. "De Rally van Cyprus 2003, formeel 31st Cyprus Rally, was de 31e editie van de Rally van Cyprus en de zevende ronde van het wereldkampioenschap rally in 2003. Het was de 368e rally in het wereldkampioenschap rally die georganiseerd wordt door de F\u00E9d\u00E9ration Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). De start en finish was in Limassol."@nl . "Rally di Cipro 2003"@it . . . "51"^^ . . . . . . "555"^^ . . . . "The 2003 Cyprus Rally (formally the 31st Cyprus Rally) was the seventh round of the 2003 World Rally Championship. The race was held over three days between 20 June and 22 June 2003, and was based in Limassol, Cyprus. Subaru's Petter Solberg won the race, his 2nd win in the World Rally Championship."@en . . . . "De Rally van Cyprus 2003, formeel 31st Cyprus Rally, was de 31e editie van de Rally van Cyprus en de zevende ronde van het wereldkampioenschap rally in 2003. Het was de 368e rally in het wereldkampioenschap rally die georganiseerd wordt door de F\u00E9d\u00E9ration Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). De start en finish was in Limassol."@nl . "341.05"^^ . . . . . . . "37373"^^ . . . . . "2003"^^ . . . "2003-06-20"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2003 Cyprus Rally"@en . . . . . . . . "2003"^^ . "Kypersk\u00E1 rallye 2003"@cs . "7"^^ . "Il Rally di Cipro 2003, ufficialmente denominato 31st Cyprus Rally, \u00E8 stata la settima prova del campionato del mondo rally 2003 nonch\u00E9 la trentunesima edizione del Rally di Cipro e la quarta con valenza mondiale. La manifestazione si \u00E8 svolta dal 20 al 22 giugno sui tortuosi sterrati che attraversano la catena montuosa dei Troodos, situata nella parte centro-occidentale dell'isola mediterranea, con base nella citt\u00E0 di Limassol, sulla costa sud dell'isola, base designata per il rally e sede del parco assistenza per i concorrenti. L'evento \u00E8 stato vinto dal norvegese Petter Solberg, navigato dal britannico Phil Mills, alla guida di una Subaru Impreza WRC2003 della squadra ufficiale 555 Subaru WRT, al loro secondo successo in carriera e al primo in stagione, precedendo la coppia finlandese formata da Harri Rovanper\u00E4 e Risto Pietil\u00E4inen, su Peugeot 206 WRC della scuderia Marlboro Peugeot Total, e quella composta dal francese S\u00E9bastien Loeb e dal monegasco Daniel Elena, su Citro\u00EBn Xsara WRC del team Citro\u00EBn Total. A Cipro si disputava anche la quarta tappa del campionato PWRC, che ha visto vincere l'equipaggio costituito dal giapponese Toshihiro Arai e dal neozelandese , su Subaru Impreza WRX STi della scuderia Subaru Production Rally Team, alla loro terza vittoria consecutiva di categoria su quattro gare disputate."@it . . . . "Kypersk\u00E1 rallye 2003 byla sedmou sout\u011B\u017E\u00ED Mistrovstv\u00ED sv\u011Bta v rallye 2003. Vyhr\u00E1l zde Petter Solberg s vozem Subaru Impreza WRC. Sout\u011B\u017E m\u011Bla 18 rychlostn\u00EDch zkou\u0161ek o d\u00E9lce 340,6 km. Do c\u00EDle dorazilo 17 pos\u00E1dek z 51 p\u0159ihl\u00E1\u0161en\u00FDch."@cs . . . . . . "1068795515"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "The 2003 Cyprus Rally (formally the 31st Cyprus Rally) was the seventh round of the 2003 World Rally Championship. The race was held over three days between 20 June and 22 June 2003, and was based in Limassol, Cyprus. Subaru's Petter Solberg won the race, his 2nd win in the World Rally Championship."