. . . . . "\u514B\u91CC\u65AF\u00B7\u62C9\u7279\u7D0D\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AChris Lattner\uFF0C1978\u5E74\uFF0D\uFF09\uFF0C\u7F8E\u570B\u8457\u540D\u7A0B\u5F0F\u8A2D\u8A08\u5E2B\uFF0CLLVM\u5C08\u6848\u7684\u4E3B\u8981\u767C\u8D77\u4EBA\u8207\u4F5C\u8005\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0CSwift\u8A9E\u8A00\u7684\u5275\u59CB\u4EBA\uFF0C\u4E26\u65BC2022\u5E743\u6708\u96E2\u958BSwift\u6838\u5FC3\u5718\u968A\uFF0CClang\u7DE8\u8B6F\u5668\u7684\u4F5C\u8005\u3002\u73B0\u4E3A\u4ED6\u5171\u540C\u5275\u7ACB\u7684\u4EBA\u5DE5\u667A\u80FD\u516C\u53F8\u7684\u9996\u5E2D\u57F7\u884C\u5B98\u3002"@zh . . . "\uD06C\uB9AC\uC2A4 \uB798\uD2B8\uB108(Chris Lattner, 1978\uB144~ )\uB294 \uBBF8\uAD6D\uC758 \uCEF4\uD4E8\uD130 \uACFC\uD559\uC790\uB85C LLVM\uC744 \uB9CC\uB4E4\uC5B4\uB0B8 \uC778\uBB3C\uB85C \uAC00\uC7A5 \uC798 \uC54C\uB824\uC838 \uC788\uB2E4. Clang \uCEF4\uD30C\uC77C\uB7EC\uC640 \uBC0F \uD504\uB85C\uADF8\uB798\uBC0D \uC5B8\uC5B4 Swift\uB97C \uB9CC\uB4E4\uC5C8\uB2E4. 2017\uB144\uAE4C\uC9C0 \uC560\uD50C\uC758 \uAC1C\uBC1C\uC790 \uB3C4\uAD6C\uBD80\uC11C\uC758 \uB514\uB809\uD130\uB85C \uC788\uC5C8\uC73C\uBA70 Xcode, Instruments, \uADF8\uB9AC\uACE0 \uCEF4\uD30C\uC77C\uB7EC \uD300\uC774 \uADF8\uC758 \uBC11\uC5D0 \uC788\uC5C8\uB2E4. \uADF8\uD6C4 \uD14C\uC2AC\uB77C\uC640 \uAD6C\uAE00\uC744 \uAC70\uCCD0 \uD604\uC7AC RISC-V \uC2A4\uD0C0\uD2B8\uC5C5\uC778 Sifive\uC5D0\uC11C \uC77C\uD558\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Christopher Arthur Lattner (born 1978) is an American software engineer, former Google and Tesla employee and co-founder of LLVM, Clang compiler, MLIR compiler infrastructure and the Swift programming language. As of 2022, he is the co-founder and CEO at Modular AI, an artificial intelligence platform for developers. Before founding Modular AI, he worked as the President of Platform Engineering, SiFive after two years at Google Brain. Prior to that, he briefly served as Vice President of Autopilot Software at Tesla, Inc. and worked at Apple Inc. as Senior Director of the Developer Tools department, leading the Xcode, Instruments, and compiler teams."@en . "Chris Lattner"@fr . . . . . . . . . "\u514B\u91CC\u65AF\u00B7\u62C9\u7279\u7D0D"@zh . "SiFive"@en . . . . . . "Tanya Lattner"@en . "14443118"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "\uD06C\uB9AC\uC2A4 \uB798\uD2B8\uB108(Chris Lattner, 1978\uB144~ )\uB294 \uBBF8\uAD6D\uC758 \uCEF4\uD4E8\uD130 \uACFC\uD559\uC790\uB85C LLVM\uC744 \uB9CC\uB4E4\uC5B4\uB0B8 \uC778\uBB3C\uB85C \uAC00\uC7A5 \uC798 \uC54C\uB824\uC838 \uC788\uB2E4. Clang \uCEF4\uD30C\uC77C\uB7EC\uC640 \uBC0F \uD504\uB85C\uADF8\uB798\uBC0D \uC5B8\uC5B4 Swift\uB97C \uB9CC\uB4E4\uC5C8\uB2E4. 