. . . "Davy Byrne's Pub Irlandako Errepublikako Dublin hiriko Duke Street, 21, kalean kokatuta dagoen taberna ospetsua da. Ospe hau James Joyce idazlearen Ulysses eleberrian agertzeari zor dio. Eleberri honetan, Leopold Bloom pertsonaia Dublinen zehar doan bitartean taberna honetan gorgonzola gaztadun sandwicha eta ardo borgoniar bat dastatzeko geldiune bat egiten du."@eu . "Davy Byrne's pub"@en . . "Ireland Central Dublin"@en . . . . . "William Dempsey"@en . . "Davy Byrne's pub is a public house located at 21 Duke Street, Dublin. It was made famous by its appearance in Chapter 8 ('Lestrygonians') of James Joyce's 1922 modernist novel Ulysses, set on Thursday 16 June 1904. The main character, advertising canvasser Leopold Bloom, stops at around 1 p.m. for a gorgonzola cheese sandwich and a glass of burgundy while wandering through Dublin."@en . "Davy Byrne's pub is een bekende pub in Duke Street, Dublin, Ierland. Het werd genoemd in James Joyce's roman Ulysses (1922). Nog steeds is het een pelgrimsoord voor fans van James Joyce, die er, net als hoofdpersonage Leopold Bloom, een boterham met kaas en een glas wijn bestellen. Vooral op Bloomsday is de pub drukbezocht."@nl . . . "2419040"^^ . . . . "Exterior view of the pub on Duke Street"@en . . . "1889"^^ . . . . "53.34185 -6.25934" . . . . . . . . "Location within Central Dublin"@en . "21 Duke Street, Dublin 2, Ireland"@en . . "Davy Byrne's pub is a public house located at 21 Duke Street, Dublin. It was made famous by its appearance in Chapter 8 ('Lestrygonians') of James Joyce's 1922 modernist novel Ulysses, set on Thursday 16 June 1904. The main character, advertising canvasser Leopold Bloom, stops at around 1 p.m. for a gorgonzola cheese sandwich and a glass of burgundy while wandering through Dublin. The pub has since become a pilgrimage point for fans of the novel, who, like Bloom, stop and have a cheese sandwich and a glass of wine. The pub is particularly popular on Bloomsday, an annual 16 June celebration of both the book and James Joyce. Joyce also mentioned the pub in the short story \"Counterparts\" in Dubliners as a bar visited by the office clerk protagonist named Farrington following an altercation with his senior at the office. It is also mentioned in Green Rushes, a short story collection by Maurice Walsh."@en . . "POINT(-6.2593398094177 53.341850280762)"^^ . "21"^^ . . . . "53.34185028076172"^^ . "Davy Byrne's pub"@en . . "Davy Byrne's pub"@nl . . "Davy Byrne's pub"@en . "Davy Byrne's pub"@eu . . . . . "Davy Byrne's pub is een bekende pub in Duke Street, Dublin, Ierland. Het werd genoemd in James Joyce's roman Ulysses (1922). Nog steeds is het een pelgrimsoord voor fans van James Joyce, die er, net als hoofdpersonage Leopold Bloom, een boterham met kaas en een glas wijn bestellen. Vooral op Bloomsday is de pub drukbezocht."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "4639"^^ . . . "1011540062"^^ . "Davy Byrne's Pub Irlandako Errepublikako Dublin hiriko Duke Street, 21, kalean kokatuta dagoen taberna ospetsua da. Ospe hau James Joyce idazlearen Ulysses eleberrian agertzeari zor dio. Eleberri honetan, Leopold Bloom pertsonaia Dublinen zehar doan bitartean taberna honetan gorgonzola gaztadun sandwicha eta ardo borgoniar bat dastatzeko geldiune bat egiten du. Nahiz eta aurkakoa dirudien, taberna ez da fikziozkoa eta gaur egun oraindik martxan dirau. Lopold Bloomek gazta sandwicha eta ardoa jan-edateko egintako geldiunearen antzera, Ulysses eleberriaren zaletuen sonako erakargune eta topagunea da. Hortaz, giro literarioko taberna bat da, Bloomsday egunean oso garrantzitsu eta bisitatua delarik."@eu . . "-6.259339809417725"^^ . . . . . . . .