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The foibe massacres (Italian: massacri delle foibe; Slovene: poboji v fojbah; Croatian: masakri fojbe), or simply the foibe, refers to mass killings both during and after World War II, mainly committed by Yugoslav Partisans and OZNA in Julian March, Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia, against the local ethnic Italian population (Istrian Italians and Dalmatian Italians), as well against anti-communists in general (even Croats and Slovenes), usually associated with Fascism, Nazism and collaboration with Axis, and against real, potential or presumed opponents of Tito communism. The type of attack was state terrorism, reprisal killings, and ethnic cleansing against Italians.

Property Value
  • تشير «مذابح الفويب» أو فقط «الفويب» إلى عمليات القتل الجماعي خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية وبعدها، والتي ارتكبها أساسًا البارتيزان اليوغوسلاف (جيش التحرير الوطني) ضد المجموعات العرقية من السكان الإيطاليين، خاصة في فينيتسيا جوليا وإستريا ودالماسيا. يشير المصطلح إلى الجثث التي أُلقيت في الفويب (حفر طبيعية عميقة، استخدم المصطلح أيضًا لوصف مهاوي (أنفاق) المناجم (العمودية) وأشياء أخرى، والتي استخدمت لإخفاء الجثث). بمعنى أوسع أو رمزي، استخدم بعض المؤلفين المصطلح لينطبق على جميع حالات الاختفاء أو القتل التي تعرض لها الشعب الإيطالي في الأراضي التي كانت تحتلها القوات اليوغوسلافية. استثنوا عمليات قتل «الفويب» المحتملة على أيدي أطراف أو قوات أخرى. وشمل آخرون الوفيات الناجمة عن الترحيل القسري للإيطاليين، أو أولئك الذين لقوا حتفهم أثناء محاولتهم الفرار من الأراضي المتنازع عليها. (ar)
  • Las foibe son simas (dolinas, en terminología geológica) del Carso —en torno a la ciudad adriática de Trieste y en la frontera de Italia con la antigua Yugoslavia—, en las que fueron enterrados los cuerpos de millares de italianos asesinados por los partisanos del Partido Comunista de Yugoslavia y los Chetniks.​ El número de personas enterradas varía entre varios centenares o algunos miles, según las fuentes.​ (es)
  • Mit dem Begriff Foibe-Massaker bezeichnet man Kriegsverbrechen, die im Herbst 1943 und im Frühjahr 1945 durch jugoslawische Partisanen an der italienischen Bevölkerung verübt wurden, hauptsächlich in Julisch Venetien, in den istrischen und dalmatinischen Küstengebieten. Die Opfer wurden in Karsthöhlen geworfen, die sogenannten Foiben, oftmals bei lebendigem Leibe. (de)
  • The foibe massacres (Italian: massacri delle foibe; Slovene: poboji v fojbah; Croatian: masakri fojbe), or simply the foibe, refers to mass killings both during and after World War II, mainly committed by Yugoslav Partisans and OZNA in Julian March, Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia, against the local ethnic Italian population (Istrian Italians and Dalmatian Italians), as well against anti-communists in general (even Croats and Slovenes), usually associated with Fascism, Nazism and collaboration with Axis, and against real, potential or presumed opponents of Tito communism. The type of attack was state terrorism, reprisal killings, and ethnic cleansing against Italians. The term refers to the victims who were often thrown alive into foibas (deep natural sinkholes; by extension, it also was applied to the use of mine shafts, etc., to hide the bodies). In a wider or symbolic sense, some authors used the term to apply to all disappearances or killings of Italian people in the territories occupied by Yugoslav forces. They excluded possible 'foibe' killings by other parties or forces. Others included deaths resulting from the forced deportation of Italians, or those who died while trying to flee from these contested lands. The foibe massacres were followed by the Istrian–Dalmatian exodus, which was the post-World War II exodus and departure of local ethnic Italians (Istrian Italians and Dalmatian Italians) from the Yugoslav territory of Istria, Kvarner, the Julian March, lost by Italy after the Treaty of Paris (1947), as well as Dalmatia, towards Italy, and in smaller numbers, towards the Americas and Australia. According to various sources, the exodus is estimated to have amounted to between 230,000 and 350,000 Italians (the