"11141826"^^ . "1.062600016593933"^^ . "45.85639953613281"^^ . . . "Dechen Ch\u00F6ling est le centre r\u00E9sidentiel de pratique de la communaut\u00E9 bouddhiste Shambhala en Europe. Le centre est situ\u00E9 au sein de campagne luxuriante du Limousin \u00E0 Saint-Yrieix-sous-Aixe, \u00E0 proximit\u00E9 de Limoges, en France. Dechen Ch\u00F6ling d\u00E9pend de Shambhala Europe - un r\u00E9seau de plus que 45 centres et groupes de m\u00E9ditation urbains - et de , un r\u00E9seau mondial de 140 centres urbains et sept centres de pratique r\u00E9sidentiels dirig\u00E9s par Sakyong Mipham Rinpoch\u00E9. Le bouddhisme Shambhala fond\u00E9 par Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche appartient au bouddhisme tib\u00E9tain. Il est surtout implant\u00E9 en occident et veut proposer une voie de pratique du bouddhisme moderne, correspondant \u00E0 la culture occidentale du XXIe siecle. Sa valeur centrale est la \"Bont\u00E9 Fondamentale\" de l\u2019\u00EAtre humain et il veut montrer la voie d'une \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 Eveill\u00E9e\". Sa pratique de base est la m\u00E9ditation."@fr . "Dechen Ch\u00F6ling is the residential practice center of the European Shambhala Buddhist community. The center sits in a land of rolling meadows near Limoges, France. Dechen Ch\u00F6ling is a part of Shambhala Europe - a network of more than 45 urban meditation centres and groups - and of Shambhala International, a worldwide network of 140 urban centers and seven residential practice centres led by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. Shambhala Buddhism joins the legacy of Tibetan Buddhism with the Shambhala tradition of Chogyam Trungpa. The centre sits in a land of rolling meadows and trees near Limoges, France. People from around the world come to learn and practice meditation, and to relax. Throughout the year, Dechen Ch\u00F6ling offers programmes ranging from basic meditation and contemplative arts to advanced Buddhist and Shambhala teachings taught by renowned teachers."@en . . . . . . . "45.8564 1.0626" . "POINT(1.0626000165939 45.856399536133)"^^ . . "1561"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Dechen Ch\u00F6ling"@en . . . . "1022567280"^^ . . . "Dechen Ch\u00F6ling"@fr . . . . "Dechen Ch\u00F6ling est le centre r\u00E9sidentiel de pratique de la communaut\u00E9 bouddhiste Shambhala en Europe. Le centre est situ\u00E9 au sein de campagne luxuriante du Limousin \u00E0 Saint-Yrieix-sous-Aixe, \u00E0 proximit\u00E9 de Limoges, en France."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Dechen Ch\u00F6ling is the residential practice center of the European Shambhala Buddhist community. The center sits in a land of rolling meadows near Limoges, France. Dechen Ch\u00F6ling is a part of Shambhala Europe - a network of more than 45 urban meditation centres and groups - and of Shambhala International, a worldwide network of 140 urban centers and seven residential practice centres led by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. Shambhala Buddhism joins the legacy of Tibetan Buddhism with the Shambhala tradition of Chogyam Trungpa."@en .