- The Abbey of Saint Mary de Pratis, more commonly known as Leicester Abbey, was an Augustinian religious house in the city of Leicester, in the East Midlands of England. The abbey was founded in the 12th century by the Robert de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester, and grew to become the wealthiest religious establishment within Leicestershire. Through patronage and donations the abbey gained the advowsons of countless churches throughout England, and acquired a considerable amount of land, and several manorial lordships. Leicester Abbey also maintained a cell (a small dependent daughter house) at Cockerham Priory, in Lancashire. The Abbey's prosperity was boosted through the passage of special privileges by both the English Kings and the Pope. These included an exemption from sending representatives to parliament and from paying tithe on certain land and livestock. Despite its privileges and sizeable landed estates, from the late 14th century the abbey began to suffer financially and was forced to lease out its estates. The worsening financial situation was exacerbated throughout the 15th century and early 16th century by a series of incompetent, corrupt and extravagant abbots. By 1535 the abbey's considerable income was exceeded by even more considerable debts. The abbey provided a home to an average of 30 to 40 canons, sometimes known as Black Canons, because of their dress (a white habit and black cloak). One of these canons, Henry Knighton, is notable for his Chronicle, which was written during his time at the abbey in the 14th century. In 1530 Cardinal Thomas Wolsey died at the abbey, whilst travelling south to face trial for treason. A few years later, in 1538, the abbey was dissolved, and was quickly demolished, with the building materials reused in various structures across Leicester, including a mansion which was built on the site. The house passed through several aristocratic families, and became known as Cavendish House after it was acquired by the 1st Earl of Devonshire, in 1613. The house was eventually looted and destroyed by fire in 1645, following the capture of Leicester during the English Civil War. Part of the former abbey precinct was donated to Leicester Town Council (the predecessor of the modern City Council) by the 8th Earl of Dysart. In 1882 it was opened by The Prince of Wales and became known as Abbey Park. The remaining 32 acres (13 ha), which included the abbey's site and the ruins of Cavendish House, were donated to the council by the 9th Earl of Dysart in 1925 and, following archaeological excavations, opened to the public in the 1930s. Following its demolition, the exact location of the abbey was lost; it was only rediscovered during excavations in the 1920s/30s, when the layout was plotted using low stone walls. The abbey has been extensively excavated and was previously used for training archaeology students at the University of Leicester. Leicester Abbey is now protected as a scheduled monument and is Grade I Listed. (en)
- Leicester Abbey (de abdij van Leicester), ook wel de Abbey of Saint Mary de Pratis, was een abdij, gelegen ongeveer 2 kilometer ten noorden van de stad Leicester. Tegenwoordig resteert slechts een ruïne, die gelegen is in een stadspark van Leicester. (nl)
