"Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva (lahir 1963 di , Manatuto) adalah salah satu calon presiden Timor Leste dalam Pemilihan Presiden Timor Leste 2007. Ia terlibat dalam gerakan perlawanan semasa masih kuliah di , Jakarta. Ia adalah pimpinan Partai Sosialis Timor (PST), yang salah satu anggotanya duduk di Parlamento Nacional antara tahun 2002-2007. Dalam pemilu 2007, Da Silva menduduki peringkat ke-7 dengan suara sebanyak 2,06%."@in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva (n. /Manatuto, 1963) foi um dos candidatos \u00E0s Elei\u00E7\u00F5es Presidenciais em Timor-Leste em Abril de 2007. Envolveu-se na resist\u00EAncia clandestina enquanto estudava em Jacarta Rela\u00E7\u00F5es Internacionais e Direito. L\u00EDder do PST (Partido Socialista Timorense, que tem um deputado). Descende de um minhoto, exilado em Timor nos primeiros anos do regime de Salazar, e que ali morreu durante a ocupa\u00E7\u00E3o japonesa do territ\u00F3rio, entre 1942 e 1945."@pt . "Avelino Coelho da Silva"@en . . . . . "Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva (auch Shalar Kosi; * 1963 in Laclubar, Portugiesisch-Timor) ist der Vorsitzende der Partido Socialista de Timor PST, einer marxistisch-leninistischen Partei Osttimors. Seit 2007 war Coelho Staatssekret\u00E4r, zun\u00E4chst f\u00FCr Energie, von 2012 bis 2017 f\u00FCr den Ministerrat, obwohl die PST bei den Parlamentswahlen 2007 und 2012 an der Drei-Prozenth\u00FCrde gescheitert war."@de . . . "11709517"^^ . "Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva (n. /Manatuto, 1963) foi um dos candidatos \u00E0s Elei\u00E7\u00F5es Presidenciais em Timor-Leste em Abril de 2007. Envolveu-se na resist\u00EAncia clandestina enquanto estudava em Jacarta Rela\u00E7\u00F5es Internacionais e Direito. L\u00EDder do PST (Partido Socialista Timorense, que tem um deputado). Descende de um minhoto, exilado em Timor nos primeiros anos do regime de Salazar, e que ali morreu durante a ocupa\u00E7\u00E3o japonesa do territ\u00F3rio, entre 1942 e 1945."@pt . . . . . . . . . . "2229"^^ . . . . . . "Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva (b. Laclubar, Manatuto) was one of the candidates in the Presidential Elections in East Timor in April 2007. He became involved in the clandestine resistance while he studied International Relations and Law in Jakarta. He is the leader of the Socialist Party of Timor (PST), which had a member in the National Parliament from 2002 to 2007. In the 2007 presidential election, Avelino took seventh place with 2.06% of the vote."@en . . . . "Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva (lahir 1963 di , Manatuto) adalah salah satu calon presiden Timor Leste dalam Pemilihan Presiden Timor Leste 2007. Ia terlibat dalam gerakan perlawanan semasa masih kuliah di , Jakarta. Ia adalah pimpinan Partai Sosialis Timor (PST), yang salah satu anggotanya duduk di Parlamento Nacional antara tahun 2002-2007. Dalam pemilu 2007, Da Silva menduduki peringkat ke-7 dengan suara sebanyak 2,06%. Setelah Partai Sosialis tidak berhasil menduduki satu kursipun, Da Silva diangkat sebagai Menteri Politik Energi dalam pemerintahan Xanana Gusm\u00E3o, yang disumpah pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2007."@in . . . . . "Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva (auch Shalar Kosi; * 1963 in Laclubar, Portugiesisch-Timor) ist der Vorsitzende der Partido Socialista de Timor PST, einer marxistisch-leninistischen Partei Osttimors. Seit 2007 war Coelho Staatssekret\u00E4r, zun\u00E4chst f\u00FCr Energie, von 2012 bis 2017 f\u00FCr den Ministerrat, obwohl die PST bei den Parlamentswahlen 2007 und 2012 an der Drei-Prozenth\u00FCrde gescheitert war."@de . "Avelino Coelho da Silva"@de . . . "Avelino Coelho da Silva"@pt . . . . "Avelino Coelho da Silva"@in . . . . . . . "1035518851"^^ . . "Avelino Maria Coelho da Silva (b. Laclubar, Manatuto) was one of the candidates in the Presidential Elections in East Timor in April 2007. He became involved in the clandestine resistance while he studied International Relations and Law in Jakarta. He is the leader of the Socialist Party of Timor (PST), which had a member in the National Parliament from 2002 to 2007. In the 2007 presidential election, Avelino took seventh place with 2.06% of the vote. Following the June 2007 parliamentary election, in which the Socialist Party did not win any seats, Avelino was appointed Secretary of State for Energy Politics in the government of Xanana Gusm\u00E3o, which was sworn in on 8 August 2007."@en . . . .