. . . . . . . "El tractat de delimitaci\u00F3 mar\u00EDtima Cap Verd-Maurit\u00E0nia \u00E9s un tractat internacional entre Cap Verd i Maurit\u00E0nia en el qual els dos estats acordaren la delimitaci\u00F3 de la seva frontera mar\u00EDtima.El nom oficial del tractat \u00E9s Tractat sobre la delimitaci\u00F3 de la frontera mar\u00EDtima entre la Rep\u00FAblica Isl\u00E0mica de Maurit\u00E0nia i la Rep\u00FAblica de Cap Verd.El tractat va ser signat a Praia el 19 de setembre de 2003 i va ser ratificat per Cap Verd el 23 d'abril de 2004. La frontera \u00E9s d'unes 160 milles n\u00E0utiques (300 kil\u00F2metres) de llarg en direcci\u00F3 de nord a sud; el tractat defineix en segments mar\u00EDtims expl\u00EDcits utilitzant 18 punts espec\u00EDfics."@ca . . . "2615"^^ . "United Nations Secretariat"@en . "El tractat de delimitaci\u00F3 mar\u00EDtima Cap Verd-Maurit\u00E0nia \u00E9s un tractat internacional entre Cap Verd i Maurit\u00E0nia en el qual els dos estats acordaren la delimitaci\u00F3 de la seva frontera mar\u00EDtima.El nom oficial del tractat \u00E9s Tractat sobre la delimitaci\u00F3 de la frontera mar\u00EDtima entre la Rep\u00FAblica Isl\u00E0mica de Maurit\u00E0nia i la Rep\u00FAblica de Cap Verd.El tractat va ser signat a Praia el 19 de setembre de 2003 i va ser ratificat per Cap Verd el 23 d'abril de 2004. La frontera \u00E9s d'unes 160 milles n\u00E0utiques (300 kil\u00F2metres) de llarg en direcci\u00F3 de nord a sud; el tractat defineix en segments mar\u00EDtims expl\u00EDcits utilitzant 18 punts espec\u00EDfics."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2003-09-19"^^ . . . . . "Tractat de delimitaci\u00F3 mar\u00EDtima Cap Verd-Maurit\u00E0nia"@ca . . . . . . . "The Cape Verde \u2013 Mauritania Maritime Delimitation Treaty is a treaty between Cape Verde and Mauritania in which the two states agreed to the delimitation of their maritime boundary. The treaty was signed at Praia on 19 September 2003 and was ratified by Cape Verde on 23 April 2004. The boundary is approximately 160 nautical miles (300 km; 180 mi) long and trends north\u2013south; the treaty defines it in explicit maritime segments using 18 specific points."@en . . . "Cape Verde \u2013 Mauritania Maritime Delimitation Treaty"@en . . . . . . "Cape Verde\u2013Mauritania Maritime Delimitation Treaty"@en . . . . . . . "Maritime boundaries of Cape Verde, Mauritania, and neighboring countries."@en . . "Treaty on the Delimitation of the Maritime Frontier between the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the Republic of Cape Verde"@en . . . . . . . . . . "25855493"^^ . "Arabic; French; Portuguese"@en . . . . . "1046271963"^^ . . . "* \n*"@en . . "The Cape Verde \u2013 Mauritania Maritime Delimitation Treaty is a treaty between Cape Verde and Mauritania in which the two states agreed to the delimitation of their maritime boundary. The treaty was signed at Praia on 19 September 2003 and was ratified by Cape Verde on 23 April 2004. The boundary is approximately 160 nautical miles (300 km; 180 mi) long and trends north\u2013south; the treaty defines it in explicit maritime segments using 18 specific points. The official name for the treaty is Treaty on the Delimitation of the Maritime Frontier between the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the Republic of Cape Verde."@en . . .