- Leicester Abbey – ruiny klasztoru opactwa Santa Maria de Pratis założonego w pierwszej połowie XII wieku w mieście Leicester w Wielkiej Brytanii. Opactwo zgromadzenia Augustynian było jednym z największych w Anglii.Klasztor został założony w 1143 roku przez Roberta de Beaumont jako wspólnota augustynianów. Opactwo trwało do końca 1520 roku, ostatecznie zamknięte w 1538 r. przez Henryka VIII. Od 1931 roku teren opactwa i jego ruiny stanowią kulturę dziedzictwa narodowego Anglii. Obok budynków i pozostałości po opactwie przepływa rzeka Soar. Leicester Abbey obecnie znajduje się na terenie Abbey Parku 2 km od centrum miasta. (pl)
- Лестерское аббатство Святой Марии (англ. Leicester of Saint Mary de Pratis) — средневековый монастырь на территории графства Лестершир, в настоящее время — руины. Находится примерно в двух километрах севернее Лестера среди лугов на западном берегу реки . Аббатство является частью . Монастырь был создан в 1143 году Робертом де Бомоном как община августинцев. Аббатство просуществовало до конца 1520-х, после чего окончательно закрыто в 1538 году Генрихом VIII в период гонений на монастыри. После земля сменила нескольких владельцев. А 29 мая 1882 года был открыт викторианский Абби-парк. С 1931 года территория аббатства и его руины признаны памятником. Среди руин монастыря находятся и остатки дома Кавендиша, одного из владельцев земли. (ru)
- 草地圣玛丽修道院(Abbey of Saint Mary de Pratis),通常称为莱斯特修道院(Leicester Abbey),是英格兰東米德蘭莱斯特的一座奧斯定會修道院。修道院由第二代莱斯特伯爵罗伯特·德·博蒙特(Robert de Beaumont)于12世纪建立,后发展成为莱斯特郡最富有的宗教场所,有30到40名黑衣修士(Black Canon)。通过赞助和捐赠,修道院获得了英格兰大量教堂的神父推荐权(Advowson),并获得了大量土地和数个庄园领主头衔。英格兰国王和教皇也给予了它政治和税收上的特别优待。不过,自14世纪后期开始,修道院财务状况每况愈下,并被迫出租其地产。随着修道院长长期的无能、腐败和奢侈,修道院终于在1535年入不敷出。 1530年,红衣主教托马斯·沃尔西在前往南方接受叛国罪审判时死于修道院。不久后的1538年,修道院被解散,并被迅速拆除,拆下来的材料用于莱斯特的其他建筑的修造,包括一座在修道院原址上建造的庄园。这座庄园经手过多个贵族,1613年被第一代德文郡伯爵收购后称为卡文迪什庄园(Cavendish House)。在英国内战期间的1645年,庄园遭到洗劫、焚毁。 修道院遗址的外围区域由第八代戴萨特伯爵捐赠给莱斯特镇议会(Leicester Town Council,今市议会)。1882年,威尔士亲王将其对外开放,即今修道院公园。剩余的32英畝(13公頃),包括修道院遗址和卡文迪什庄园遗址,由第九代戴萨特伯爵于1925年捐赠给议会,并在考古发掘后于1930年代向公众开放。1920年代和30年代的考古发掘过程中,修道院原址所在地被重新找到,并以低矮的石墙标记。莱斯特大学曾用该遗址培训考古学学生。现在,它为在册古迹和一级登录建筑。 (zh)
- Лестерське абатство Святої Марії (англ. Leicester of Saint Mary de Pratis) — середньовічний монастир на території графства Лестершир, в даний час — руїни. Знаходиться приблизно в двох кілометрах північніше Лестера серед лугів на західному березі річки Соар. Абатство є частиною Аббі-парку. (uk)
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- 63121 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Calke_Abbey
- dbr:Cardinal_(Catholicism)
- dbr:Cardinal_Wolsey
- dbr:Queniborough
- dbr:Rothley
- dbr:Reredorter
- dbr:Barkby
- dbr:Barrow_upon_Soar
- dbr:Battle_of_Naseby
- dbr:Billesdon
- dbr:Billing,_Northamptonshire
- dbr:Bishop_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Bitteswell
- dbr:Blaby
- dbr:Black_Death
- dbr:Brackley
- dbr:Braunstone_Town
- dbr:Almonry
- dbc:Augustinian_monasteries_in_England
- dbr:Hungarton
- dbr:Husbands_Bosworth
- dbr:John_Wycliffe
- dbr:John_of_Gaunt
- dbr:Listed_building
- dbr:Richard_Williams_(alias_Cromwell)
- dbr:River_Soar
- dbr:Robert_Grosseteste
