. . . . "Die Aiseposbr\u00FCcke (t\u00FCrkisch: G\u00FCvercin K\u00F6pr\u00FCs\u00FC, Taubenbr\u00FCcke) war eine sp\u00E4tantike Br\u00FCcke \u00FCber den Fluss Aisepos (G\u00F6nen \u00C7ay\u0131) im kleinasiatischen Mysien (heute Provinz Bal\u0131kesir, T\u00FCrkei). Sie ist vor allem f\u00FCr das fortschrittliche Hohlkammersystem bemerkenswert, das sich auch bei anderen sp\u00E4tantiken Br\u00FCckenbauten der Region wie z. B. der Makestosbr\u00FCcke finden l\u00E4sst. Bei einer Felduntersuchung Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts fand man die vier Hauptb\u00F6gen eingest\u00FCrzt vor, wohingegen fast alle Pfeiler sowie die sieben kleineren B\u00F6gen noch standen. Auf aktuellen Aufnahmen erkennt man noch die beiden Pfeilerst\u00FCmpfe im Flussbett, wohingegen der \u00FCbrige bauliche Zustand der Br\u00FCcke schwer einzusch\u00E4tzen ist."@de . . . . . "4"^^ . . "Il ponte sull'Esepo (turco G\u00FCvercin K\u00F6pr\u00FCs\u00FC, ponte della Colomba) era un ponte romano della tarda antichit\u00E0 sul fiume Esepo (in latino Aesepus, oggi G\u00F6nen \u00C7ay\u0131) nell'antica regione di Misia, nell'attuale Turchia. \u00C8 notevole per il suo avanzato sistema di intercapedini che \u00E8 stato impiegato anche in altri ponti romani della regione, come il ponte sul Macesto. In un'indagine sul campo condotta all'inizio del XX secolo, le quattro volte principali del ponte furono trovate in rovina, mentre quasi tutti i pilastri e i sette archi minori rimasti ancora intatti. Fotografie recenti mostrano una minore conservazione, in quanto alcuni degli archi non sono pi\u00F9 intatti."@it . "The Aesepus Bridge (Turkish: G\u00FCvercin K\u00F6pr\u00FCs\u00FC, \"Dove Bridge\") was a late antique Roman bridge over the Aesepus River (today G\u00F6nen \u00C7ay\u0131) in the ancient region of Mysia in modern-day Turkey. It is notable for its advanced hollow chamber system which has also been employed in other Roman bridges in the region, such as the Makestos Bridge. In a field examination carried out in the early 20th century, the four main vaults of the bridge were found in ruins, while nearly all piers and the seven minor arches had still remained intact. Today, the two remaining pier stubs in the riverbed are still extant, while the condition of the rest of the structure is difficult to determine."@en . "Die Aiseposbr\u00FCcke (t\u00FCrkisch: G\u00FCvercin K\u00F6pr\u00FCs\u00FC, Taubenbr\u00FCcke) war eine sp\u00E4tantike Br\u00FCcke \u00FCber den Fluss Aisepos (G\u00F6nen \u00C7ay\u0131) im kleinasiatischen Mysien (heute Provinz Bal\u0131kesir, T\u00FCrkei). Sie ist vor allem f\u00FCr das fortschrittliche Hohlkammersystem bemerkenswert, das sich auch bei anderen sp\u00E4tantiken Br\u00FCckenbauten der Region wie z. B. der Makestosbr\u00FCcke finden l\u00E4sst. Bei einer Felduntersuchung Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts fand man die vier Hauptb\u00F6gen eingest\u00FCrzt vor, wohingegen fast alle Pfeiler sowie die sieben kleineren B\u00F6gen noch standen. Auf aktuellen Aufnahmen erkennt man noch die beiden Pfeilerst\u00FCmpfe im Flussbett, wohingegen der \u00FCbrige bauliche Zustand der Br\u00FCcke schwer einzusch\u00E4tzen ist."