2017\uB144\uAE4C\uC9C0 \uC560\uD50C\uC758 \uAC1C\uBC1C\uC790 \uB3C4\uAD6C\uBD80\uC11C\uC758 \uB514\uB809\uD130\uB85C \uC788\uC5C8\uC73C\uBA70 Xcode, Instruments, \uADF8\uB9AC\uACE0 \uCEF4\uD30C\uC77C\uB7EC \uD300\uC774 \uADF8\uC758 \uBC11\uC5D0 \uC788\uC5C8\uB2E4. \uADF8\uD6C4 \uD14C\uC2AC\uB77C\uC640 \uAD6C\uAE00\uC744 \uAC70\uCCD0 \uD604\uC7AC RISC-V \uC2A4\uD0C0\uD2B8\uC5C5\uC778 Sifive\uC5D0\uC11C \uC77C\uD558\uACE0 \uC788\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . . . . . . . . "Google"@en . . . . "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"@en . . "Chris Lattner"@en . . "Chris Lattner"@it . . . . "ACM Software System Award"@en . ""@en . . "Programming languages"@en . "Chris Lattner in 2020"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "19012"^^ . . . . . . . . "Chris Lattner (1978) \u00E8 un informatico statunitense. \u00C8 l'autore originale del progetto LLVM nonch\u00E9 dei progetti correlati tra cui il compilatore Clang e il linguaggio di programmazione Swift. Da giugno 2005 a gennaio 2017 ha lavorato presso Apple Computer Inc. come direttore del dipartimento di sviluppo per gli strumenti per programmatori, per Xcode e i team per le strumentazioni e i compilatori."@it . . . "Chris Lattner (* 1978) ist ein US-amerikanischer Informatiker. Lattner studierte Informatik an der University of Portland mit dem Bachelor-Abschluss 2000 und setzte sein Studium an der University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign fort. Dort arbeitete er mit zusammen an der Entwicklung von LLVM, ein Projekt f\u00FCr Infrastruktur zum Optimieren von Compilern. Er erwarb dabei den Master-Abschluss und wurde 2005 promoviert (Macroscopic Data Structure Analysis and Optimization). Danach ging er zu Apple, wo er LLVM Technologie in verschiedenen Produkten anwandte (Clang, Xcode, Instruments, Swift, JIT-OpenGL-Compiler u. a.). Teilweise sind seine Entwicklungen auch Open-Source-Software (wie bei dem LLDB Debugger). Zuletzt war er bei Apple Senior Director und Architekt des Developer Tools Department. Nachdem er 2017 kurze Zeit f\u00FCr Tesla an deren Autopilot-Projekt arbeitete, wechselte er zu Google, wo er am Google Brain Projekt arbeitet. Er ist Senior Director und Distinguished Engineer im TensorFlow-Team. Seit Januar 2020 arbeitet Chris Lattner als Leiter des RISC-V Software and Platform Engineering Teams bei SiFive. Seine Ehefrau Tanya Lattner ist ebenfalls Informatikerin und seit 2015 Pr\u00E4sidentin der LLVM Foundation. 2010 erhielt er den ersten ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Software Award f\u00FCr LLVM. 2012 erhielt er den ACM Software System Award."@de . "Modular AI"@en . . . . . "Chris Lattner in 2020"@en . . "Macroscopic Data Structure Analysis and Optimization"@en . . "Christopher Arthur Lattner"@en . "1121390767"^^ . . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . . "Chris Lattner (1978) \u00E8 un informatico statunitense. \u00C8 l'autore originale del progetto LLVM nonch\u00E9 dei progetti correlati tra cui il compilatore Clang e il linguaggio di programmazione Swift. Da giugno 2005 a gennaio 2017 ha lavorato presso Apple Computer Inc. come direttore del dipartimento di sviluppo per gli strumenti per programmatori, per Xcode e i team per le strumentazioni e i compilatori. A gennaio 2017 \u00E8 entrato a far parte del Tesla Autopilot Team per poi uscirne dopo solo sei mesi. Successivamente ha diretto per tre anni il team di infrastruttura di TensorFlow per Google, abbandonandolo nel gennaio 2020 per dirigere il team di Ingegneria di , ruolo che ricopre oggigiorno."