"16674004"^^ . . "08001"@ca . . . . "994547386"^^ . . . . "08001 \u00E9s un projecte musical que barreja tecno, electr\u00F2nica i m\u00FAsica \u00E8tnica (es canta fins en sis lleng\u00FCes diferents) nascut a principis de l'any 2002 de la m\u00E0 de Juli\u00E1n Urigoitia, que la nit de cap d'any va decidir obrir un estudi per a la improvisaci\u00F3. Aix\u00ED va tenir la idea d'aprofitar un local situat al Raval per a fer una mena de c\u00E0stings pel projecte. Van presentar-se prop de 40 persones, 23 de les quals foren seleccionades."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . "2441"^^ . . . "08001 \u00E9s un projecte musical que barreja tecno, electr\u00F2nica i m\u00FAsica \u00E8tnica (es canta fins en sis lleng\u00FCes diferents) nascut a principis de l'any 2002 de la m\u00E0 de Juli\u00E1n Urigoitia, que la nit de cap d'any va decidir obrir un estudi per a la improvisaci\u00F3. Aix\u00ED va tenir la idea d'aprofitar un local situat al Raval per a fer una mena de c\u00E0stings pel projecte. Van presentar-se prop de 40 persones, 23 de les quals foren seleccionades."@ca . . . "08001 is a world music project based in Barcelona. This project, conceived as a workshop or work in progress, is a collective of musicians from different parts of the world based in El Raval, the most ethnically diverse neighbourhood of Barcelona. \"08001\" is El Raval's postal code. Its live shows blend the performance of numerous artists together with a visual screen show. 08001 made its debut during S\u00F3nar, a music festival in Barcelona. Right after, they embarked on an tournee around Spain and various parts of Europe."@en . . . . "08001 is a world music project based in Barcelona. This project, conceived as a workshop or work in progress, is a collective of musicians from different parts of the world based in El Raval, the most ethnically diverse neighbourhood of Barcelona. \"08001\" is El Raval's postal code. Its live shows blend the performance of numerous artists together with a visual screen show. 08001 made its debut during S\u00F3nar, a music festival in Barcelona. Right after, they embarked on an tournee around Spain and various parts of Europe. In 2004, Time magazine wrote of 08001: \"In recent years, as El Raval has been colonized by migrants from as far afield as South America and Southeast Asia, the urban music that reverberates from this neighborhood has evolved to reflect the diversity of the population. This syncretic sound \u2014 called mestizaje, a mix of music and ethnicities \u2014 is now producing some of the country\u2019s hottest new acts. And they don\u2019t come any hotter than Barcelona\u2019s 08001.\" They also received the after selling over 30.000 units of their independently released first record Raval ta Joie. Vor\u00E1gine (WorkinProgress Records) is 08001\u2019s new album, commercially released in record stores and iTunes since the end of June 2007."@en . . . "08001"@en . . . .