- Se conoce como Garantías Sociales a una serie de reformas políticas progresistas realizadas en Costa Rica en los años 40, a raíz de la alianza entre diversas figuras políticas y religiosas, en beneficio de las clases trabajadoras. Si bien hubo diversos actores detrás de ellas, los tres principales dirigentes de las mismas fueron:
* Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, presidente en el período 1940-1944 y líder del Partido Republicano Nacional y de la tendencia política conocida como el calderonismo.
* Manuel Mora Valverde, diputado y líder del Partido Comunista Costarricense.
* Víctor Manuel Sanabria Martínez, arzobispo de San José y líder de la Iglesia católica de Costa Rica. (es)
- It is known as Social Guarantees to a series of progressive political reforms made in Costa Rica in the 1940s as a result of the alliance between various political and religious figures, for the benefit of the working classes. Although there were several actors behind them, the three main leaders of them were:
* Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, president in the 1940–1944 period and leader of the National Republican Party and the political tendency known as Calderonismo.
* Manuel Mora Valverde, deputy and leader of the Costa Rican Communist Party.
* Víctor Manuel Sanabria Martínez, archbishop of San José and leader of the Catholic Church of Costa Rica. The reforms were diverse and varied, however the three main ones were:
* Creation of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund that universalized healthcare. Through the enactment of the law of the Savings Bank, all employers were obliged to insure their employees and make the corresponding payments to the worker-employer's quota, which allowed the insured, his spouse and his immediate ascending or descending family to receive healthcare by half of the services of the Fund. All minors under the age of 18 who are resident in the country without distinction of nationality are automatically insured by the state. Uninsured persons (unemployed, for example) can also receive the services of the Caja on credit and generally at lower costs than a private medical service.
* Creation of the University of Costa Rica, which provides higher education to Costa Ricans. The UCR became the best university in Central America and is currently rated as one of the best in the world ranking of universities.
* Promulgation of the Labor Code, a labor law that covers all workers in Costa Rica and that posed a series of pioneering rights for the time in any country in Latin America, including the minimum wage, eight-hour workday, holidays, vacations, social charges, Aguinaldo (compulsory Christmas bonus), double payment of salary to work on holidays, the right to strike and severance payments in case of being dismissed without justification, as well as the specific reasons for which an employee can be dismissed without a severance payment (although in this case the accrued vacation and aguinaldos must still be paid, this being part of the salary and not bonuses). These reforms were included in a specific chapter of the Political Constitution. (en)
- Se conoce como Garantías Sociales a una serie de reformas políticas progresistas realizadas en Costa Rica en los años 40, a raíz de la alianza entre diversas figuras políticas y religiosas, en beneficio de las clases trabajadoras. Si bien hubo diversos actores detrás de ellas, los tres principales dirigentes de las mismas fueron: (es)
- It is known as Social Guarantees to a series of progressive political reforms made in Costa Rica in the 1940s as a result of the alliance between various political and religious figures, for the benefit of the working classes. Although there were several actors behind them, the three main leaders of them were: The reforms were diverse and varied, however the three main ones were: These reforms were included in a specific chapter of the Political Constitution. (en)