. . . . "none"@en . . . . "6570"^^ . "Aka, also known as Yaka or Beka, is a Bantu language spoken in the Central African Republic and Republic of Congo, along the Ubangi River dividing the two countries. Aka is spoken by the Aka people, pygmies closely related to the Ubangian-speaking Baka of Cameroon, Congo and Gabon. Together, these peoples are known as the Mbenga (Bambenga) or Binga (Babinga), the latter derogatory. Pygmies of northern Gabon called the Mikaya and Luma are evidently either Aka or speak a language closely related to Aka."@en . . . "Yaka"@en . . "L'aka est une langue bantoue parl\u00E9e en R\u00E9publique centrafricaine et en R\u00E9publique du Congo."@fr . . . . . . "Lo Yaka o aka o beka, \u00E8 una lingua bantu parlata nella Repubblica Centrafricana e nella Repubblica del Congo, lungo il fiume Ubangi che fa da confine tra le due nazioni."@it . "Aka"@en . . . . . . . . . . "e18"@en . . . . "yaka1272"@en . . "axk"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "axk" . "Yaka (auch Aka, Babinga, Bambenga, Beka, Bek\u00E1, Binga, M\u00F2\u00E1ka und Nyoyaka) ist eine Bantusprache und wird von circa 30.000 Angeh\u00F6rigen der in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik und der Republik Kongo gesprochen. Sie ist in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik in der Pr\u00E4fektur Lobaye und der Wirtschaftspr\u00E4fektur Sangha-Mba\u00E9r\u00E9 und in der Republik Kongo im Departement Likouala mit jeweils circa 15.000 Sprechern verbreitet. Yaka wird in der lateinischen Schrift geschrieben."@de . "Aka, also known as Yaka or Beka, is a Bantu language spoken in the Central African Republic and Republic of Congo, along the Ubangi River dividing the two countries. Aka is spoken by the Aka people, pygmies closely related to the Ubangian-speaking Baka of Cameroon, Congo and Gabon. Together, these peoples are known as the Mbenga (Bambenga) or Binga (Babinga), the latter derogatory. Famously, Aka shares vocabulary with the Baka languages, mostly concerning a specialised forest economy, such as words for edible plants, medicinal plants and honey collecting. This is among the 30% of Aka which is not Bantu and the 30% of Baka which is not Ubangian and has been posited as the remnant of an ancestral Western Pygmy (Mbenga or \"Baaka\") language which has otherwise vanished. However, it is entirely possible that the Aka shifted to Bantu from a Ubangian language related to Baka, in which case the situation reduces to a single ethnic group adapted to the forest with correspondingly specialised vocabulary. There is no evidence for a wider linguistic affiliation with any of the other Pygmy peoples. The Aka people call themselves Mraka in the singular and Beka in the plural. The people and their language go by various alternate spellings: M\u00F2-\u00C1ka, Moyaka, Bayaka, Yaga, Bayaga, Gbayaka, Biaka, Bek\u00E1, Yakwa, Yakpa, Yakpwa, Nyoyaka. The western Aka are known as the Benzele (Mbenz\u00E9l\u00E9, Babenz\u00E9l\u00E9, Bambenzele, Ba-Benjelle), and the eastern Aka as the Sese (Basese). These might be distinct dialects; Nzari might be another. Pygmies of northern Gabon called the Mikaya and Luma are evidently either Aka or speak a language closely related to Aka."@en . . . . "C.104"@en . "..."@en . . "27594430"^^ . "none"@en . "Mikaya-Luma"@en . . . . . . "J\u0119zyk yaka (ngondi)"@pl . "J\u0119zyk yaka, tak\u017Ce aka, babinga, bambenga, bek\u00E1, nyoyaka \u2013 j\u0119zyk z rodziny bantu, u\u017Cywany przez Pigmej\u00F3w Aka w Republice \u015Arodkowoafryka\u0144skiej w prefekturze Lobaye i specjalnej strefie ekonomicznej oraz w Kongo. Na j\u0119zyk yaka przet\u0142umaczono fragmenty Biblii. Wed\u0142ug klasyfikacji Guthriego zaktualizowanej przez J.F. Maho, j\u0119zyk yaka zaliczany jest do grupy geograficznej j\u0119zyk\u00F3w bantu C, a jego kod to C104. Dialekty yaka to: beka (bayaka, gbayaka, moyaka) i nzari."@pl . . "Bantu"@en . . . "Yaka"@en . . "1061829750"^^ . . . "Aka language"@en . . . . . . . . "mika1256"@en . . . "Lo Yaka o aka o beka, \u00E8 una lingua bantu parlata nella Repubblica Centrafricana e nella Repubblica del Congo, lungo il fiume Ubangi che fa da confine tra le due nazioni."@it . . "Yaka (Sprache, Zentralafrikanische Republik)"@de . . . "Mikaya, Baluma"@en . . . . . . . . . "30000"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Aka"@en . "Yaka (auch Aka, Babinga, Bambenga, Beka, Bek\u00E1, Binga, M\u00F2\u00E1ka und Nyoyaka) ist eine Bantusprache und wird von circa 30.000 Angeh\u00F6rigen der in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik und der Republik Kongo gesprochen. Sie ist in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik in der Pr\u00E4fektur Lobaye und der Wirtschaftspr\u00E4fektur Sangha-Mba\u00E9r\u00E9 und in der Republik Kongo im Departement Likouala mit jeweils circa 15.000 Sprechern verbreitet. Yaka wird in der lateinischen Schrift geschrieben."@de . "Lingua yaka"@it . "J\u0119zyk yaka, tak\u017Ce aka, babinga, bambenga, bek\u00E1, nyoyaka \u2013 j\u0119zyk z rodziny bantu, u\u017Cywany przez Pigmej\u00F3w Aka w Republice \u015Arodkowoafryka\u0144skiej w prefekturze Lobaye i specjalnej strefie ekonomicznej oraz w Kongo. Na j\u0119zyk yaka przet\u0142umaczono fragmenty Biblii. Wed\u0142ug klasyfikacji Guthriego zaktualizowanej przez J.F. Maho, j\u0119zyk yaka zaliczany jest do grupy geograficznej j\u0119zyk\u00F3w bantu C, a jego kod to C104. Dialekty yaka to: beka (bayaka, gbayaka, moyaka) i nzari."@pl . . . . . . "L'aka est une langue bantoue parl\u00E9e en R\u00E9publique centrafricaine et en R\u00E9publique du Congo."@fr . . "none"@en . "1986"^^ . . . "?"@en . . "Yaka"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Niger-Congo"@en . . "Mikaya-Bambengangale-Baluma"@en . . . . . "Aka (langue bantoue)"@fr . .