@en . . . . "18"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Il Rally di Cipro 2003, ufficialmente denominato 31st Cyprus Rally, \u00E8 stata la settima prova del campionato del mondo rally 2003 nonch\u00E9 la trentunesima edizione del Rally di Cipro e la quarta con valenza mondiale. La manifestazione si \u00E8 svolta dal 20 al 22 giugno sui tortuosi sterrati che attraversano la catena montuosa dei Troodos, situata nella parte centro-occidentale dell'isola mediterranea, con base nella citt\u00E0 di Limassol, sulla costa sud dell'isola, base designata per il rally e sede del parco assistenza per i concorrenti."@it . . . . "Petter Solberg"@en . . . "2003-06-22"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rally van Cyprus 2003"@nl . . . . "Rajd Cypru 2003"@pl . . "31"^^ . . . . . "Gravel"@en . . . . . "2003"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1184.53"^^ . . . "Kypersk\u00E1 rallye 2003 byla sedmou sout\u011B\u017E\u00ED Mistrovstv\u00ED sv\u011Bta v rallye 2003. Vyhr\u00E1l zde Petter Solberg s vozem Subaru Impreza WRC. Sout\u011B\u017E m\u011Bla 18 rychlostn\u00EDch zkou\u0161ek o d\u00E9lce 340,6 km. Do c\u00EDle dorazilo 17 pos\u00E1dek z 51 p\u0159ihl\u00E1\u0161en\u00FDch."@cs . . . . "Rezultaty Rajdu Cypru (31st Cyprus Rally), eliminacji Rajdowych Mistrzostw \u015Awiata w 2003 roku, kt\u00F3ry odby\u0142 si\u0119 w dniach 20 \u2013 22 czerwca. By\u0142a to si\u00F3dma runda czempionatu w tamtym roku i pi\u0105ta szutrowa, a tak\u017Ce czwarta w . Baz\u0105 rajdu by\u0142o miasto Limassol. Zwyci\u0119zcami rajdu zosta\u0142a norwesko-brytyjska za\u0142oga Petter Solberg i Phil Mills jad\u0105ca Subaru Imprez\u0105 WRC. Wyprzedzili oni Fin\u00F3w Harriego Rovanper\u0119 i Risto Pietil\u00E4inena w Peugeocie 206 WRC oraz francusko-monakijsk\u0105 za\u0142og\u0119 S\u00E9bastiena Loeba i Daniela \u00C9len\u0119 w Citro\u00EBnie Xsarze WRC. Z kolei w Production Cars WRC zwyci\u0119\u017Cy\u0142a japo\u0144sko-nowozelandzka za\u0142oga Toshihiro Arai i , jad\u0105ca Subaru Imprez\u0105 WRX STi."@pl . . . . "Rezultaty Rajdu Cypru (31st Cyprus Rally), eliminacji Rajdowych Mistrzostw \u015Awiata w 2003 roku, kt\u00F3ry odby\u0142 si\u0119 w dniach 20 \u2013 22 czerwca. By\u0142a to si\u00F3dma runda czempionatu w tamtym roku i pi\u0105ta szutrowa, a tak\u017Ce czwarta w . Baz\u0105 rajdu by\u0142o miasto Limassol. Zwyci\u0119zcami rajdu zosta\u0142a norwesko-brytyjska za\u0142oga Petter Solberg i Phil Mills jad\u0105ca Subaru Imprez\u0105 WRC. Wyprzedzili oni Fin\u00F3w Harriego Rovanper\u0119 i Risto Pietil\u00E4inena w Peugeocie 206 WRC oraz francusko-monakijsk\u0105 za\u0142og\u0119 S\u00E9bastiena Loeba i Daniela \u00C9len\u0119 w Citro\u00EBnie Xsarze WRC. Z kolei w Production Cars WRC zwyci\u0119\u017Cy\u0142a japo\u0144sko-nowozelandzka za\u0142oga Toshihiro Arai i , jad\u0105ca Subaru Imprez\u0105 WRX STi. Rajdu nie uko\u0144czy\u0142o dziewi\u0119ciu kierowc\u00F3w fabrycznych. Kierowcy Peugeota 206 WRC Fin Marcus Gr\u00F6nholm i Anglik Richard Burns odpadli kolejno na 6. odcinku specjalnym (awaria wa\u0142u korbowego) i 10. odcinku specjalnym (awaria silnika). Na 5. oesie odpadli dwaj kierowcy Forda Focusa WRC, Esto\u0144czyk Markko M\u00E4rtin i Belg Fran\u00E7ois Duval, obaj z powodu niskiego ci\u015Bnienia oleju. Fin Tommi M\u00E4kinen odpad\u0142 na 10. oesie z powodu spo\u017Anienia. Kierowcy Hyundaia Accenta WRC Belg Freddy Loix i Brytyjczyk zako\u0144czyli udzia\u0142 w rajdzie z powodu awarii silnika (Loix na 6. oesie, a Dale na 2. oesie). Francuz Didier Auriol w \u0160kodzie Octavii WRC odpad\u0142 na 10. oesie na skutek awarii alternatora, a jego partner z zespo\u0142u Toni Gardemeister uleg\u0142 wypadkowi na 9. oesie."@pl . . "2003"^^ . . "17"^^ . . "69252584"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Phil Mills"@en .