\u0119 Sherri Crichton. Pierwsze polskie wydanie ksi\u0105\u017Cki ukaza\u0142o si\u0119 8 maja 2018 roku nak\u0142adem Domu Wydawniczego \u201ERebis\u201D."@pl . . . "320"^^ . . . . . "Dragon Teeth"@en . "Dra\u010D\u00ED zuby"@cs . "Dent de dinosaure (titre original : Dragon Teeth) est un roman de Michael Crichton, publi\u00E9 en 2017. Il s'agit de la derni\u00E8re \u0153uvre de Michael Crichton publi\u00E9e \u00E0 titre posthume (apr\u00E8s Pirates et Micro). Le roman est paru en fran\u00E7ais en 2021 aux \u00E9ditions L'Archipel Dent de dinosaure se situe durant l\u2019\u00E2ge d\u2019or de la pal\u00E9ontologie. Michael Crichton revient sur le th\u00E8me des dinosaures, cette fois de mani\u00E8re plus rigoureuse et historique, apr\u00E8s les techno-thrillers Jurassic Park et Le Monde perdu."@fr . . . . . . . "Dragon Teeth is a novel by Michael Crichton, the eighteenth under his own name and third to be published after his death, written in 1974 and published on May 23, 2017. A historical fiction forerunner to Jurassic Park, the novel is set in the American West in 1876 during the Bone Wars, a period of fervent competition for fossil hunting between two real-life paleontologists noted for their intense rivalry, Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope. The plot follows the fictional protagonist William Johnson, a Yale student who works during the summer alternately for the two paleontologists."@en . . . "Dra\u010D\u00ED zuby (v orig. Dragon Teeth) je posledn\u00ED posmrtn\u011B vydan\u00FD rom\u00E1n americk\u00E9ho spisovatele Michaela Crichtona (1942 - 2008). V USA vy\u0161el roku 2017, v \u010Cesku pak vydalo knihu s p\u0159ekladem Johany Tk\u00E1\u010Dov\u00E9 nakladatelstv\u00ED Plus v roce 2018. Kniha m\u00E1 pevnou vazbu a jej\u00ED d\u00E9lka \u010Din\u00ED 264 stran. Rukopis dokon\u010Dil Crichton ji\u017E v roce 1974, posmrtn\u011B jej vydala jeho man\u017Eelka Sherri Crichtonov\u00E1 ze spisovatelovy poz\u016Fstalosti. Vzhledem k tomu, \u017Ee se v rom\u00E1nu pojedn\u00E1v\u00E1 o dinosau\u0159\u00EDch fosil\u00EDch, b\u00FDv\u00E1 kniha n\u011Bkdy pova\u017Eov\u00E1na za jak\u00FDsi prequel k slavn\u00E9mu Jursk\u00E9mu parku, kter\u00FD autor dokon\u010Dil o 15 let pozd\u011Bji. Ve skute\u010Dnosti ale nemaj\u00ED ob\u011B d\u00EDla spolu prakticky nic spole\u010Dn\u00E9ho."@cs . . . . "978"^^ . "I cercatori di ossa"@it . "United States"@en . . . . "Smocze k\u0142y (ang. Dragon Teeth) \u2013 powie\u015B\u0107 Michaela Crichtona, wydana po\u015Bmiertnie 23 maja 2017 roku, kt\u00F3rej akcja rozgrywa si\u0119 w 1876 r. na Zachodzie Stan\u00F3w Zjednoczonych podczas wojny o ko\u015Bci. Jej maszynopis zosta\u0142 odkryty w\u015Br\u00F3d archiw\u00F3w autora przez \u017Con\u0119 Sherri Crichton. Pierwsze polskie wydanie ksi\u0105\u017Cki ukaza\u0142o si\u0119 8 maja 2018 roku nak\u0142adem Domu Wydawniczego \u201ERebis\u201D."@pl . "English"@en . . . . . . . . . "978-0-06-247335-6" . . . "First edition cover"@en . . "Dragon Teeth"@de . . . "2017-05-23"^^ . . . . . "Dragon Teeth ist ein Roman des amerikanischen Autors Michael Crichton, der 2017 posthum aus dessen Nachlass bei HarperCollins ver\u00F6ffentlicht wurde. 2018 erschien das Buch als \u00DCbersetzung von Klaus Berr in dem zur Verlagsgruppe Random House geh\u00F6renden Karl Blessing Verlag in M\u00FCnchen auf Deutsch."@de . "Dragon Teeth is a novel by Michael Crichton, the eighteenth under his own name and third to be published after his death, written in 1974 and published on May 23, 2017. A historical fiction forerunner to Jurassic Park, the novel is set in the American West in 1876 during the Bone Wars, a period of fervent competition for fossil hunting between two real-life paleontologists noted for their intense rivalry, Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope. The plot follows the fictional protagonist William Johnson, a Yale student who works during the summer alternately for the two paleontologists."@en . "7522"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "220"^^ . . "1119935039"^^ . . . "Dragon Teeth"@en . "I cercatori di ossa (Dragon Teeth) \u00E8 un romanzo avventuroso dello scrittore Michael Crichton, apparso postumo nel 2017. L'opera, ambientata nel 1876 negli Stati Uniti, narra la storia di uno studente di Yale, William Johnson, che per scommessa lascia la East Coast per unirsi alla spedizione del celebre paleontologo Othniel Marsh, in cerca di fossili negli stati del West."