. . . "The Chitande aulonocara (Aulonocara ethelwynnae) is a species of haplochromine cichlid which is endemic to Lake Malawi, only occurring in the north-west of the Lake near Chitande Island. It occurs over habitats of mixed rock and sand and it feeds on benthic invertebrates. The males show territorial behaviour all year and defend their territories from other males. These territorial males are found in deeper areas around 15 metres (49 ft) while the non territorial males and the females are rarely seen below 3 metres (9.8 ft). Ripe females descend towards the males and spawning takes place in a cavity or, if the male's territory does not include a cavity, on the open sand. The specific name honours the British ichthyologist Ethelwynn Trewavas (1900-1993) of the British Museum (Natural History) who described a number of species of cichlid from Lake Malawi."@en . . "M. K. Meyer, Riehl & Zetzsche, 1987"@en . . . . . . . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de cichliden (Cichlidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1987 door Meyer, Riehl & Zetzsche."@nl . . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@sv . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@pt . . . . . "\u5C0F\u9C57\u5B54\u96C0\u9BDB\uFF0C\u70BA\u8F3B\u9C2D\u9B5A\u7DB1\u9C78\u5F62\u76EE\u9686\u982D\u9B5A\u4E9E\u76EE\u6148\u9BDB\u79D1\u7684\u5176\u4E2D\u4E00\u7A2E\uFF0C\u88ABIUCN\u5217\u70BA\u8FD1\u5371\u4FDD\u80B2\u985E\u52D5\u7269\uFF0C\u5206\u5E03\u65BC\u975E\u6D32\u99AC\u62C9\u5A01\u6E56Chitende\u5CF6\u6D41\u57DF\uFF0C\u70BA\u7279\u6709\u7A2E\uFF0C\u9AD4\u9577\u53EF\u90547.1\u516C\u5206\uFF0C\u68F2\u606F\u5728\u6C99\u5E95\u8CEA\u3001\u6563\u5E03\u77F3\u584A\u7684\u6C34\u57DF\uFF0C\u4EE5\u5C0F\u578B\u7121\u810A\u690E\u52D5\u7269\u70BA\u98DF\uFF0C\u53EF\u505A\u70BA\u89C0\u8CDE\u9B5A\u3002"@zh . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@fr . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@ca . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae est une esp\u00E8ce de poisson d'eau douce de la famille des cichlidae end\u00E9mique du lac Malawi en Afrique."@fr . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae \u00E4r en fiskart som beskrevs av Meyer, Riehl och Zetzsche, 1987. Aulonocara ethelwynnae ing\u00E5r i sl\u00E4ktet Aulonocara och familjen Cichlidae. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som s\u00E5rbar. Inga underarter finns listade."@sv . . . . . . . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cichlidae familian."@eu . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de cichliden (Cichlidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1987 door Meyer, Riehl & Zetzsche."@nl . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@en . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae \u00E9 uma esp\u00E9cie de peixe da fam\u00EDlia Cichlidae. \u00C9 end\u00E9mica do Malawi.Os seus habitats naturais s\u00E3o: lagos de \u00E1gua doce."@pt . . . . . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae es una especie de peces de la familia Cichlidae en el orden de los Perciformes."@es . "IUCN3.1"@en . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae \u00E8 una specie di pesci della famiglia dei Ciclidi endemica del Lago Malawi."@it . . . "NT"@en . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@eu . . . "12603871"^^ . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae es una especie de peces de la familia Cichlidae en el orden de los Perciformes."@es . . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@it . "The Chitande aulonocara (Aulonocara ethelwynnae) is a species of haplochromine cichlid which is endemic to Lake Malawi, only occurring in the north-west of the Lake near Chitande Island. It occurs over habitats of mixed rock and sand and it feeds on benthic invertebrates. The males show territorial behaviour all year and defend their territories from other males. These territorial males are found in deeper areas around 15 metres (49 ft) while the non territorial males and the females are rarely seen below 3 metres (9.8 ft). Ripe females descend towards the males and spawning takes place in a cavity or, if the male's territory does not include a cavity, on the open sand. The specific name honours the British ichthyologist Ethelwynn Trewavas (1900-1993) of the British Museum (Natural History"@en . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae \u00E4r en fiskart som beskrevs av Meyer, Riehl och Zetzsche, 1987. Aulonocara ethelwynnae ing\u00E5r i sl\u00E4ktet Aulonocara och familjen Cichlidae. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som s\u00E5rbar. Inga underarter finns listade."@sv . . "Chitande aulonocara"@en . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae \u00E8 una specie di pesci della famiglia dei Ciclidi endemica del Lago Malawi."@it . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cichlidae familian."@eu . . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae \u00E9s una esp\u00E8cie de peix de la fam\u00EDlia dels c\u00EDclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes."@ca . . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae \u00E9 uma esp\u00E9cie de peixe da fam\u00EDlia Cichlidae. \u00C9 end\u00E9mica do Malawi.Os seus habitats naturais s\u00E3o: lagos de \u00E1gua doce."@pt . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae est une esp\u00E8ce de poisson d'eau douce de la famille des cichlidae end\u00E9mique du lac Malawi en Afrique."@fr . . . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@nl . . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae \u00E9s una esp\u00E8cie de peix de la fam\u00EDlia dels c\u00EDclids i de l'ordre dels perciformes."@ca . "2483"^^ . "1116684948"^^ . "\u5C0F\u9C57\u5B54\u96C0\u9BDB"@zh . . . "\u5C0F\u9C57\u5B54\u96C0\u9BDB\uFF0C\u70BA\u8F3B\u9C2D\u9B5A\u7DB1\u9C78\u5F62\u76EE\u9686\u982D\u9B5A\u4E9E\u76EE\u6148\u9BDB\u79D1\u7684\u5176\u4E2D\u4E00\u7A2E\uFF0C\u88ABIUCN\u5217\u70BA\u8FD1\u5371\u4FDD\u80B2\u985E\u52D5\u7269\uFF0C\u5206\u5E03\u65BC\u975E\u6D32\u99AC\u62C9\u5A01\u6E56Chitende\u5CF6\u6D41\u57DF\uFF0C\u70BA\u7279\u6709\u7A2E\uFF0C\u9AD4\u9577\u53EF\u90547.1\u516C\u5206\uFF0C\u68F2\u606F\u5728\u6C99\u5E95\u8CEA\u3001\u6563\u5E03\u77F3\u584A\u7684\u6C34\u57DF\uFF0C\u4EE5\u5C0F\u578B\u7121\u810A\u690E\u52D5\u7269\u70BA\u98DF\uFF0C\u53EF\u505A\u70BA\u89C0\u8CDE\u9B5A\u3002"@zh . "Aulonocara ethelwynnae"@es . . .