- dbr:University_of_Leicester
- dbr:Canons_Regular
- dbr:Canons_regular
- dbr:Dower_house
- dbr:Ingarsby
- dbr:Scheduled_monument
- dbr:Robert_de_Beaumont,_1st_Earl_of_Leicester
- dbr:St_Mary_de_Pratis
- dbr:Westcotes
- dbr:Cosby,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Cossington,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Croft,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Saint_Augustine_of_Hippo
- dbr:Nobility
- dbr:Oriel_window
- dbr:Virgate
- dbr:Christian_Cavendish,_Countess_of_Devonshire
- dbr:Church_of_St_Mary_de_Castro,_Leicester
- dbr:Clifton-upon-Dunsmore
- dbr:Cockerham
- dbr:Cockerham_Priory
- dbr:Edward_III_of_England
- dbr:Edward_VII
- dbr:Elizabeth_I_of_England
- dbr:Enderby,_Leicestershire
- dbr:English_Civil_War
- dbr:English_Reformation
- dbr:Garendon_Abbey
- dbr:Giovanni_Boccaccio
- dbr:Glastonbury_Abbey
- dbr:Grade_I_listed_buildings_in_Leicester
- dbr:Theddingworth
- dbr:Thomas_Cromwell
- dbr:Thomas_Wolsey
- dbr:Thornton,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Thorpe_Arnold
- dbr:Lady_Jane_Grey
- dbr:Anstey,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Leicester
- dbr:Leicester_Cathedral
- dbr:Leicester_City_Council
- dbr:Leicestershire
- dbr:Lionel_Tollemache,_8th_Earl_of_Dysart
- dbr:Lockington,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Stoney_Stanton
- dbr:Cloister
- dbr:Demesne
- dbr:John_Longland
- dbr:Stoughton,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Augustinian_Canons
- dbr:Bulkington
- dbc:Monasteries_in_Leicestershire
- dbr:Catherine_Parr
- dbr:Cavalier
- dbr:Thurnby
- dbr:Tithe
- dbr:Waltham_Abbey_Church
- dbr:Wanlip
- dbr:Welbeck_Abbey
- dbr:West_Ilsley
- dbr:Whetstone,_Leicestershire
- dbr:William_Parr,_1st_Marquess_of_Northampton
- dbr:William_Tollemache,_9th_Earl_of_Dysart
- dbc:1143_establishments_in_England
- dbr:William_Alnwick
- dbr:Robert_de_Beaumont,_3rd_Earl_of_Leicester
- dbr:Abbey_Park,_Leicester
- dbr:Abbot_Penny's_Wall
- dbr:Act_of_Supremacy_1558
- dbr:Act_of_Uniformity_1558
- dbr:Adstock
- dbr:All_Saints_Church,_Leicester
- dbr:Curdworth
- dbr:East_Langton
- dbr:East_Midlands
- dbr:Eastwell,_Leicestershire
- dbc:Tourist_attractions_in_Leicestershire
- dbr:Eydon
- dbr:Farthinghoe
- dbr:Florence
- dbr:Church_Langton
- dbr:Diocese_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Dishley_Grange
- dbr:Edward_Hastings,_1st_Baron_Hastings_of_Loughborough
- dbr:Grand_Union_Canal
- dbr:John_Penny
- dbr:Knighton's_Chronicon
- dbr:Petronilla_de_Grandmesnil,_Countess_of_Leicester
- dbr:Religious_habit
- dbr:Harston,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Henry,_3rd_Earl_of_Lancaster
- dbr:Henry_Hastings,_3rd_Earl_of_Huntingdon
- dbr:Henry_IV_of_England
- dbr:Henry_Knighton
- dbr:Henry_VIII_of_England
- dbr:St_Nicholas'_Church,_Leicester
- dbr:Arnesby
- dbr:Asfordby
- dbr:Assumption_of_Mary
- dbr:Abbot
- dbc:Buildings_and_structures_in_Leicester
- dbc:Christian_monasteries_established_in_the_12th_century
- dbc:Grade_I_listed_buildings_in_Leicestershire
- dbc:Grade_I_listed_monasteries
- dbc:History_of_Leicester
- dbc:Monasteries_dissolved_under_the_English_Reformation
- dbc:Scheduled_monuments_in_Leicester
- dbr:Advowson
- dbr:Chapterhouse