@it . . . . "Dent de dinosaure (titre original : Dragon Teeth) est un roman de Michael Crichton, publi\u00E9 en 2017. Il s'agit de la derni\u00E8re \u0153uvre de Michael Crichton publi\u00E9e \u00E0 titre posthume (apr\u00E8s Pirates et Micro). Le roman est paru en fran\u00E7ais en 2021 aux \u00E9ditions L'Archipel Dent de dinosaure se situe durant l\u2019\u00E2ge d\u2019or de la pal\u00E9ontologie. Michael Crichton revient sur le th\u00E8me des dinosaures, cette fois de mani\u00E8re plus rigoureuse et historique, apr\u00E8s les techno-thrillers Jurassic Park et Le Monde perdu."@fr . . . . . . . "Dent de dinosaure"@fr . "Dentes de Drag\u00E3o"@pt . "Dra\u010D\u00ED zuby (v orig. Dragon Teeth) je posledn\u00ED posmrtn\u011B vydan\u00FD rom\u00E1n americk\u00E9ho spisovatele Michaela Crichtona (1942 - 2008). V USA vy\u0161el roku 2017, v \u010Cesku pak vydalo knihu s p\u0159ekladem Johany Tk\u00E1\u010Dov\u00E9 nakladatelstv\u00ED Plus v roce 2018. Kniha m\u00E1 pevnou vazbu a jej\u00ED d\u00E9lka \u010Din\u00ED 264 stran. Rukopis dokon\u010Dil Crichton ji\u017E v roce 1974, posmrtn\u011B jej vydala jeho man\u017Eelka Sherri Crichtonov\u00E1 ze spisovatelovy poz\u016Fstalosti. Vzhledem k tomu, \u017Ee se v rom\u00E1nu pojedn\u00E1v\u00E1 o dinosau\u0159\u00EDch fosil\u00EDch, b\u00FDv\u00E1 kniha n\u011Bkdy pova\u017Eov\u00E1na za jak\u00FDsi prequel k slavn\u00E9mu Jursk\u00E9mu parku, kter\u00FD autor dokon\u010Dil o 15 let pozd\u011Bji. Ve skute\u010Dnosti ale nemaj\u00ED ob\u011B d\u00EDla spolu prakticky nic spole\u010Dn\u00E9ho."@cs . . . . "I cercatori di ossa (Dragon Teeth) \u00E8 un romanzo avventuroso dello scrittore Michael Crichton, apparso postumo nel 2017. L'opera, ambientata nel 1876 negli Stati Uniti, narra la storia di uno studente di Yale, William Johnson, che per scommessa lascia la East Coast per unirsi alla spedizione del celebre paleontologo Othniel Marsh, in cerca di fossili negli stati del West."@it . . "Dentes de Drag\u00E3o (Dragon Teeth, no original em ingl\u00EAs) \u00E9 um romance de fic\u00E7\u00E3o hist\u00F3rica do autor americano Michael Crichton. Chrichton come\u00E7ou a coletar dados para a sua escrita em 1974, mas a obra somente foi publicada postumamente, em 2017, ap\u00F3s a sua esposa Sherri ter descoberto nos seus extensos arquivos o manuscrito que permitiu a sua publica\u00E7\u00E3o. Esse manuscrito teria sido a inspira\u00E7\u00E3o para o c\u00E9lebre romance Jurassic Park. A hist\u00F3ria passa-se em grande parte na Regi\u00E3o Oeste (Estados Unidos), em 1876, durante a designada \"Guerra dos Ossos\", um per\u00EDodo de competi\u00E7\u00E3o acerada pela pesquisa de f\u00F3sseis de dinossauros entre dois paleontologistas norte-americanos da \u00E9poca conhecidos pela sua intensa rivalidade, Othniel Charles Marsh e Edward Drinker Cope. Crichton faz intervir o her\u00F3i fict\u00EDcio nesse tumulto da hist\u00F3ria. E tendo tamb\u00E9m como pano de fundo a Grande Guerra Sioux de 1876, o protagonista William Johnson, um estudante da Universidade Yale que durante o ver\u00E3o daquele ano inicia a sua colabora\u00E7\u00E3o com um dos paleontologistas, mas que depois pelo desenrolar da ac\u00E7\u00E3o \u00E9 arrastado para trabalhar na campanha de escava\u00E7\u00E3o do outro, participa no achado dum f\u00F3ssil importante (dentes de dinossauro), mal sobrevive a um ataque de \u00EDndios, e fica preso na Deadwood sem lei da \u00E9poca, onde participa num duelo de pistolas, tornando-se assim uma personagem do Velho Oeste."@pt . . . "Dragon Teeth ist ein Roman des amerikanischen Autors Michael Crichton, der 2017 posthum aus dessen Nachlass bei HarperCollins ver\u00F6ffentlicht wurde. 2018 erschien das Buch als \u00DCbersetzung von Klaus Berr in dem zur Verlagsgruppe Random House geh\u00F6renden Karl Blessing Verlag in M\u00FCnchen auf Deutsch. Thematisch handelt es sich bei Dragon Teeth um einen Abenteuerroman, der die rivalisierenden Aktivit\u00E4ten der Pal\u00E4ontologen Edward Drinker Cope und Othniel Charles Marsh im Rahmen der als Bone Wars popul\u00E4r gewordenen Auseinandersetzung gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts aufgreift. Er baut dabei auf historisch reale Personen, Orte und Ereignisse auf und setzt diese in den Kontext eines Romans um den fiktionalen Expeditionsfotografen William Johnson."@de . "320"^^ . "Dragon Teeth"@en . . "Adventure, historical fiction"@en . . "Smocze k\u0142y"@pl . . . . . "HarperCollins" . . . . . . "51524125"^^ . "2017-05-23"^^ . .