. . "F2IVs"@en . "32 Tauri is the Flamsteed designation for a solitary star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. It has a visual magnitude of 5.64, making it visible to the naked eye from suburban skies (according to the Bortle scale). The position of this star near the ecliptic plane means that it is subject to occultations by the Moon. Parallax measurements put it at a distance of 144 light years from the Sun. It is drifting further away with a radial velocity of +31.9 km/s, having come to within 88.9 light-years some 759,000 years ago."@en . . . . . . "3.87"^^ . . . "0.0385"^^ . . . . . . "22.5957"^^ . "2.1"^^ . . . . . . . "\u6634\u5BBF\u589E\u4E94"@zh . "2.42"^^ . . . "5.62"^^ . . . "32 Tauri, som \u00E4r stj\u00E4rnans Flamsteed-beteckning, \u00E4r en ensam stj\u00E4rna bel\u00E4gen i den \u00F6stra delen av stj\u00E4rnbilden Oxen. Den har en skenbar magnitud p\u00E5 ca 5,64 och \u00E4r svagt synlig f\u00F6r blotta \u00F6gat d\u00E4r ljusf\u00F6roreningar ej f\u00F6rekommer. Baserat p\u00E5 parallaxm\u00E4tning inom Hipparcosuppdraget p\u00E5 ca 23,6 mas, ber\u00E4knas den befinna sig p\u00E5 ett avst\u00E5nd p\u00E5 ca 138 ljus\u00E5r (ca 42 parsek) fr\u00E5n solen. Den r\u00F6r sig bort fr\u00E5n solen med en heliocentrisk radialhastighet av ca 32 km/s. Med stj\u00E4rnans position n\u00E4ra ekliptikan \u00E4r den f\u00F6rem\u00E5l f\u00F6r ockultationer med m\u00E5nen."@sv . . "+70.674"@en . . "\u91D1\u725B\u5EA732\uFF0C\u53C8\u540DBD+22 605\uFF0CHD 24740\u3001SAO 76339\u3001HR 1218\uFF0C\u662F\u91D1\u725B\u5EA7\u7684\u4E00\u9897\u6052\u661F\uFF0C\u89C6\u661F\u7B49\u4E3A5.63\uFF0C\u4F4D\u4E8E\u9280\u7D93169.59\uFF0C\u9280\u7DEF-23.16\uFF0C\u5176B1900.0\u5750\u6807\u4E3A\u8D64\u7D933h 50m 57.4s\uFF0C\u8D64\u7DEF+22\u00B0 -23.16\u2032 24\u2033\u3002"@zh . "\u22120.19"@en . . . "19.7"^^ . . . . . . "2.04"^^ . . "J2000.0"@en . "\u2212114.026"@en . . . . "+0.00"@en . . . . . "2.75"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "6.901"^^ . . . . . "32 Tauri, som \u00E4r stj\u00E4rnans Flamsteed-beteckning, \u00E4r en ensam stj\u00E4rna bel\u00E4gen i den \u00F6stra delen av stj\u00E4rnbilden Oxen. Den har en skenbar magnitud p\u00E5 ca 5,64 och \u00E4r svagt synlig f\u00F6r blotta \u00F6gat d\u00E4r ljusf\u00F6roreningar ej f\u00F6rekommer. Baserat p\u00E5 parallaxm\u00E4tning inom Hipparcosuppdraget p\u00E5 ca 23,6 mas, ber\u00E4knas den befinna sig p\u00E5 ett avst\u00E5nd p\u00E5 ca 138 ljus\u00E5r (ca 42 parsek) fr\u00E5n solen. Den r\u00F6r sig bort fr\u00E5n solen med en heliocentrisk radialhastighet av ca 32 km/s. Med stj\u00E4rnans position n\u00E4ra ekliptikan \u00E4r den f\u00F6rem\u00E5l f\u00F6r ockultationer med m\u00E5nen."@sv . . . . . . . "32 Tauri"@en . . "\u91D1\u725B\u5EA732\uFF0C\u53C8\u540DBD+22 605\uFF0CHD 24740\u3001SAO 76339\u3001HR 1218\uFF0C\u662F\u91D1\u725B\u5EA7\u7684\u4E00\u9897\u6052\u661F\uFF0C\u89C6\u661F\u7B49\u4E3A5.63\uFF0C\u4F4D\u4E8E\u9280\u7D93169.59\uFF0C\u9280\u7DEF-23.16\uFF0C\u5176B1900.0\u5750\u6807\u4E3A\u8D64\u7D933h 50m 57.4s\uFF0C\u8D64\u7DEF+22\u00B0 -23.16\u2032 24\u2033\u3002"@zh . . "15.4"^^ . "32 Tauri is the Flamsteed designation for a solitary star in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. It has a visual magnitude of 5.64, making it visible to the naked eye from suburban skies (according to the Bortle scale). The position of this star near the ecliptic plane means that it is subject to occultations by the Moon. Parallax measurements put it at a distance of 144 light years from the Sun. It is drifting further away with a radial velocity of +31.9 km/s, having come to within 88.9 light-years some 759,000 years ago. The spectrum of this star matches a stellar classification of F2IVs, with the luminosity class of IV indicating that this star has reached the subgiant stage and is in the process of evolving into a giant star. It has twice the mass of the sun with nearly three times the Sun's radius, but 15 times the Sun's luminosity and about half the Sun's age. The abundance of elements other than hydrogen and helium is lower in this star than in the Sun. The effective temperature of the star's outer atmosphere is 6901 K, giving it the white-hued glow of an F-type star."@en . . . "1119371568"^^ . . . "9283"^^ . . "48472119"^^ . "+31.90"@en . "32 Tauri"@sv . .