. . . . . . "2,873 personnel (1965)" . . . "\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u5171\u548C\u56FD\u9678\u8ECD\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A"@ja . . . . . . "\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u5171\u548C\u56FD\u9678\u8ECD\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E: Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces, \u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u8A9E: L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a, LLDB\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u5171\u548C\u56FD\u9678\u8ECD\uFF08\u5357\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u9678\u8ECD, ARVN\uFF09\u304C\u6709\u3057\u305F\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A\u3002\u5F53\u521D\u306F\u6575\u5360\u9818\u5730\u5185\u3067\u306E\u6D3B\u52D5\u3001\u3059\u306A\u308F\u3061\u8ADC\u5831\u3001\u8A98\u62D0\u3001\u30B5\u30DC\u30BF\u30FC\u30B8\u30E5\u306A\u3069\u3092\u4E3B\u306A\u4EFB\u52D9\u3068\u3057\u3066\u3044\u305F\u3002\u305D\u306E\u5F8C\u306F\u6226\u529B\u306E\u5897\u5F37\u3092\u91CD\u306D\u3001\u3084\u304C\u3066\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u5171\u548C\u56FD\u9678\u8ECD\u306B\u304A\u3051\u308B\u7CBE\u92ED\u306E1\u3064\u3068\u898B\u306A\u3055\u308C\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u306A\u3063\u305F\u3002"@ja . "The Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces (Vietnamese: L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a or LLDB) were the elite military units of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). Following the establishment of the Republic of Vietnam (commonly known as South Vietnam) in October 1955, the Special Forces were formed at Nha Trang in February 1956. During the rule of Ng\u00F4 \u0110\u00ECnh Di\u1EC7m, the Special Forces were run by his brother, Ng\u00F4 \u0110\u00ECnh Nhu, until both were assassinated in November 1963 in a coup. The Special Forces were disbanded in 1975 when South Vietnam ceased to exist after the Fall of Saigon."@en . . . "The Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces (Vietnamese: L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a or LLDB) were the elite military units of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). Following the establishment of the Republic of Vietnam (commonly known as South Vietnam) in October 1955, the Special Forces were formed at Nha Trang in February 1956. During the rule of Ng\u00F4 \u0110\u00ECnh Di\u1EC7m, the Special Forces were run by his brother, Ng\u00F4 \u0110\u00ECnh Nhu, until both were assassinated in November 1963 in a coup. The Special Forces were disbanded in 1975 when South Vietnam ceased to exist after the Fall of Saigon."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Speci\u00E1ln\u00ED s\u00EDly Arm\u00E1dy Vietnamsk\u00E9 republiky (anglicky Army of the Republic of Vietnam - ARVN, vietnamsky L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a - LLDB) byly elitn\u00ED vojensk\u00E9 jednotky Ji\u017En\u00EDho Vietnamu zalo\u017Een\u00E9 v \u00FAnoru 1956 v Nha Trangu. Vytvo\u0159il je , bratr tehdej\u0161\u00EDho vl\u00E1dce Ji\u017En\u00EDho Vietnamu Ng\u00F4 \u0110\u00ECnh Di\u1EC7ma. Jednotka zanikla 30. dubna 1975, po p\u00E1du Saigonu."