. . . . "Arras-Kultur"@de . "The Arras culture is an archaeological culture of the Middle Iron Age in East Yorkshire, England. It takes its name from the cemetery site of Arras, at Arras Farm, (53\u00B052\u2032N 0\u00B035\u2032W\uFEFF / \uFEFF53.86\u00B0N 0.59\u00B0W) near Market Weighton, which was discovered in the 19th century.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]]_2-0\" class=\"reference\"> The site spans three fields, bisected by the main east-west road between Market Weighton and Beverley, and is arable farmland; little to no remains are visible above ground. The extent of the Arras culture is loosely associated with the Parisi tribe of pre-Roman Britain. The culture is defined by its burial practices, which are uncommon outside East Yorkshire, but are found in continental Europe, and show some similarities with those of the La T\u00E8ne culture. The inhumations include chariot burials, or burials in square enclosures, or both; in contrast to continental inhumations the cemeteries were crowded, not extended, and the chariots typically disassembled. The burials have been dated from the latter part of the 1st millennium BC to the Roman conquest (about 70 AD). The burial goods and chariot designs were primarily British in style, not continental. Many of the archaeological finds are in the Yorkshire Museum and the British Museum."@en . . . . "1378991"^^ . "12393"^^ . . . . . . "La cultura di Arras \u00E8 una cultura archeologica della media et\u00E0 del ferro diffusasi nell'East Riding of Yorkshire, in Inghilterra. Prende il nome dal cimitero di Arras, presso Arras Farm, (53.86 \u00B0 N 0.59 \u00B0 W) nei pressi di Market Weighton, scoperto nel XIX secolo. L'entit\u00E0 etnica della cultura di Arras \u00E8 stata associata con la trib\u00F9 celtica dei Parisi, della Britannia pre-romana. Morso per cavallo"@it . . . . . "Arras culture"@en . . . . . . . "53.86 -0.59" . . . "-0.5899999737739563"^^ . "Die Arras-Kultur ist eine arch\u00E4ologische Kultur der mittleren und j\u00FCngeren Eisenzeit, also dem 4.\u20132. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Sie ist mehrheitlich auf das East Riding of Yorkshire in Nordost-England beschr\u00E4nkt, von Holderness im S\u00FCdosten bis in das zentrale im Norden vom Vale of Pickering bis zum s\u00FCdlichen Rand der North York Moors. Wagengr\u00E4ber wie Newbridge in Schottland, oder Ferry Fryston im West Riding sind Merkmale der Kultur.Die Kultur ist nach einem Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts entdeckten Gr\u00E4berfeld von Arras Farm, sechs Kilometer \u00F6stlich von Market Weighton benannt, welches etwa 100 Gr\u00E4ber umfasste."@de . . . "1040601858"^^ . . . "POINT(-0.58999997377396 53.860000610352)"^^ . . . . . . . "Cultura di Arras"@it . . . "La cultura di Arras \u00E8 una cultura archeologica della media et\u00E0 del ferro diffusasi nell'East Riding of Yorkshire, in Inghilterra. Prende il nome dal cimitero di Arras, presso Arras Farm, (53.86 \u00B0 N 0.59 \u00B0 W) nei pressi di Market Weighton, scoperto nel XIX secolo. L'entit\u00E0 etnica della cultura di Arras \u00E8 stata associata con la trib\u00F9 celtica dei Parisi, della Britannia pre-romana. Morso per cavallo La cultura \u00E8 definita dalle sue pratiche di sepoltura, che sono rare al di fuori dell'East Yorkshire, ma si trovano frequentemente nell'Europa continentale, e mostrano alcune somiglianze con quelle della cultura di La T\u00E8ne. Le inumazioni includono tombe con carro, o sepolture in recinti quadrati, o entrambe; in contrasto con le inumazioni continentali i cimiteri erano affollati, non estesi, ed i carri tipicamente smontati. Le sepolture sono state datate dalla seconda parte del I millennio a.C. alla conquista romana (circa 70 d.C.). I corredi funerari e la struttura dei carri erano principalmente in stile britannico, non continentale. Molti dei reperti archeologici sono conservati nel Museo dello Yorkshire e nel British Museum."@it . . . "Die Arras-Kultur ist eine arch\u00E4ologische Kultur der mittleren und j\u00FCngeren Eisenzeit, also dem 4.\u20132. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Sie ist mehrheitlich auf das East Riding of Yorkshire in Nordost-England beschr\u00E4nkt, von Holderness im S\u00FCdosten bis in das zentrale im Norden vom Vale of Pickering bis zum s\u00FCdlichen Rand der North York Moors. Wagengr\u00E4ber wie Newbridge in Schottland, oder Ferry Fryston im West Riding sind Merkmale der Kultur.Die Kultur ist nach einem Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts entdeckten Gr\u00E4berfeld von Arras Farm, sechs Kilometer \u00F6stlich von Market Weighton benannt, welches etwa 100 Gr\u00E4ber umfasste."@de . . "53.86000061035156"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Arras culture is an archaeological culture of the Middle Iron Age in East Yorkshire, England. It takes its name from the cemetery site of Arras, at Arras Farm, (53\u00B052\u2032N 0\u00B035\u2032W\uFEFF / \uFEFF53.86\u00B0N 0.59\u00B0W) near Market Weighton, which was discovered in the 19th century.[[[Wikipedia:Citing_sources|page needed]]]_2-0\" class=\"reference\"> The site spans three fields, bisected by the main east-west road between Market Weighton and Beverley, and is arable farmland; little to no remains are visible above ground. The extent of the Arras culture is loosely associated with the Parisi tribe of pre-Roman Britain."@en . .