- dbr:Charles_I_of_England
- dbr:Chatsworth_House
- dbr:Chesham
- dbr:Lancashire
- dbr:Syon_House
- dbr:Syresham
- dbr:William_Atwater_(bishop)
- dbr:Dingley,_Northamptonshire
- dbr:Dissolution_of_the_Monasteries
- dbr:Dissolution_of_the_monasteries
- dbr:Divination
- dbr:Augustinians
- dbr:Mary_I_of_England
- dbr:Philip_Repyngdon
- dbr:Pope
- dbr:Pope_Clement_VII
- dbr:Pope_Eugene_III
- dbr:Edward_VI_of_England
- dbr:Illston_on_the_Hill
- dbr:Knaptoft
- dbr:Knighton,_Leicester
- dbr:Knipton
- dbr:Narborough,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Ratby
- dbr:Chancel
- dbr:Seagrave
- dbr:Sharnbrook
- dbr:Shepshed
- dbr:Woburn_Abbey
- dbr:Youlgreave
- dbr:Kirkby_Mallory
- dbr:Monastic_cell
- dbr:Hugh_le_Despenser,_1st_Earl_of_Winchester
- dbr:Humberstone,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Mansion
- dbr:Stephen_de_Segrave
- dbr:Valor_Ecclesiasticus
- dbr:Slype
- dbr:North_Kilworth
- dbr:Evington
- dbr:Robert_de_Beaumont,_4th_Earl_of_Leicester
- dbr:Katherine_of_Aragon
- dbr:Robert_de_Beaumont,_2nd_Earl_of_Leicester
- dbr:William_Cavendish,_2nd_Earl_of_Devonshire
- dbr:Richard_Layton
- dbr:William_Cavendish,_1st_Earl_of_Devonshire
- dbr:Robert_le_Bossu
- dbr:Stoke_on_Trent
- dbr:Kings_of_England
- dbr:Decameron
- dbr:Earls_of_Dysart
- dbr:Lord_of_the_Manor
- dbr:Cardinal_Thomas_Wolsey
- dbr:Lollards
- dbr:Longleat_House
- dbr:File:Cardinal_Thomas_Wolsey.jpg
- dbr:File:Cavendish_House_Leicester.jpg
- dbr:File:Cavendish_House_2.jpg
- dbr:File:Leicester_Abbey_Plan_(cropped).jpg
- dbr:File:Leicester_Abbey_from_west.jpg
- dbr:File:Leicester_Abbey_precinct_east_wall_2.jpg
- dbr:File:Leicester_Abbey_tiles.jpg
- dbr:File:The_Abbot's_Kitchen,_Glastonbury_Abbey._-_geograph.org.uk_-_192879.jpg
- dbr:File:Wolsey_at_Leicester_Abbey.jpg
- dbr:File:Abbeyruins_Leicester.jpg
- dbr:File:Abbot_Penny's_Wall_interior_2.jpg
- a map of Leicestershire pinpointing the abbey and the churches it controlled (en)
- A contemporary photograph showing the low stone walls which plot the layout of the abbey's nave and cloisters. (en)
- 1920.0 (dbd:second)
- Map of the Abbey site within Abbey Park. (en)
- Churches in Leicestershire formerly controlled by Leicester Abbey (en)
- St Mary de Pratis: St. Mary of the Meadows (en)
- The Assumption of the Virgin Mary; and (en)
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- Robert le Bossu, Earl of Leicester (en)
- The Abbey of St Mary de Pratis, Leicester (en)
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- A B B E Y P A R K (en)
- Boating lake (en)
- Formal gardens (en)
- Miniature Railway (en)
- Peppercorns café (en)
- Pets Corner (en)
- Ruins of Cavendish House (en)
- Sports Pitches (en)
- site of the Abbey Church (en)
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- bottom (en)
- right (en)
- top (en)
- 11 (xsd:integer)
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- Miniature Railway at Abbey Park, Leicester, operated by Leicester Society of Model Engineers (en)
- Formal planting area in the centre of Leicester's Abbey Park (en)
- Cardinal Thomas Wolsey's memorial stab, in the area of the Abbey Church (en)
- Built with stone from the Abbey, following its dissolution. (en)
- Abbey Park Miniature railway.jpg (en)