@cs . . . . . . . . . . . "Les forces sp\u00E9ciales de l'arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique du Vi\u00EAt Nam (En vietnamien : L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a) \u00E9taient les unit\u00E9s militaires d'\u00E9lite de l' arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique du Vietnam (ARVN). \u00C0 la suite de la cr\u00E9ation de la R\u00E9publique du Vi\u00EAt Nam (commun\u00E9ment appel\u00E9e Sud-Vietnam) en octobre 1955, les forces sp\u00E9ciales ont \u00E9t\u00E9 form\u00E9es \u00E0 Nha Trang en f\u00E9vrier 1956. Sous le r\u00E8gne de Ng\u00F4 \u0110\u00ECnh Di\u1EC7m, les forces sp\u00E9ciales \u00E9taient dirig\u00E9es par son fr\u00E8re, Ng\u00F4 \u00D0\u00ECnh Nhu, jusqu'\u00E0 ce que tous deux soient assassin\u00E9s en novembre 1963 lors d'un coup d'\u00C9tat. Les forces sp\u00E9ciales ont \u00E9t\u00E9 dissoutes en 1975 lorsque le Sud-Vietnam a cess\u00E9 d'exister apr\u00E8s la chute de Sa\u00EFgon."@fr . . . . "Distinctive unit insignia"@en . . . . . "*333 officers" . "South Vietnam"@en . . "Les forces sp\u00E9ciales de l'arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique du Vi\u00EAt Nam (En vietnamien : L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a) \u00E9taient les unit\u00E9s militaires d'\u00E9lite de l' arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique du Vietnam (ARVN). \u00C0 la suite de la cr\u00E9ation de la R\u00E9publique du Vi\u00EAt Nam (commun\u00E9ment appel\u00E9e Sud-Vietnam) en octobre 1955, les forces sp\u00E9ciales ont \u00E9t\u00E9 form\u00E9es \u00E0 Nha Trang en f\u00E9vrier 1956. Sous le r\u00E8gne de Ng\u00F4 \u0110\u00ECnh Di\u1EC7m, les forces sp\u00E9ciales \u00E9taient dirig\u00E9es par son fr\u00E8re, Ng\u00F4 \u00D0\u00ECnh Nhu, jusqu'\u00E0 ce que tous deux soient assassin\u00E9s en novembre 1963 lors d'un coup d'\u00C9tat. Les forces sp\u00E9ciales ont \u00E9t\u00E9 dissoutes en 1975 lorsque le Sud-Vietnam a cess\u00E9 d'exister apr\u00E8s la chute de Sa\u00EFgon."@fr . . . . . "Pasukan Pertahanan Khusus Republik Vietnam (bahasa Vietnam: L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a atau LLDB) merupakan unit militer elit dari (biasa disebut sebagai Vietnam Selatan). Bersamaan dengan berdirinya Republik Vietnam pada bulan Oktober 1955, pasukan ini bermarkas di Nha Trang pada bulan Februari 1956. Dibawah komando Ngo Dinh Diem, pasukan ini dipimpin oleh saudaranya, Nhu, hingga pembunuhan pada bulan November 1963 dalam sebuah kudeta. Pasukan ini dibubarkan pada tahun 1975 bersamaan dengan Vietnam Selatan runtuh setelah Jatuhnya Saigon."@in . . . . . "1975"^^ . . . . . . . "LLDB"@en . . . "\uBCA0\uD2B8\uB0A8 \uACF5\uD654\uAD6D \uC721\uAD70 \uD2B9\uC218\uBD80\uB300(\uBCA0\uD2B8\uB0A8\uC5B4: L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a (LLDB) / Luc Luong Dac Biet, \uC601\uC5B4: Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces)\uB294 \uBCA0\uD2B8\uB0A8 \uACF5\uD654\uAD6D \uC721\uAD70 \uC18C\uC18D\uC758 \uD2B9\uC218\uBD80\uB300\uC774\uB2E4. 1963\uB144\uC758 \uC804\uB825\uC740 \uC7A5\uAD50 333\uBA85, \uBD80\uC0AC\uAD00 1,270\uBA85, \uD604\uC5ED 1,270\uBA85\uC73C\uB85C \uCD1D 2,873\uBA85\uC73C\uB85C \uC9D1\uACC4\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4"@ko . . . . . "--04-30"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Pasukan Pertahanan Khusus Republik Vietnam"@in . . . . . . . . . . "Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces"@en . . "Speci\u00E1ln\u00ED s\u00EDly Arm\u00E1dy Vietnamsk\u00E9 republiky (anglicky Army of the Republic of Vietnam - ARVN, vietnamsky L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a - LLDB) byly elitn\u00ED vojensk\u00E9 jednotky Ji\u017En\u00EDho Vietnamu zalo\u017Een\u00E9 v \u00FAnoru 1956 v Nha Trangu. Vytvo\u0159il je , bratr tehdej\u0161\u00EDho vl\u00E1dce Ji\u017En\u00EDho Vietnamu Ng\u00F4 \u0110\u00ECnh Di\u1EC7ma. Jednotka zanikla 30. dubna 1975, po p\u00E1du Saigonu."