"La Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social (CASS) \u00E9s una entitat parap\u00FAblica encarregada de gestionar el sistema de seguretat social d'Andorra. Fou creada l'any 1968."@ca . . "6189"^^ . . . "La Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social (CASS) \u00E9s una entitat parap\u00FAblica encarregada de gestionar el sistema de seguretat social d'Andorra. Fou creada l'any 1968."@ca . . "59330992"^^ . . . . "The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social (CASS) is the public institution in charge of the Social Security system in Andorra. It was established in April 1968. Since the Constitution of Andorra was approved in 1993, the objective of the Andorran system is to implement Article 30: \u00ABThe right to health protection and to receive benefits to meet other personal needs is recognized. To these ends, the State will guarantee a Social Security system \u00BB. That is to say, guarantee protection, in its contributory and non-contributory modality, of insured persons, direct or indirect, through the appropriate benefits. It is compulsory for salaried workers and also for those who develop an economic activity."@en . . . . . . . . "The Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social (CASS) is the public institution in charge of the Social Security system in Andorra. It was established in April 1968. Since the Constitution of Andorra was approved in 1993, the objective of the Andorran system is to implement Article 30: \u00ABThe right to health protection and to receive benefits to meet other personal needs is recognized. To these ends, the State will guarantee a Social Security system \u00BB. That is to say, guarantee protection, in its contributory and non-contributory modality, of insured persons, direct or indirect, through the appropriate benefits. It is compulsory for salaried workers and also for those who develop an economic activity."@en . . . "1121175707"^^ . "Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social"@ca . "Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social"@en . .