@de . "Aesepus Bridge"@en . . . "40.2675 27.6025" . . . . . . . . . . "27.60250091552734"^^ . . . "0.158"^^ . "(Dove Bridge)"@en . . "40.26750183105469"^^ . . . . . . "Central pier"@en . . . . . . . "Ancient Mysia, now G\u00F6nen district, Bal\u0131kesir Province, Turkey"@en . . . . . . . . "11"^^ . . . . . . . "158.0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Aesepus Bridge"@en . "Ponte sull'Esepo"@it . . . . . . . "Stone"@en . . . "Aesepus Bridge"@en . . . "20038759"^^ . . . . . . "Aesepus Bridge"@en . . . "Puente de Esepo"@es . . . . "POINT(27.602500915527 40.267501831055)"^^ . . "Il ponte sull'Esepo (turco G\u00FCvercin K\u00F6pr\u00FCs\u00FC, ponte della Colomba) era un ponte romano della tarda antichit\u00E0 sul fiume Esepo (in latino Aesepus, oggi G\u00F6nen \u00C7ay\u0131) nell'antica regione di Misia, nell'attuale Turchia. \u00C8 notevole per il suo avanzato sistema di intercapedini che \u00E8 stato impiegato anche in altri ponti romani della regione, come il ponte sul Macesto. In un'indagine sul campo condotta all'inizio del XX secolo, le quattro volte principali del ponte furono trovate in rovina, mentre quasi tutti i pilastri e i sette archi minori rimasti ancora intatti. Fotografie recenti mostrano una minore conservazione, in quanto alcuni degli archi non sono pi\u00F9 intatti."@it . . "22753970"^^ . "Roman road to Kyzikos"@en . . . "Roman roadtoKyzikos" . "8759"^^ . . . "El puente de Esepo (en turco: G\u00FCvercin K\u00F6pr\u00FCs\u00FC, \"Puente de la Paloma\") es un puente romano tardoantiguo que cruza el (actual G\u00F6nen \u00C7ay\u0131) en la antigua regi\u00F3n de Misia al noroeste de Anatolia. Es conocido por su sistema de c\u00E1maras huecas, usado tambi\u00E9n en otros puentes de la regi\u00F3n, como el . Durante un estudio de campo llevado a cabo a inicios del s. XX se public\u00F3 que las cuatro b\u00F3vedas principales del puente estaban en estado de ruina, pero que las otras estructuras se manten\u00EDan pr\u00E1cticamente intactas.\u200B"@es . . "5.60 m"@en . . "9480.0"^^ . "Aiseposbr\u00FCcke"@de . "1110807592"^^ . "The Aesepus Bridge (Turkish: G\u00FCvercin K\u00F6pr\u00FCs\u00FC, \"Dove Bridge\") was a late antique Roman bridge over the Aesepus River (today G\u00F6nen \u00C7ay\u0131) in the ancient region of Mysia in modern-day Turkey. It is notable for its advanced hollow chamber system which has also been employed in other Roman bridges in the region, such as the Makestos Bridge. In a field examination carried out in the early 20th century, the four main vaults of the bridge were found in ruins, while nearly all piers and the seven minor arches had still remained intact. Today, the two remaining pier stubs in the riverbed are still extant, while the condition of the rest of the structure is difficult to determine."@en . . . . . "12.20 m"@en . . . . . . . . . "El puente de Esepo (en turco: G\u00FCvercin K\u00F6pr\u00FCs\u00FC, \"Puente de la Paloma\") es un puente romano tardoantiguo que cruza el (actual G\u00F6nen \u00C7ay\u0131) en la antigua regi\u00F3n de Misia al noroeste de Anatolia. Es conocido por su sistema de c\u00E1maras huecas, usado tambi\u00E9n en otros puentes de la regi\u00F3n, como el . Durante un estudio de campo llevado a cabo a inicios del s. XX se public\u00F3 que las cuatro b\u00F3vedas principales del puente estaban en estado de ruina, pero que las otras estructuras se manten\u00EDan pr\u00E1cticamente intactas.\u200B"@es . "11"^^ . . ""@en . . . . . . . . . "5.6"^^ . . . "4th or 5th/6th century AD" . . . . "12.2"^^ .