. . . . "Azomonas agilis is a species of motile, Gram-negative bacteria found in water and is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. It is the type strain for the genus Azomonas. A. agilis resembles protists with its ovoid, ellipsoidal, or coccoid cells. The cells are relatively large, usually 2.5-6.4 \u03BCm long and 2.0-2.8 \u03BCm wide, though giant cells that are 10.0-13.5 \u03BCm have been described. The cells have peritrichous flagella which enable motility. The species also produces a diffusible yellow-green or red-violet pigment which fluoresces bluish-white under ultraviolet light."@en . . . . . . . "Azomonas agilis is a species of motile, Gram-negative bacteria found in water and is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. It is the type strain for the genus Azomonas. A. agilis resembles protists with its ovoid, ellipsoidal, or coccoid cells. The cells are relatively large, usually 2.5-6.4 \u03BCm long and 2.0-2.8 \u03BCm wide, though giant cells that are 10.0-13.5 \u03BCm have been described. The cells have peritrichous flagella which enable motility. The species also produces a diffusible yellow-green or red-violet pigment which fluoresces bluish-white under ultraviolet light. A. agilis was first isolated and described by Martinus Beijerinck in 1901, who obtained the species from Dutch canal water in Delft. Beijernick's original strain has been lost, so the strain isolated by Albert Kluyver and van den Bout is now the neotype. Despite the fact that mannitol was used by Beijerinck in his enrichment medium for A. agilis, the bacteria in pure culture cannot use it as a carbon source unless it is first degraded by other microbes. The species can tolerate salt concentrations up to 1.0% and is resistant to iodoacetate (1 \u03BCM) which suggests it may have ability to live in contaminated waters with relatively high concentrations of organic matter and mineral salts. This bacterium has also been implicated in the bioremediation of cadmium-polluted water."@en . "Azomonas agilis"@en . . . . . . "Azomonas agilis"@es . . . "Azomonas agilis"@en . . . . . "20629396"^^ . "Winogradsky 1938"@en . "Azomonas agilis es una especie de proteobacteria perteneciente al g\u00E9nero Azomonas. Las representantes de esta especie presentan motilidad, son Gram-negativas y se encuentran t\u00EDpicamente en el suelo y el agua. Las bacterias de A. agilis son capaces de efectuar la fijaci\u00F3n de nitr\u00F3geno atmosf\u00E9rico. Esta bacteria tambi\u00E9n se ha empleado en la biorremediaci\u00F3n de agua contaminada con cadmio.\u200B"@es . . . "Colonial morphology and microscopic morphology"@en . . "A. agilis"@en . . . . . . . . . "Azomonas"@en . "3061"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Azomonas agilis"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . "Azomonas agilis \u00E9s una esp\u00E8cie de proteobacteri pertanyent al g\u00E8nere Azomonas. Les representants d'aquesta esp\u00E8cie presenten motilitat, s\u00F3n Gram-negatius i es troben t\u00EDpicament en el s\u00F2l i l'aigua. Els bacteris de A. agilis s\u00F3n capa\u00E7os d'efectuar la fixaci\u00F3 de nitrogen atmosf\u00E8ric. Aquest bacteri tamb\u00E9 s'ha emprat en la d'aigua contaminada amb cadmi."@ca . . . "1108727714"^^ . "Azomonas agilis \u00E9s una esp\u00E8cie de proteobacteri pertanyent al g\u00E8nere Azomonas. Les representants d'aquesta esp\u00E8cie presenten motilitat, s\u00F3n Gram-negatius i es troben t\u00EDpicament en el s\u00F2l i l'aigua. Els bacteris de A. agilis s\u00F3n capa\u00E7os d'efectuar la fixaci\u00F3 de nitrogen atmosf\u00E8ric. Aquest bacteri tamb\u00E9 s'ha emprat en la d'aigua contaminada amb cadmi."@ca . "Azomonas agilis es una especie de proteobacteria perteneciente al g\u00E9nero Azomonas. Las representantes de esta especie presentan motilidad, son Gram-negativas y se encuentran t\u00EDpicamente en el suelo y el agua. Las bacterias de A. agilis son capaces de efectuar la fijaci\u00F3n de nitr\u00F3geno atmosf\u00E9rico. Esta bacteria tambi\u00E9n se ha empleado en la biorremediaci\u00F3n de agua contaminada con cadmio.\u200B"@es . .