others being ethnic Slovenes, Croats, and Istro-Romanians, who chose to maintain Italian citizenship) leaving the areas in the aftermath of the conflict. The estimated number of people killed in the foibe is disputed, varying from hundreds to thousands, according to some sources 11,000 or 20,000. The Italian historian, Raoul Pupo estimates 3,000 to 4,000 total victims, across all areas of former Yugoslavia and Italy from 1943 to 1945, with the primary target being military and repressive forces of the Fascist regime, and civilians associated with the regime, including Slavic collaborators. He places the events in the broader context of "the collapse of a structure of power and oppression: that of the fascist state in 1943, that of the Nazi-fascist state of the Adriatic coast in 1945." The events were also part of larger reprisals in which tens-of-thousands of Slavic collaborators of Axis forces were killed in the aftermath of WWII, following a brutal war in which some 800,000 Yugoslavs, the vast majority civilians, were killed by Axis occupation forces and collaborators, with Italian forces committing war crimes. Similar postwar reprisals occurred in other countries, including Italy, where the Italian resistance and others killed an estimated 12,000 to 26,000 Italians, usually in extra-judicial executions, the great majority in Northern Italy, just in April and May 1945. (en)
  • Les massacres des foibe sont des exécutions de masse commises en utilisant des grottes naturelles (les foibe, pluriel de foiba ['fɔiba], terme frioulan dérivé du latin fovea, fosse, cavité) d'origine karstique, dans des régions italiennes ou autrefois italiennes. Ces gouffres, débouchant à la surface par des conduits presque verticaux, furent au cours des siècles le théâtre de nombreuses exécutions sommaires, en particulier vers la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale lors de l'occupation par les partisans yougoslaves de la ville de Trieste et des régions du nord-est de l'Italie. Des milliers de personnes y ont été assassinées. (fr)
  • I massacri delle foibe (in sloveno: poboji v fojbah, in croato: masakri fojbe, in serbo: mасакри фоjбе - masakri fojbe?) sono stati degli eccidi ai danni di militari e civili italiani autoctoni della Venezia Giulia, del Quarnaro e della Dalmazia, avvenuti durante e subito dopo la seconda guerra mondiale da parte dei partigiani jugoslavi e dell'OZNA. Il nome di tali eccidi deriva dai grandi inghiottitoi carsici (chiamati in Venezia Giulia "foibe") dove furono gettati i corpi delle vittime o le stesse ancora in vita. Per estensione i termini "foibe" e il neologismo "infoibare" sono diventati sinonimi di uccisioni che in realtà furono in massima parte perpetrate in modo diverso: la maggioranza delle vittime morì nei campi di prigionia jugoslavi o durante la deportazione verso di essi. Secondo gli storici Pupo e Spazzali, l'utilizzo simbolico di questo termine «può divenire fonte di equivoci qualora si affronti il nodo della quantificazione delle vittime», in quanto la differenza tra il numero relativamente ridotto dei corpi materialmente gettati nelle foibe, e quello più alto degli uccisi nei campi di prigionia, dovrebbe portare a parlare di "deportati" e "uccisi" per indicare tutte le vittime della repressione. Secondo gli storici Raoul Pupo e le vittime in Venezia Giulia, nel Quarnaro e nella Dalmazia sono comprese tra le 3 000 e le 5 000 (comprese le salme recuperate e quelle stimate, nonché i morti nei campi di concentramento jugoslavi). Altre fonti invece fanno salire questo numero fino a 11 000. Numero che secondo Raoul Pupo si può raggiungere soltanto conteggiando anche i caduti che si ebbero da parte italiana nella lotta antipartigiana. Al massacro delle foibe seguì l'esodo giuliano dalmata, ovvero l'emigrazione più o meno forzata della maggioranza dei cittadini di etnia e di lingua italiana dalla Venezia Giulia, del Quarnaro e dalla Dalmazia; territori del Regno d'Italia prima occupati dall'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione della Jugoslavia del maresciallo Josip Broz Tito e successivamente annessi dalla Jugoslavia tramite i trattati