- Gardens at Abbey Park, Leicester.jpg (en)
- The boating lake, Abbey Park - geograph.org.uk - 547399.jpg (en)
- Budynek w Abbey Parku.jpg (en)
- Cardinal Thomas Wolsey .jpg (en)
- Cavendish House 3.jpg (en)
- River Soar at Abbey Park.jpg (en)
- 52.643550 (xsd:double)
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- -1.139390 (xsd:double)
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- 0 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
- 11 (xsd:integer)
- Abbey Park, Leicester (en)
- Boating lake (en)
- Formal gardens (en)
- Miniature railway (en)
- Peppercorns café (en)
- Pets Corner (en)
- Ruins of Cavendish House (en)
- St Margaret's Pastures all weather sports pitches (en)
- 'The oval' – Sports Pitches (en)
- site of The Abbey Church (en)
- Leicestershire UK district map .svg (en)
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- *Henry Knighton, Chronicler and former canon
*Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, died at the abbey in 1530
*Philip Repyngdon, Abbot and later Bishop of Lincoln, Cardinal and "Chaplain and Confessor" to King Henry IV
*Petronilla, Countess of Leicester, financed the construction of the abbey's choir (en)
- 0001-01-05 (xsd:gMonthDay)
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- Leicester Abbey (de abdij van Leicester), ook wel de Abbey of Saint Mary de Pratis, was een abdij, gelegen ongeveer 2 kilometer ten noorden van de stad Leicester. Tegenwoordig resteert slechts een ruïne, die gelegen is in een stadspark van Leicester. (nl)
- Лестерське абатство Святої Марії (англ. Leicester of Saint Mary de Pratis) — середньовічний монастир на території графства Лестершир, в даний час — руїни. Знаходиться приблизно в двох кілометрах північніше Лестера серед лугів на західному березі річки Соар. Абатство є частиною Аббі-парку. (uk)
- The Abbey of Saint Mary de Pratis, more commonly known as Leicester Abbey, was an Augustinian religious house in the city of Leicester, in the East Midlands of England. The abbey was founded in the 12th century by the Robert de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Leicester, and grew to become the wealthiest religious establishment within Leicestershire. Through patronage and donations the abbey gained the advowsons of countless churches throughout England, and acquired a considerable amount of land, and several manorial lordships. Leicester Abbey also maintained a cell (a small dependent daughter house) at Cockerham Priory, in Lancashire. The Abbey's prosperity was boosted through the passage of special privileges by both the English Kings and the Pope. These included an exemption from sending represent (en)
- Leicester Abbey – ruiny klasztoru opactwa Santa Maria de Pratis założonego w pierwszej połowie XII wieku w mieście Leicester w Wielkiej Brytanii. Opactwo zgromadzenia Augustynian było jednym z największych w Anglii.Klasztor został założony w 1143 roku przez Roberta de Beaumont jako wspólnota augustynianów. Opactwo trwało do końca 1520 roku, ostatecznie zamknięte w 1538 r. przez Henryka VIII. Od 1931 roku teren opactwa i jego ruiny stanowią kulturę dziedzictwa narodowego Anglii. (pl)