@it . "Chris Lattner"@en . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . "Apple Inc."@en . "Chris Lattner (* 1978) ist ein US-amerikanischer Informatiker. Lattner studierte Informatik an der University of Portland mit dem Bachelor-Abschluss 2000 und setzte sein Studium an der University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign fort. Dort arbeitete er mit zusammen an der Entwicklung von LLVM, ein Projekt f\u00FCr Infrastruktur zum Optimieren von Compilern. Er erwarb dabei den Master-Abschluss und wurde 2005 promoviert (Macroscopic Data Structure Analysis and Optimization). Danach ging er zu Apple, wo er LLVM Technologie in verschiedenen Produkten anwandte (Clang, Xcode, Instruments, Swift, JIT-OpenGL-Compiler u. a.). Teilweise sind seine Entwicklungen auch Open-Source-Software (wie bei dem LLDB Debugger). Zuletzt war er bei Apple Senior Director und Architekt des Developer Tools Department. Na"@de . "Tesla, Inc."@en . "University of Portland"@en . "Chris Lattner, informaticien am\u00E9ricain, n\u00E9 en 1978, est connu comme le principal auteur du compilateur Clang et de sa plate-forme de bas niveau LLVM. Depuis 2017, il travaille chez Google Brain."@fr . . . . . . . . "Chris Lattner"@en . . . . . "Christopher Arthur Lattner (born 1978) is an American software engineer, former Google and Tesla employee and co-founder of LLVM, Clang compiler, MLIR compiler infrastructure and the Swift programming language. As of 2022, he is the co-founder and CEO at Modular AI, an artificial intelligence platform for developers. Before founding Modular AI, he worked as the President of Platform Engineering, SiFive after two years at Google Brain. Prior to that, he briefly served as Vice President of Autopilot Software at Tesla, Inc. and worked at Apple Inc. as Senior Director of the Developer Tools department, leading the Xcode, Instruments, and compiler teams."@en . . . . . . "Compilers"@en . . . . . . . . . "\uD06C\uB9AC\uC2A4 \uB77C\uD2B8\uB108"@ko . . . "Chris Lattner, informaticien am\u00E9ricain, n\u00E9 en 1978, est connu comme le principal auteur du compilateur Clang et de sa plate-forme de bas niveau LLVM. Depuis 2017, il travaille chez Google Brain."@fr . . . . "Christopher Arthur Lattner"@en . . . "\u514B\u91CC\u65AF\u00B7\u62C9\u7279\u7D0D\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1AChris Lattner\uFF0C1978\u5E74\uFF0D\uFF09\uFF0C\u7F8E\u570B\u8457\u540D\u7A0B\u5F0F\u8A2D\u8A08\u5E2B\uFF0CLLVM\u5C08\u6848\u7684\u4E3B\u8981\u767C\u8D77\u4EBA\u8207\u4F5C\u8005\u4E4B\u4E00\uFF0CSwift\u8A9E\u8A00\u7684\u5275\u59CB\u4EBA\uFF0C\u4E26\u65BC2022\u5E743\u6708\u96E2\u958BSwift\u6838\u5FC3\u5718\u968A\uFF0CClang\u7DE8\u8B6F\u5668\u7684\u4F5C\u8005\u3002\u73B0\u4E3A\u4ED6\u5171\u540C\u5275\u7ACB\u7684\u4EBA\u5DE5\u667A\u80FD\u516C\u53F8\u7684\u9996\u5E2D\u57F7\u884C\u5B98\u3002"@zh . "2005"^^ . . "Chris Lattner"@de . . . . . . . . . . "ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Software Award"@en . . . . .