"5th Infantry Regiment:" . . "64417471"^^ . "Near the Manuripi River"@en . "150 men" . . . . . "Negotiations between Peru-Bolivia in the Amazon"@en . . . . "Campaign of the Manuripi region"@en . "5"^^ . . . "The campaign of the Manuripi was an armed confrontation between Bolivian and Peruvian troops and a group of indigenous people in 1910. The Bolivian press has treated this conflict as \"forgotten\" due to the little importance with which it is taken in the country's history, perhaps due to the singularity of the confrontation, since a treaty had already been signed several months ago that awarded those territories to Peru. At that time, the borders between Peru and Bolivia were not well defined and the Argentine arbitration of July 9, 1909, caused tensions to rise. During this, Bolivian Captain and 16 men remained the small fortress of Avaroa, on the Manurip\u00ED River. This led to fighting, and on June 21, 1910, Echeverr\u00EDa repelled an attack by 25 Peruvians, with losses on both sides. This was followed by the Peruvian 5th Infantry Regiment, consisting of 180 men, 2 machine guns, and 20 canoes, landing at the confluence of the Manuripi and Mejahuirra rivers on July 22. It is believed that the arrest of a smuggler by Bolivian troops further heightened tensions. Two months later, a force of 150 Peruvian and indigenous soldiers presented an ultimatum to the fort held by Echeverria. During the ensuing attack, Echeverria and three other Bolivian soldiers were killed while defending the fort, and several prisoners were taken."@en . "1"^^ . "None"@en . . . . . . "1 detachment:" . . . "15"^^ . "La campa\u00F1a del Manuripi o campa\u00F1a del Nor-Oeste,\u200B o tambi\u00E9n llamada Conflicto Peruano Boliviano de 1910, es como se conoce a un conflicto armado realizado entre junio y julio de 1910, que enfrent\u00F3 a tropas bolivianas con tropas peruanas, estos \u00FAltimos ayudados por grupos ind\u00EDgenas chamas y campas del Pur\u00FAs. La prensa boliviana ha tratado a este conflicto de \u00ABolvidada\u00BB por la poca importancia con la que se la toma en la historiograf\u00EDa del pa\u00EDs,\u200B tal vez por la singularidad del enfrentamiento pues ya se hab\u00EDa firmado hac\u00EDa varios meses un tratado que adjudicaba aquellos territorios al Per\u00FA."@es . . . . "4 killed" . "Peruvian victory" . . "Peruvian victory"@en . "4"^^ . "The campaign of the Manuripi was an armed confrontation between Bolivian and Peruvian troops and a group of indigenous people in 1910. The Bolivian press has treated this conflict as \"forgotten\" due to the little importance with which it is taken in the country's history, perhaps due to the singularity of the confrontation, since a treaty had already been signed several months ago that awarded those territories to Peru."@en . . "La campa\u00F1a del Manuripi o campa\u00F1a del Nor-Oeste,\u200B o tambi\u00E9n llamada Conflicto Peruano Boliviano de 1910, es como se conoce a un conflicto armado realizado entre junio y julio de 1910, que enfrent\u00F3 a tropas bolivianas con tropas peruanas, estos \u00FAltimos ayudados por grupos ind\u00EDgenas chamas y campas del Pur\u00FAs. La prensa boliviana ha tratado a este conflicto de \u00ABolvidada\u00BB por la poca importancia con la que se la toma en la historiograf\u00EDa del pa\u00EDs,\u200B tal vez por la singularidad del enfrentamiento pues ya se hab\u00EDa firmado hac\u00EDa varios meses un tratado que adjudicaba aquellos territorios al Per\u00FA. El capit\u00E1n se mantuvo con 15 hombres en un peque\u00F1o fort\u00EDn llamado Avaroa, en el r\u00EDo Manuripi. Luego de dos meses de enfrentamientos con una guarnici\u00F3n peruana integrada por 150 hombres, y con bajas por ambos lados, Echeverr\u00EDa result\u00F3 muerto y varios de sus soldados corrieron la misma suerte o fueron tomados prisioneros. Las tropas bolivianas restantes lograron escapar al monte. En 1982, en honor al capit\u00E1n Echeverr\u00EDa se cre\u00F3 el \u00ABRegimiento de Infanter\u00EDa 29 cap. Lino Echeverr\u00EDa\u00BB.\u200B"@es . "1079003258"^^ . . . . . . "Lino Echeverr\u00EDa"@en . . "Eliodoro Villaz\u00F3n"@en . . . . . . . "15\u201316 men" . . . . "Augusto B. Legu\u00EDa"@en . . "Campa\u00F1a del Manuripi"@es . . . "150"^^ . "7837"^^ . "June\u2013September 1910"@en .