. . "-97.55000305175781"^^ . "Llac Cross"@ca . "\u514B\u7F85\u65AF\u6E56"@zh . . . . . "Cross Lake \u00E4r en sj\u00F6 i provinsen Manitoba i Kanada. Cross Lake ligger 207 meter \u00F6ver havet och arean \u00E4r 755 kvadratkilometer. Trakten runt Cross Lake \u00E4r n\u00E4ra nog obefolkad, med mindre \u00E4n tv\u00E5 inv\u00E5nare per kvadratkilometer. Trakten ing\u00E5r i den boreala klimatzonen."@sv . . . . "Cross Lake north of Lake Winnipeg"@en . "Cross Lake"@en . . . . . . "207.0"^^ . "Cross Lake \u00E4r en sj\u00F6 i provinsen Manitoba i Kanada. Cross Lake ligger 207 meter \u00F6ver havet och arean \u00E4r 755 kvadratkilometer. Trakten runt Cross Lake \u00E4r n\u00E4ra nog obefolkad, med mindre \u00E4n tv\u00E5 inv\u00E5nare per kvadratkilometer. Trakten ing\u00E5r i den boreala klimatzonen."@sv . . . "1330000.0"^^ . . . . . "Cross Lake ist ein See in der kanadischen Provinz Manitoba. Der See hat eine Wasserfl\u00E4che von 590 km\u00B2 sowie eine Gesamtfl\u00E4che einschlie\u00DFlich Inseln von 755 km\u00B2.Er wird vom Nelson River durchflossen. Oberstrom liegt das Jenpeg-Wasserkraftwerk sowie der Playgreen Lake und der Winnipegsee. Unterstrom liegen die Bladder Rapids und der Sipiwesk Lake.Am Cross Lake liegt das sowie eine weitere Siedlung mit dem Namen Cross Lake."@de . "POINT(-97.550003051758 54.716667175293)"^^ . . . "Manitoba"@en . "755000000.0"^^ . "1.25"^^ . "Location of Cross Lake in Manitoba"@en . "O lago Cross \u00E9 um lago localizado em Manitoba no curso do rio Nelson, a norte do lago Winnipeg. \u00C9 um lago muito longo e estreito que se estende ao longo de 40 km na orienta\u00E7\u00E3o leste-nordeste. O rio Nelson entra e sai pelo lado oeste do lago, enquanto o rio Minago entra no lago pela margem ocidental. Este lago tem uma \u00E1rea coberta por \u00E1gua de 590 km2 e uma \u00E1rea total de 755 km2 incluindo as ilhas."@pt . "54.71666717529297"^^ . "1057757750"^^ . . "520000000.0"^^ . . . "102000.0"^^ . . "Cross Lake is a large lake in Manitoba on the Nelson River north of Lake Winnipeg. It is long and narrow and extends 102 km (63 mi) east-northeast. The Nelson River west channel enters the lake at the Jenpeg Dam and the Nelson River east channel enters near the communities of Cross Lake and Cross Lake First Nation. The river then flows north to Sipiwesk Lake. The Minago River enters on the west. The lake level is regulated by Manitoba Hydro at the Jenpeg Generating Station (54\u00B032\u203236\u2033N 98\u00B01\u203236\u2033W\uFEFF / \uFEFF54.54333\u00B0N 98.02667\u00B0W) at the southern end of the lake."@en . "Canada"@en . "Cross Lake ist ein See in der kanadischen Provinz Manitoba. Der See hat eine Wasserfl\u00E4che von 590 km\u00B2 sowie eine Gesamtfl\u00E4che einschlie\u00DFlich Inseln von 755 km\u00B2.Er wird vom Nelson River durchflossen. Oberstrom liegt das Jenpeg-Wasserkraftwerk sowie der Playgreen Lake und der Winnipegsee. Unterstrom liegen die Bladder Rapids und der Sipiwesk Lake.Am Cross Lake liegt das sowie eine weitere Siedlung mit dem Namen Cross Lake."@de . "many islands including Cross Island"@en . . . . . . . "Cross Lake"@en . "El llac Cross \u00E9s un llac de Manitoba, al Canad\u00E0. Es troba al curs del riu Nelson, al nord del llac Winnipeg. \u00C9s llarg i estret i s'est\u00E9n 102 km en direcci\u00F3 est-nord-est. La seva superf\u00EDcie \u00E9s de 590 km\u00B2, cosa que el converteix en el nov\u00E8 llac m\u00E9s gran a la prov\u00EDncia. Hi ha nombroses illes al seu interior. Les comunitats de les Primeres Nacions de Cross Lake i Cross Lake First Nation es troben a la vora del llac."