@cs . . "12790370"^^ . . . "15882"^^ . . . "*1270NCOs" . . . "2873"^^ . . . . . . . . "*1270 enlisted" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pasukan Pertahanan Khusus Republik Vietnam (bahasa Vietnam: L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a atau LLDB) merupakan unit militer elit dari (biasa disebut sebagai Vietnam Selatan). Bersamaan dengan berdirinya Republik Vietnam pada bulan Oktober 1955, pasukan ini bermarkas di Nha Trang pada bulan Februari 1956. Dibawah komando Ngo Dinh Diem, pasukan ini dipimpin oleh saudaranya, Nhu, hingga pembunuhan pada bulan November 1963 dalam sebuah kudeta. Pasukan ini dibubarkan pada tahun 1975 bersamaan dengan Vietnam Selatan runtuh setelah Jatuhnya Saigon."@in . . . . . . . . . . "1956"^^ . . . "1101513266"^^ . . . "ARVN Special Forces"@en . "200"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Vietnam War"@en . . . . . . . "\uBCA0\uD2B8\uB0A8 \uACF5\uD654\uAD6D \uC721\uAD70 \uD2B9\uC218\uBD80\uB300"@ko . . . . . . "Forces sp\u00E9ciales de l'arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique du Vi\u00EAt Nam"@fr . . "Speci\u00E1ln\u00ED s\u00EDly Arm\u00E1dy Vietnamsk\u00E9 republiky"@cs . . . . . . "\uBCA0\uD2B8\uB0A8 \uACF5\uD654\uAD6D \uC721\uAD70 \uD2B9\uC218\uBD80\uB300(\uBCA0\uD2B8\uB0A8\uC5B4: L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a (LLDB) / Luc Luong Dac Biet, \uC601\uC5B4: Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces)\uB294 \uBCA0\uD2B8\uB0A8 \uACF5\uD654\uAD6D \uC721\uAD70 \uC18C\uC18D\uC758 \uD2B9\uC218\uBD80\uB300\uC774\uB2E4. 1963\uB144\uC758 \uC804\uB825\uC740 \uC7A5\uAD50 333\uBA85, \uBD80\uC0AC\uAD00 1,270\uBA85, \uD604\uC5ED 1,270\uBA85\uC73C\uB85C \uCD1D 2,873\uBA85\uC73C\uB85C \uC9D1\uACC4\uB418\uC5C8\uB2E4"@ko . . "ARVN Special Forces"@en . . "LLDB"@en . . . "\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u5171\u548C\u56FD\u9678\u8ECD\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A\uFF08\u82F1\u8A9E: Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces, \u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u8A9E: L\u1EF1c L\u01B0\u1EE3ng \u0110\u1EB7c Bi\u1EC7t Qu\u00E2n L\u1EF1c Vi\u1EC7t Nam C\u1ED9ng H\u00F2a, LLDB\uFF09\u306F\u3001\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u5171\u548C\u56FD\u9678\u8ECD\uFF08\u5357\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u9678\u8ECD, ARVN\uFF09\u304C\u6709\u3057\u305F\u7279\u6B8A\u90E8\u968A\u3002\u5F53\u521D\u306F\u6575\u5360\u9818\u5730\u5185\u3067\u306E\u6D3B\u52D5\u3001\u3059\u306A\u308F\u3061\u8ADC\u5831\u3001\u8A98\u62D0\u3001\u30B5\u30DC\u30BF\u30FC\u30B8\u30E5\u306A\u3069\u3092\u4E3B\u306A\u4EFB\u52D9\u3068\u3057\u3066\u3044\u305F\u3002\u305D\u306E\u5F8C\u306F\u6226\u529B\u306E\u5897\u5F37\u3092\u91CD\u306D\u3001\u3084\u304C\u3066\u30D9\u30C8\u30CA\u30E0\u5171\u548C\u56FD\u9678\u8ECD\u306B\u304A\u3051\u308B\u7CBE\u92ED\u306E1\u3064\u3068\u898B\u306A\u3055\u308C\u308B\u3088\u3046\u306B\u306A\u3063\u305F\u3002"@ja . .