. "El Acta de Poderes Especiales (Special Powers Act) fue un paquete de medidas que se aplicaron desde 1971 por orden del primer ministro de Irlanda del Norte Brian Faulkner, para controlar la creciente actividad terrorista en Irlanda del Norte. El Acta autorizaba la reclusi\u00F3n sin juicio previo de los sospechosos de terrorismo. Aunque la ley se aplicaba a ambos bandos, de los 1981 arrestados, s\u00F3lo 107 eran lealistas.[cita requerida] El Acta fue derogada en 1975, pero en realidad foment\u00F3 el apoyo a las acciones del IRA y cre\u00F3 numerosas tensiones entre la polic\u00EDa y los arrestados, que culminaron en la . Los arrestos basados en leyes antiterroristas espec\u00EDficas para Irlanda del Norte siguieron produci\u00E9ndose hasta el Acuerdo de Viernes Santo, pero esas leyes requer\u00EDan que se respetase el derecho a un juicio justo. \n* Datos: Q2974875"@es . . . . . "Le Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 (le plus souvent appel\u00E9 Special Powers Act) est une loi du Parlement d'Irlande du Nord mise en place \u00E0 la fin de la guerre d'ind\u00E9pendance irlandaise qui aboutit au partage de l'\u00EEle. Il offre des pouvoirs \u00E9tendus \u00E0 la police et \u00E0 l'arm\u00E9e. Temporaire \u00E0 sa fondation (il doit \u00EAtre renouvel\u00E9 chaque ann\u00E9e) pour donner au gouvernement les moyens de r\u00E9tablir l'ordre en cas de nouveaux troubles, il devient permanent en 1933."@fr . . . . "Civil Authorities Act 1922"@en . . . . . . . "1922-04-07"^^ . "El Acta de Poderes Especiales (Special Powers Act) fue un paquete de medidas que se aplicaron desde 1971 por orden del primer ministro de Irlanda del Norte Brian Faulkner, para controlar la creciente actividad terrorista en Irlanda del Norte. El Acta autorizaba la reclusi\u00F3n sin juicio previo de los sospechosos de terrorismo. Aunque la ley se aplicaba a ambos bandos, de los 1981 arrestados, s\u00F3lo 107 eran lealistas.[cita requerida] \n* Datos: Q2974875"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1922-04-07"^^ . . . . . . "14349"^^ . "Parliament of Northern Ireland"@en . . . . . "Le Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922 (le plus souvent appel\u00E9 Special Powers Act) est une loi du Parlement d'Irlande du Nord mise en place \u00E0 la fin de la guerre d'ind\u00E9pendance irlandaise qui aboutit au partage de l'\u00EEle. Il offre des pouvoirs \u00E9tendus \u00E0 la police et \u00E0 l'arm\u00E9e. Temporaire \u00E0 sa fondation (il doit \u00EAtre renouvel\u00E9 chaque ann\u00E9e) pour donner au gouvernement les moyens de r\u00E9tablir l'ordre en cas de nouveaux troubles, il devient permanent en 1933. Par cet acte, lorsque n\u00E9cessaire, le gouvernement peut attrivuer certains pouvoirs comme celui de proceder \u00E0 des arrestations arbitraire ou des internements sans proc\u00E8s, de mener des perquisitions sans mandat, d'interdire rassemblement et m\u00E9dias, de r\u00E9unir un tribunal sans jury, d'user de ch\u00E2timents corporels, de suspendre le droit \u00E0 un avocat,\u2026"@fr . "1118185955"^^ . . . . . . . . "The Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922, often referred to simply as the Special Powers Act, was an Act passed by the Parliament of Northern Ireland shortly after the establishment of Northern Ireland, and in the context of violent conflict over the issue of the partition of Ireland. Its sweeping powers made it highly controversial, and it was seen by much of the Irish nationalist community as a tool of Ulster unionist oppression. The Act was eventually repealed by the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1973, following the abolition of Northern Ireland's parliament and the imposition of direct rule by the British government."@en . . . . "1922"^^ . "Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922"@fr . . . "Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922"@en . . "An Act to empower certain authorities of the Government of Northern Ireland to take steps for preserving the peace and maintaining order in Northern Ireland, and for purposes connected therewith."@en . . . . . . . "Repealed"@en . . . . . "12"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Acta de Poderes Especiales"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . . . . . . "The Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act (Northern Ireland) 1922, often referred to simply as the Special Powers Act, was an Act passed by the Parliament of Northern Ireland shortly after the establishment of Northern Ireland, and in the context of violent conflict over the issue of the partition of Ireland. Its sweeping powers made it highly controversial, and it was seen by much of the Irish nationalist community as a tool of Ulster unionist oppression. The Act was eventually repealed by the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1973, following the abolition of Northern Ireland's parliament and the imposition of direct rule by the British government."@en . . . . "23452007"^^ . "Northern Ireland"@en . . .