. . . . . "No set term, though retirement is mandatory at age 70"@en . . . "120"^^ . . . . "560100.0"^^ . . "Chief Justice"@en . . . . . . "1841-02-05"^^ . . . . . . . "3939082"^^ . . . . . . . "Der Chief Justice of New Zealand (Maori Te Kaiwhakaw\u0101 Tumuaki o Aotearoa) ist der oberste Richter Neuseelands und Vorsitzender des Supreme Court. Vor der Einrichtung dieses Gerichtes war der Chief Justice der Vorsitzende Richter des High Court und damit ex officio auch Mitglied des Court of Appeal. Das Amt besteht auf Grundlage des ."@de . . . "Chief Justice of New Zealand"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "8194"^^ . . . . . . . "The chief justice of New Zealand (M\u0101ori: Te Kaiwhakaw\u0101 Tumuaki o Aotearoa) is the head of the New Zealand judiciary, and presides over the Supreme Court of New Zealand. The chief justice of New Zealand is also the chief justice of Tokelau. Before the establishment of the Supreme Court in 2004, the chief justice was the presiding judge in the High Court of New Zealand, and was also ex officio a member of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand. The office is established by the Senior Courts Act 2016, which describes the chief justice as \"senior to all other judges\"."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The chief justice of New Zealand (M\u0101ori: Te Kaiwhakaw\u0101 Tumuaki o Aotearoa) is the head of the New Zealand judiciary, and presides over the Supreme Court of New Zealand. The chief justice of New Zealand is also the chief justice of Tokelau. Before the establishment of the Supreme Court in 2004, the chief justice was the presiding judge in the High Court of New Zealand, and was also ex officio a member of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand. The office is established by the Senior Courts Act 2016, which describes the chief justice as \"senior to all other judges\". The chief justice is first among equals among the Judges of the Supreme Court. They also act in place of the governor-general if one has not been appointed or if the appointee is unable to perform their duties. When acting in place of the governor-general, the chief justice is known as the \"administrator of the Government\". The chief justice is appointed by the governor-general, on the formal advice of the prime minister. The current chief justice is the Rt Hon Dame Helen Winkelmann, who was appointed on 14 March 2019 to replace the Rt Hon Dame Sian Elias, who had reached mandatory retirement at age 70."@en . . . "Der Chief Justice of New Zealand (Maori Te Kaiwhakaw\u0101 Tumuaki o Aotearoa) ist der oberste Richter Neuseelands und Vorsitzender des Supreme Court. Vor der Einrichtung dieses Gerichtes war der Chief Justice der Vorsitzende Richter des High Court und damit ex officio auch Mitglied des Court of Appeal. Das Amt besteht auf Grundlage des . Der Chief Justice wird durch den Generalgouverneur von Neuseeland auf Empfehlung des Premierministers ernannt. Er ist auch Stellvertreter des Generalgouverneurs, wenn keiner im Amt ist oder der Amtsinhaber nicht f\u00E4hig ist seine Amtsgesch\u00E4fte auszu\u00FCben. In dieser Situation wird der Chief Justice als t\u00E4tig."@de . . . . . "1107288822"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "New Zealand"@en . . . . "Coat of arms of New_Zealand.svg"@en . . . "Helen Winkelmann"@en . . "Chief Justice (Neuseeland)"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2019-03-14"^^ . .