. . . . . . . "2562"^^ . . "January 2022"@en . . . . "Un cantor (del lat\u00EDn cantare, canto) es un m\u00FAsico contratado por una iglesia, responsable de los coros o miembro de los mismos. Cumple diversas funciones, seg\u00FAn el credo religioso: \n* En la Iglesia cat\u00F3lica es el cantante principal del coro, nombrado bajo el principio de buena fe. \n* En la Iglesia ortodoxa es el cantante o los cantantes que interpretan los cantos religiosos en las llamadas horas can\u00F3nicas. Deben poseer conocimientos de los rituales y los servicios religiosos, as\u00ED como contar con la aprobaci\u00F3n del sacerdote para participar en los coros. \n* En la Iglesia protestante el Kantor (m\u00FAsico) es un cantante que puede ser laico o religioso y ocupar un puesto de M\u00FAsico-Director. La Iglesia de Noruega exige una educaci\u00F3n de 4 a\u00F1os. En la Iglesia de Suecia debe tener una educaci\u00F3n de dos a\u00F1os en m\u00FAsica religiosa y una educaci\u00F3n b\u00E1sica de la misma Iglesia para poder postular al cargo de Kantor. \n* En la religi\u00F3n jud\u00EDa es generalmente un cantante profesional que acompa\u00F1a al rabino en los servicios religiosos y participa en las ceremonias funerarias. Recibe el nombre de Jaz\u00E1n, y puede ser una mujer en algunas comunidades jud\u00EDas. \n* Datos: Q30906402"@es . "A cantor or chanter is a person who leads people in singing or sometimes in prayer. In formal Jewish worship, a Cantor is a person who sings solo verses or passages to which the choir or congregation responds. In Judaism, a Cantor sings and leads congregants in prayer in Jewish religious services; sometimes called a hazzan. A Cantor in Reform and Conservative Judaism, just like in Orthodox Judaism, goes through years of extensive religious education, similar to that of a Rabbi, in order to become an officially recognized Cantor. They often come from a long line of Cantors in their family; born with a natural gift of singing with incredible vocal range. The term itself was shaped by the Latin term for \"singer,\" but is not an inherently Latin word. It is frequently used to translate a range of equivalent terms in other languages, such as for the leader of singing on a traditional Kerala snake boat, a Chundan Vallam. A similar term is precentor, defined as a leader of the singing of a choir or congregation. More specific types of cantor include: \n* Hazzan in Judaism, a singer and/or musician. Orthodox Judaism only allows men to be cantors, while the other branches allow women. Reform Judaism and Orthodox Judaism ordain cantors from seminaries. Ordained cantors serve as clergy in their congregations and perform all ministerial rites as rabbis. \n* An ordained muezzin, who calls the Adhan in Islam for prayer, that serves as clergy in their congregations and perform all ministerial rites as imams. \n* Cantor in Christianity, an ecclesiastical officer leading liturgical music in several branches of the Christian church \n* Protopsaltis, leader master cantor of the right choir (Orthodox Church) \n* Lampadarios, leader of the left choir (Orthodox Church) \n* Domestikos, leader assistant to the Protopsaltis of the right choir and/or to the Lampdarios of the left choir (Orthodox Church) \n* Precentor \n* Succentor"@en . . . . "31185171"^^ . . . . . "Cantor (religi\u00F3n)"@es . . . . . . . . . . "Cantor"@en . . . "1111639380"^^ . . "Un cantor (del lat\u00EDn cantare, canto) es un m\u00FAsico contratado por una iglesia, responsable de los coros o miembro de los mismos. Cumple diversas funciones, seg\u00FAn el credo religioso: \n* En la Iglesia cat\u00F3lica es el cantante principal del coro, nombrado bajo el principio de buena fe. \n* En la Iglesia ortodoxa es el cantante o los cantantes que interpretan los cantos religiosos en las llamadas horas can\u00F3nicas. Deben poseer conocimientos de los rituales y los servicios religiosos, as\u00ED como contar con la aprobaci\u00F3n del sacerdote para participar en los coros. \n* En la Iglesia protestante el Kantor (m\u00FAsico) es un cantante que puede ser laico o religioso y ocupar un puesto de M\u00FAsico-Director. La Iglesia de Noruega exige una educaci\u00F3n de 4 a\u00F1os. En la Iglesia de Suecia debe tener una educaci\u00F3n de do"@es . . . "noref"@en . . . . . . . . "A cantor or chanter is a person who leads people in singing or sometimes in prayer. In formal Jewish worship, a Cantor is a person who sings solo verses or passages to which the choir or congregation responds. The term itself was shaped by the Latin term for \"singer,\" but is not an inherently Latin word. It is frequently used to translate a range of equivalent terms in other languages, such as for the leader of singing on a traditional Kerala snake boat, a Chundan Vallam. A similar term is precentor, defined as a leader of the singing of a choir or congregation."@en . .