. . . . . . . . . . . . . "Betty Swords (1917\u20132005) was an American cartoonist whose work appeared in the Saturday Evening Post, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, Changing Times, and others, usually using her own gags but sometimes from other writers. She also wrote gags for Dennis the Menace and others. Her humorous writing appeared in McCall\u2019s, Modern Maturity, The Christian Science Monitor, and others. Swords was raised in Oakland, California, earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts at University of California, Berkeley and did graduate work the ."@en . . . . "2005-08-14"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Betty Swords"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2009"^^ . . . . "1917-08-17"^^ . "American"@en . "Elizabeth Edgemond"@en . "California"@en . . . . . . . . "Betty Swords"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "41151782"^^ . . . . . . "y"@en . "Betty Swords (1917\u20132005) was an American cartoonist whose work appeared in the Saturday Evening Post, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, Changing Times, and others, usually using her own gags but sometimes from other writers. She also wrote gags for Dennis the Menace and others. Her humorous writing appeared in McCall\u2019s, Modern Maturity, The Christian Science Monitor, and others. Swords was raised in Oakland, California, earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts at University of California, Berkeley and did graduate work the ."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Betty Swords fou una ninotaire estatunidenca que public\u00E0 a diverses revistes: , , , , , etc., generalment amb els seus propis textos, i nom\u00E9s de vegades il\u00B7lustrant els d'altres autors. Tamb\u00E9 escrigu\u00E9 per al c\u00F2mic , entre altres, i per a les revistes , , The Christian Science Monitor, etc."@ca . . "1117234813"^^ . . "Betty Swords fou una ninotaire estatunidenca que public\u00E0 a diverses revistes: , , , , , etc., generalment amb els seus propis textos, i nom\u00E9s de vegades il\u00B7lustrant els d'altres autors. Tamb\u00E9 escrigu\u00E9 per al c\u00F2mic , entre altres, i per a les revistes , , The Christian Science Monitor, etc. Nascuda a Denver, Colorado, i resident a Oakland, Calif\u00F2rnia, estudi\u00E0 Belles Arts a la Universitat de Calif\u00F2rnia a Berkeley. Estigu\u00E9 activa com a ninotaire professional des del 1955 al 1980, i feu cursos i confer\u00E8ncies sobre el poder de l'humor a partir del 1976. Fins i tot escrigu\u00E9 un llibre, Humor power, que tanmateix rest\u00E0 in\u00E8dit. Els seus dibuixos, realitzats sempre amb una l\u00EDnia prima molt definida i realista, reflectien inicialment situacions que aleshores es consideraven \"normals\" de submissi\u00F3 de la dona al seu esp\u00F2s, fins que cap al 1967 descobr\u00ED l'alliberament de la dona i tomb\u00E0 radicalment cap a la ridiculitzaci\u00F3 i den\u00FAncia d'aquestes mateixes situacions."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Betty Swords"@en . . . . "Betty Swords"@en . . . . . . . . .