. "Santiago, Chile"@en . . . "Boundary Treaty between Bolivia and Chile of 1866"@en . . "The Boundary Treaty of 1866 between Chile and Bolivia, also called the Mutual Benefits Treaty, was signed in Santiago de Chile on August 10, 1866, by the Chilean Foreign Affairs Minister Alvaro Covarrubias and the Bolivian Plenipotentiary in Santiago Juan R. Mu\u00F1oz Cabrera. It drew, for the first time, the border between both countries at the 24\u00B0 South parallel from the Pacific Ocean to the eastern border of Chile and defined a zone of bipartite tax collection, the \"Mutual Benefits zone\", and tax preferences for articles from Bolivia and Chile."@en . . . . "El Tratado de L\u00EDmites entre la Rep\u00FAblica de Chile y la Rep\u00FAblica de Bolivia de 1866 es un tratado internacional suscrito el 10 de agosto de 1866 en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, como la culminaci\u00F3n de una larga disputa territorial entre ambos pa\u00EDses por el desierto de Atacama, que se remontaba a 1842. Por este tratado, la l\u00EDnea fronteriza entre Bolivia y Chile quedaba fijada en el paralelo 24\u00B0S y se establec\u00EDa que entre los paralelos 23\u00B0S y 25\u00B0S los Estados signatarios se repartir\u00EDan las utilidades guaneras y mineras en partes iguales.\u200B Poco tiempo despu\u00E9s de haberse celebrado este tratado se produjeron varias dificultades en su aplicaci\u00F3n, lo que acarrear\u00EDa nuevas disputas. En 1872, ambos pa\u00EDses buscaron solucionar los problemas del tratado mediante un acuerdo complementario, el llamado acuerdo Lindsay-Corral. El acuerdo fue aprobado por Chile pero nunca por Bolivia, debido a la influencia del Per\u00FA, pa\u00EDs con el que firmar\u00EDa un tratado de alianza en 1873. Los intereses econ\u00F3micos que ten\u00EDan estos tres pa\u00EDses por los recursos de la zona ensombrecieron las relaciones. Pese a esto, Bolivia y Chile lograron finalmente llegar a un entendimiento con un nuevo tratado en 1874 cuya violaci\u00F3n\u200B por parte de Bolivia en 1878 desencaden\u00F3 la Guerra del Pac\u00EDfico en 1879.\u200B"@es . . "Spanish"@en . . "El Tratado de L\u00EDmites entre la Rep\u00FAblica de Chile y la Rep\u00FAblica de Bolivia de 1866 es un tratado internacional suscrito el 10 de agosto de 1866 en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, como la culminaci\u00F3n de una larga disputa territorial entre ambos pa\u00EDses por el desierto de Atacama, que se remontaba a 1842. Por este tratado, la l\u00EDnea fronteriza entre Bolivia y Chile quedaba fijada en el paralelo 24\u00B0S y se establec\u00EDa que entre los paralelos 23\u00B0S y 25\u00B0S los Estados signatarios se repartir\u00EDan las utilidades guaneras y mineras en partes iguales.\u200B"@es . "13495"^^ . . "1866-10-08"^^ . . . . . . . . "1113131772"^^ . "The Boundary Treaty of 1866 between Chile and Bolivia, also called the Mutual Benefits Treaty, was signed in Santiago de Chile on August 10, 1866, by the Chilean Foreign Affairs Minister Alvaro Covarrubias and the Bolivian Plenipotentiary in Santiago Juan R. Mu\u00F1oz Cabrera. It drew, for the first time, the border between both countries at the 24\u00B0 South parallel from the Pacific Ocean to the eastern border of Chile and defined a zone of bipartite tax collection, the \"Mutual Benefits zone\", and tax preferences for articles from Bolivia and Chile. Despite increasing border tensions since the 1840s, both countries fought together against Spain in the Chincha Islands War (1864\u201365) and resolved the question under the Governments of Mariano Melgarejo in Bolivia and Jos\u00E9 Joaqu\u00EDn P\u00E9rez in Chile. But before long, both countries were discontented with it, and Peru and Bolivia signed a secret treaty against Chile in 1873. The Lindsay-Corral protocol, thought to clarify the treaty, was approved by Chile but never by Bolivia. In 1874, a new boundary treaty was signed, which was violated by Bolivia in 1878. In 1879 began the War of the Pacific."@en . "* Mariano Donato Mu\u00F1oz\n* Aniceto Vergara Albano"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "* Juan R. Mu\u00F1oz Cabrera\n* \u00C1lvaro Covarr\u00FAbias"@en . . . . . . "Except for the 24\u00B0S boundary, none of the borders was officially set in 1866. The black line is the 1929 border."@en . "Tratado de l\u00EDmites entre Bolivia y Chile de 1866"@es . . . . . . "Mutual Benefits Treaty"@en . . . . . . "Boundary Treaty of 1866 between Chile and Bolivia"@en . . . . . "23389144"^^ . "Boundary and economic"@en . . . "* \n*"@en . . "Boundary Treaty between Bolivia and Chile of 1866"@en .