@ca . . . . "4085"^^ . . . . . . "12.0"^^ . "Cross Lake"@de . . . . "Lac Cross (Manitoba)"@fr . "El llac Cross \u00E9s un llac de Manitoba, al Canad\u00E0. Es troba al curs del riu Nelson, al nord del llac Winnipeg. \u00C9s llarg i estret i s'est\u00E9n 102 km en direcci\u00F3 est-nord-est. La seva superf\u00EDcie \u00E9s de 590 km\u00B2, cosa que el converteix en el nov\u00E8 llac m\u00E9s gran a la prov\u00EDncia. Hi ha nombroses illes al seu interior. Les comunitats de les Primeres Nacions de Cross Lake i Cross Lake First Nation es troben a la vora del llac."@ca . . . "\u514B\u7F85\u65AF\u6E56\u662F\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u7684\u6E56\u6CCA\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u6EAB\u5C3C\u4F2F\u6E56\u4EE5\u5317\uFF0C\u5C6C\u65BC\u7D0D\u723E\u905C\u6CB3\u6D41\u57DF\u7684\u4E00\u90E8\u5206\uFF0C\u7531\u66FC\u5C3C\u6258\u5DF4\u7701\u8CA0\u8CAC\u7BA1\u8F44\uFF0C\u9762\u7A4D590\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u5CF6\u5DBC\u9762\u7A4D165\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u6D77\u62D4\u9AD8\u5EA6207\u7C73\u3002"@zh . . . "\u514B\u7F85\u65AF\u6E56\u662F\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u7684\u6E56\u6CCA\uFF0C\u4F4D\u65BC\u6EAB\u5C3C\u4F2F\u6E56\u4EE5\u5317\uFF0C\u5C6C\u65BC\u7D0D\u723E\u905C\u6CB3\u6D41\u57DF\u7684\u4E00\u90E8\u5206\uFF0C\u7531\u66FC\u5C3C\u6258\u5DF4\u7701\u8CA0\u8CAC\u7BA1\u8F44\uFF0C\u9762\u7A4D590\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u5CF6\u5DBC\u9762\u7A4D165\u5E73\u65B9\u516C\u91CC\uFF0C\u6D77\u62D4\u9AD8\u5EA6207\u7C73\u3002"@zh . . . "300"^^ . . "Lago Cross (Manitoba)"@pt . "Cross Lake, Manitoba"@sv . "Le lac Cross est un lac au Manitoba au Canada. Il se trouve le long du fleuve Nelson au nord du lac Winnipeg. Il s'\u00E9tend sur une longueur de 102 km. Le niveau du lac est g\u00E9r\u00E9 par Manitoba Hydro \u00E0 son extr\u00E9mit\u00E9 sud."@fr . . . "Le lac Cross est un lac au Manitoba au Canada. Il se trouve le long du fleuve Nelson au nord du lac Winnipeg. Il s'\u00E9tend sur une longueur de 102 km. Le niveau du lac est g\u00E9r\u00E9 par Manitoba Hydro \u00E0 son extr\u00E9mit\u00E9 sud."@fr . . . . . "15406558"^^ . . . "Cross Lake is a large lake in Manitoba on the Nelson River north of Lake Winnipeg. It is long and narrow and extends 102 km (63 mi) east-northeast. The Nelson River west channel enters the lake at the Jenpeg Dam and the Nelson River east channel enters near the communities of Cross Lake and Cross Lake First Nation. The river then flows north to Sipiwesk Lake. The Minago River enters on the west. The lake level is regulated by Manitoba Hydro at the Jenpeg Generating Station (54\u00B032\u203236\u2033N 98\u00B01\u203236\u2033W\uFEFF / \uFEFF54.54333\u00B0N 98.02667\u00B0W) at the southern end of the lake."@en . . "Cross Lake (Manitoba)"@en . . . . "54.71666666666667 -97.55" . . . . "O lago Cross \u00E9 um lago localizado em Manitoba no curso do rio Nelson, a norte do lago Winnipeg. \u00C9 um lago muito longo e estreito que se estende ao longo de 40 km na orienta\u00E7\u00E3o leste-nordeste. O rio Nelson entra e sai pelo lado oeste do lago, enquanto o rio Minago entra no lago pela margem ocidental. Este lago tem uma \u00E1rea coberta por \u00E1gua de 590 km2 e uma \u00E1rea total de 755 km2 incluindo as ilhas."@pt . . "8099000000.0"^^ . "189345.6"^^ . . . . . . . .