. . . . . . . . . . . . "Bazari \u00E4r namnet p\u00E5 Irans traditionella k\u00F6pmannaklass, best\u00E5ende av k\u00F6pm\u00E4n och arbetare i basarerna, de traditionella marknadsplatserna i Iran. Bazari har beskrivits som \"den klass av m\u00E4nniskor som hj\u00E4lpte till att g\u00F6ra 1979 \u00E5rs iranska revolution m\u00F6jlig\". En bredare och nyare definition omfattar traditionella k\u00F6pm\u00E4n \u00E4ven i andra l\u00E4nder \u00E4n Iran, \"en social klass ... p\u00E5 platser d\u00E4r samh\u00E4llet \u00E4r mitt i en kr\u00E4vande modernisering, d\u00E4r basaren \u00E4r i n\u00E5got skede av \u00F6verg\u00E5ngen mellan den v\u00E4rld som beskrivs i Tusen och en natt\" och det nutida moderna samh\u00E4llet. Ett exempel \u00E4r traditionella k\u00F6pm\u00E4n (\u00E4ven muslimer) som st\u00F6der Muslimska br\u00F6draskapet i Egypten. Det har dock visat sig att handlarna i m\u00E5nga l\u00E4nder i Mellan\u00F6stern huvudsakligen \u00E4r icke-muslimer och att de saknar det politiska inflytande som bazari har i Iran. Bazaris omfattar b\u00E5de rika k\u00F6pm\u00E4n och arbetare med l\u00E4gre inkomster och kan d\u00E4rf\u00F6r inte beskrivas som en enhetlig klass i socioekonomiska termer. De f\u00F6renas inte i sin relation till produktionsmedlen utan i sitt motst\u00E5nd mot v\u00E4stliga kulturella och ekonomiska influenser samt sina n\u00E4ra band till ulaman. K\u00F6pm\u00E4nnen i bazari-klassen har i allians med delar av pr\u00E4sterskapet i ulaman, spelat en viktig roll i modern iransk historia. Alliansen var \"central\" i den framg\u00E5ngsrika tobaksprotesten mot en koncession som gav brittiska intressen monopol p\u00E5 tobakshandeln 1891-1892, i den persiska konstitutionella revolutionen 1905-1911, och inte minst i st\u00F6rtandet av shahen av Iran under den islamiska revolutionen 1979.Bazari gav st\u00F6d till \"offrens familjer\" n\u00E4r upprorsm\u00E4n skadades och d\u00F6dades under oroligheterna 1978 och gav ekonomiskt st\u00F6d till de strejker som b\u00F6rjade bland studenter och l\u00E4rare i maj 1978 och som under h\u00F6sten 1978 spridit sig till arbetare och tj\u00E4nstem\u00E4n."@sv . . . . . . . . . "Bazaari (Persian: \u0628\u0627\u0632\u0627\u0631\u06CC) is the merchant class and workers of bazaars, the traditional marketplaces of Iran. Bazaari are involved in \"petty trade of a traditional, or nearly traditional, kind, centered on the bazaar and its Islamic culture\". They have been described as \"the class of people who helped make the 1979 Iranian Revolution\". The bazaari continue to underpin the ruling elite today, one example being Noor Foundation Director Mohsen Rafighdoost, whose wealth has been described by American journalist Robert D. Kaplan as likely to amount to \"tens or hundreds of millions of dollars\"."@en . . "Bazari"@sv . . . "29857637"^^ . . . "Bazari"@pl . . . . "Bazari (tak\u017Ce: Bazaari) \u2013 kupcy bazarowi w Iranie. Bazari stanowi\u0105 bardzo wa\u017Cn\u0105 grup\u0119 nacisku w spo\u0142ecze\u0144stwie ira\u0144skim, gdzie wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 handlu odbywa si\u0119 poprzez bazary (np. najwi\u0119kszy ). Kupcy handluj\u0105 w\u0142a\u015Bciwie wszystkimi mo\u017Cliwymi do sprzeda\u017Cy bazarowej towarami, ale bardzo wp\u0142ywowa cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 z nich specjalizuje si\u0119 w tradycyjnych muzu\u0142ma\u0144skich produktach, takich jak np. dywany."@pl . "Bazari \u00E4r namnet p\u00E5 Irans traditionella k\u00F6pmannaklass, best\u00E5ende av k\u00F6pm\u00E4n och arbetare i basarerna, de traditionella marknadsplatserna i Iran. Bazari har beskrivits som \"den klass av m\u00E4nniskor som hj\u00E4lpte till att g\u00F6ra 1979 \u00E5rs iranska revolution m\u00F6jlig\". Bazaris omfattar b\u00E5de rika k\u00F6pm\u00E4n och arbetare med l\u00E4gre inkomster och kan d\u00E4rf\u00F6r inte beskrivas som en enhetlig klass i socioekonomiska termer. De f\u00F6renas inte i sin relation till produktionsmedlen utan i sitt motst\u00E5nd mot v\u00E4stliga kulturella och ekonomiska influenser samt sina n\u00E4ra band till ulaman."