. . . . . . . . . . . "Antoni Piz\u00E0 Prohens (Felanitx, 1962), escriptor i music\u00F2leg. Doctor en musicologia. Ha ensenyat Hist\u00F2ria de la M\u00FAsica a la Hofstra University (Long Island) i a la City University de Nova York. Director de la \"Fundaci\u00F3 per la M\u00FAsica Ib\u00E8rica\" al centre d'investigaci\u00F3 musical Barry S. Brook d'aquesta darrera universitat. Ha publicat nombrosos articles en revistes especialitzades i ha col\u00B7laborat en el The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Tamb\u00E9 ha comissariat cicles dedicats a les figures m\u00E9s importants de la m\u00FAsica en el segle xxi com Charles Rosen, Philip Glass i David Harrington del Kronos Quartet (http://music21.ws.gc.cuny.edu/about/)."@ca . . . "5913"^^ . . . . "Antoni Piz\u00E0, born in Felanitx, Mallorca, Spain, in 1962, is a musicologist. After receiving a PhD at the Graduate Center of CUNY in 1994, he taught music history at Hofstra University in Long Island, at various colleges in CUNY, and at the Conservatorio Superior de M\u00FAsica de las Islas Baleares (Conservatory of Music and Dance, Palma). He is currently the director of the Foundation for Iberian Music and a member of the doctoral faculty in music at the Graduate Center of CUNY. Since the 2000s, he has curated a series of musical events at the Graduate Center featuring well-known musicians and authors, including Charles Rosen, Philip Glass, Claire Chase, David Harrington, Roger Scruton, Greil Marcus, Richard Taruskin, Paul Griffiths, and others."@en . "Antoni Piz\u00E0"@en . . . . "9116576"^^ . . . . . "Antonio Piz\u00E1 Prohens (Felanich, Baleares, 1962), es un escritor y music\u00F3logo espa\u00F1ol. Dirige la Foundation for Iberian Music y es profesor del programa de doctorado en m\u00FAsica en el centro de posgrado de The City University of New York. Es autor de los siguientes libros:"@es . . . . . . "Antoni Piz\u00E0 Prohens"@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Antoni Piz\u00E0 Prohens (Felanitx, 1962), escriptor i music\u00F2leg. Doctor en musicologia. Ha ensenyat Hist\u00F2ria de la M\u00FAsica a la Hofstra University (Long Island) i a la City University de Nova York. Director de la \"Fundaci\u00F3 per la M\u00FAsica Ib\u00E8rica\" al centre d'investigaci\u00F3 musical Barry S. Brook d'aquesta darrera universitat. Ha publicat nombrosos articles en revistes especialitzades i ha col\u00B7laborat en el The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Tamb\u00E9 ha comissariat cicles dedicats a les figures m\u00E9s importants de la m\u00FAsica en el segle xxi com Charles Rosen, Philip Glass i David Harrington del Kronos Quartet (http://music21.ws.gc.cuny.edu/about/)."@ca . "Antoni Piz\u00E0, born in Felanitx, Mallorca, Spain, in 1962, is a musicologist. After receiving a PhD at the Graduate Center of CUNY in 1994, he taught music history at Hofstra University in Long Island, at various colleges in CUNY, and at the Conservatorio Superior de M\u00FAsica de las Islas Baleares (Conservatory of Music and Dance, Palma). He is currently the director of the Foundation for Iberian Music and a member of the doctoral faculty in music at the Graduate Center of CUNY. Since the 2000s, he has curated a series of musical events at the Graduate Center featuring well-known musicians and authors, including Charles Rosen, Philip Glass, Claire Chase, David Harrington, Roger Scruton, Greil Marcus, Richard Taruskin, Paul Griffiths, and others."@en . . . . . . . . "Antonio Piz\u00E1 Prohens (Felanich, Baleares, 1962), es un escritor y music\u00F3logo espa\u00F1ol. Dirige la Foundation for Iberian Music y es profesor del programa de doctorado en m\u00FAsica en el centro de posgrado de The City University of New York. Es autor de los siguientes libros:"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1089129391"^^ . . "Antonio Piz\u00E1"@es . . . . . . .