- Лестерское аббатство Святой Марии (англ. Leicester of Saint Mary de Pratis) — средневековый монастырь на территории графства Лестершир, в настоящее время — руины. Находится примерно в двух километрах севернее Лестера среди лугов на западном берегу реки . Аббатство является частью . Монастырь был создан в 1143 году Робертом де Бомоном как община августинцев. Аббатство просуществовало до конца 1520-х, после чего окончательно закрыто в 1538 году Генрихом VIII в период гонений на монастыри. (ru)
- 草地圣玛丽修道院(Abbey of Saint Mary de Pratis),通常称为莱斯特修道院(Leicester Abbey),是英格兰東米德蘭莱斯特的一座奧斯定會修道院。修道院由第二代莱斯特伯爵罗伯特·德·博蒙特(Robert de Beaumont)于12世纪建立,后发展成为莱斯特郡最富有的宗教场所,有30到40名黑衣修士(Black Canon)。通过赞助和捐赠,修道院获得了英格兰大量教堂的神父推荐权(Advowson),并获得了大量土地和数个庄园领主头衔。英格兰国王和教皇也给予了它政治和税收上的特别优待。不过,自14世纪后期开始,修道院财务状况每况愈下,并被迫出租其地产。随着修道院长长期的无能、腐败和奢侈,修道院终于在1535年入不敷出。 1530年,红衣主教托马斯·沃尔西在前往南方接受叛国罪审判时死于修道院。不久后的1538年,修道院被解散,并被迅速拆除,拆下来的材料用于莱斯特的其他建筑的修造,包括一座在修道院原址上建造的庄园。这座庄园经手过多个贵族,1613年被第一代德文郡伯爵收购后称为卡文迪什庄园(Cavendish House)。在英国内战期间的1645年,庄园遭到洗劫、焚毁。 (zh)
- Leicester Abbey (en)
- Leicester Abbey (nl)
- Leicester Abbey (pl)
- Лестерское аббатство (ru)
- 莱斯特修道院 (zh)
- Лестерське абатство (uk)
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects
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- dbr:Prince_Rupert_of_the_Rhine
- dbr:Scheduled_monuments_in_Leicester
- dbr:List_of_former_cathedrals_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:Bishop_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Bradley_Priory
- dbr:List_of_monastic_houses_in_Lancashire
- dbr:List_of_monastic_houses_in_Leicestershire
- dbr:Ingarsby
- dbr:List_of_monasteries_dissolved_by_Henry_VIII_of_England
- dbr:Robert_de_Stretton
- dbr:St_Mary_de_Pratis
- dbr:Robert_Thew
- dbr:Christian_Cavendish,_Countess_of_Devonshire
- dbr:Church_of_St_Mary_de_Castro,_Leicester
- dbr:Church_of_St_Nicholas_and_St_Peter_ad_Vincula,_Curdworth
- dbr:Cockerham_Priory
- dbr:Cockersand_Abbey
- dbr:Frog_Island,_Leicester
- dbr:Grade_I_listed_buildings_in_Leicester
- dbr:Grade_I_listed_buildings_in_Leicestershire
- dbr:Thomas_Wolsey
- dbr:Anstey,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Leicester
- dbr:St_Margaret's_Church,_Leicester
- dbr:Francis_Hastings,_2nd_Earl_of_Huntingdon
- dbr:Stoughton,_Leicestershire
- dbr:Bulkington
- dbr:Catthorpe
- dbr:Timeline_of_Leicester
- dbr:Jewry_Wall_Museum
- dbr:Abbey_Park,_Leicester
- dbr:Abbot_Penny's_Wall
- dbr:All_Saints_Church,_Leicester
- dbr:Edward_Hastings_(died_1603)
- dbr:Hans_Francis_Hastings,_12th_Earl_of_Huntingdon
- dbr:John_Penny
- dbr:Knighton's_Chronicon
- dbr:Leicestershire_Deserted_Villages_and_Lost_Places
- dbr:List_of_Roman_Catholic_churches_in_Leicester
- dbr:Groby
- dbr:Henry_Knighton
- dbr:High_Sheriff_of_Leicestershire
- dbr:Baggrave_Hall
- dbr:Katherine_Swynford
- dbr:Le_Livre_de_Seyntz_Medicines
- dbr:Holy_Trinity_Church,_Barrow_upon_Soar
- dbr:Wolsey_(clothing)
- dbr:Philip_Repyngdon
- dbr:St_Bartholomew's_Church,_Tong
- dbr:Hugh_Aston
- dbr:Meriden,_West_Midlands
- dbr:Ratby
- dbr:Shepshed
- dbr:St_Mary's_Church,_Chesham
- dbr:Stoughton_Grange
- dbr:Robert_de_Beaumont,_2nd_Earl_of_Leicester
- dbr:Richard_Barre
- dbr:Tunnels_in_popular_culture
- dbr:Abbot_of_Leicester
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