@sv . . . . . "4417"^^ . . . "Bazari (tak\u017Ce: Bazaari) \u2013 kupcy bazarowi w Iranie. Bazari stanowi\u0105 bardzo wa\u017Cn\u0105 grup\u0119 nacisku w spo\u0142ecze\u0144stwie ira\u0144skim, gdzie wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 handlu odbywa si\u0119 poprzez bazary (np. najwi\u0119kszy ). Kupcy handluj\u0105 w\u0142a\u015Bciwie wszystkimi mo\u017Cliwymi do sprzeda\u017Cy bazarowej towarami, ale bardzo wp\u0142ywowa cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 z nich specjalizuje si\u0119 w tradycyjnych muzu\u0142ma\u0144skich produktach, takich jak np. dywany. Kupcy bazarowi byli jedn\u0105 z podp\u00F3r rewolucji islamskiej w Iranie w 1979. Ich wsparcie odegra\u0142o bardzo powa\u017Cn\u0105 rol\u0119 w upadku szacha Mohammada Rezy Pahlawiego. Jest to klasa do\u015B\u0107 konserwatywna i w wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci wrogo lub sceptycznie nastawiona do Zachodu. Przestrzegaj\u0105 skrupulatnie nakaz\u00F3w islamu, nosz\u0105 tradycyjne stroje i utrzymuj\u0105 wielopokoleniowe rodziny. Mimo tego ich polityczne nastroje uleg\u0142y stopniowej erozji, w wyniku problem\u00F3w gospodarczych, w jakie wp\u0119dzi\u0142 Iran Mahmud Ahmadine\u017Cad i jego poplecznicy, kt\u00F3rych preferowa\u0142 w biznesie. Spowodowa\u0142o to wymierne straty finansowe dla kupc\u00F3w. W wyniku tego w wyborach prezydenckich w 2009 poparli masowo Hosejna Musawiego."@pl . . "Bazaari (Persian: \u0628\u0627\u0632\u0627\u0631\u06CC) is the merchant class and workers of bazaars, the traditional marketplaces of Iran. Bazaari are involved in \"petty trade of a traditional, or nearly traditional, kind, centered on the bazaar and its Islamic culture\". They have been described as \"the class of people who helped make the 1979 Iranian Revolution\". A broader, more recent definition includes traditional merchants outside of Iran, \"a social class...in places where the society is in the midst of an awkward modernization; where the bazaar is in some stage of transition between the world of A Thousand and One Nights and that of the suburban shopping mall\", an example being traditional merchants (also Muslim) who back the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. However, it has also been noted that merchants in other Middle Eastern countries are predominantly minority non-Muslim populations without the political influence of bazaari in Iran. Bazaari differ from a social class as usually defined, in that they include both \"rich wholesalers and bankers\" as well as lower-income workers. They are united not in their relation to the means of production but \"in their resistance to dependence on the West and the spread of Western ways\", their \"traditionalist attitude\", and their \"close family, financial, and cultural ties\" with the Shia ulama, or clerical class. Bazaari, \"led by its large merchants\", in alliance with ulama clergy \"or important parts of the clergy\", have played an important part in recent Iranian history. The alliance was \"central\" to the successful Tobacco Protest against a British monopoly tobacco concession of 1891\u201392, to the Constitutional Revolution of 1905\u201311, and especially to the 1979 overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Bazaari supported victims of the anti-Shah struggles in 1978 and their families, as well as providing \"financial support for the antiregime strikes that began in May 1978 among university students and teachers and in the fall [of 1978] spread to the workers and civil servants\". The bazaari continue to underpin the ruling elite today, one example being Noor Foundation Director Mohsen Rafighdoost, whose wealth has been described by American journalist Robert D. Kaplan as likely to amount to \"tens or hundreds of millions of dollars\"."@en . . . . . . . . "Bazaari"@en . . . . . . . "1018029758"^^ . . . .