di pace di Parigi del 1947. L'emigrazione fu dovuta sia all'oppressione esercitata da un regime di natura totalitaria che impediva la libera espressione dell'identità nazionale, sia al rigetto dei mutamenti nell'egemonia nazionale e sociale nell'area e infine per la vicinanza dell'Italia, vicinanza che costituì un fattore oggettivo di attrazione per popolazioni perseguitate ed impaurite; nonostante il governo italiano si fosse a più riprese adoperato per fermare, o quantomeno contenere, l'esodo.Si stima che i giuliani, i quarnerini e i dalmati italiani che emigrarono dalle loro terre di origine ammontino a un numero compreso tra le 250 000 e le 350 000 persone tra il 1945 e il 1956. (it)
  • Фойба — термин, который в итальянском, хорватском и словенском языках изначально означал «карстовый провал», однако с августа 1945 года в итальянской прессе, а сейчас и в современной историографии этих стран также означает места массовых захоронений жертв этнических чисток (в основном итальянского населения), осуществлённых югославскими партизанами на полуострове Истрия и в прилежащих регионах во время Второй мировой войны и сразу после неё. (ru)
  • 21132174 (xsd:integer)
  • 102675 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124277965 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • Goffredo Mameli (en)
  • Michele Novaro (en)
  • Grotta Plutone, one of the places of the massacre, a foiba close to Basovizza, Trieste, Italy, where the Trieste Steffe criminal gang killed 18 in May 1945. It is a deep natural sinkhole with an overhanging entrance, typical of the Karst Region, into which victims were often thrown alive. (en)
  • 1943 (xsd:integer)
  • 2008-04-08 (xsd:date)
  • 2008-04-18 (xsd:date)
  • 2008-08-28 (xsd:date)
  • Estimates range from 3,000 to 5,000 killed; according to other sources 11,000 or 20,000. (en)
  • On the left, a map of the Kingdom of Italy before the First World War, on the right, a map of the Kingdom of Italy after the First World War. (en)
  • Kingdom of Italy 1870 map.svg (en)
  • Kingdom of Italy 1924 map.svg (en)
  • Locations of some of the foibe (en)
  • * Yugoslav Partisans * OZNA (en)
  • 0001-11-12 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • * Ethnic Italians ; * Italian, German, Croat and Slovene anti-communists, usually associated with Fascism, Nazism and collaboration with Axis; * Preventive purge of real, potential or presumed opponents of Tito communism (en)
  • Her Majesty expressed the precise order that action be taken decisively against the influence of the Italian elements still present in some regions of the Crown and, appropriately occupying the posts of public, judicial, masters employees as well as with the influence of the press, work in South Tyrol, Dalmatia and Littoral for the Germanization and Slavization of these territories according to the circumstances, with energy and without any regard. His Majesty calls the central offices to the strong duty to proceed in this way to what has been established. (en)
  • Foibe massacres (en)
  • * Ethnic cleansing against Italians * State terrorism; * Reprisal killings (en)
  • 270 (xsd:integer)
  • 45.63166666666667 13.8625
  • Las foibe son simas (dolinas, en terminología geológica) del Carso —en torno a la ciudad adriática de Trieste y en la frontera de Italia con la antigua Yugoslavia—, en las que fueron enterrados los cuerpos de millares de italianos asesinados por los partisanos del Partido Comunista de Yugoslavia y los Chetniks.​ El número de personas enterradas varía entre varios centenares o algunos miles, según las fuentes.​ (es)
  • Mit dem Begriff Foibe-Massaker bezeichnet man Kriegsverbrechen, die im Herbst 1943 und im Frühjahr 1945 durch jugoslawische Partisanen an der italienischen Bevölkerung verübt wurden, hauptsächlich in Julisch Venetien, in den istrischen und dalmatinischen Küstengebieten. Die Opfer wurden in Karsthöhlen geworfen, die sogenannten Foiben, oftmals bei lebendigem Leibe. (de)
  • Фойба — термин, который в итальянском, хорватском и словенском языках изначально означал «карстовый провал», однако с августа 1945 года в итальянской прессе, а сейчас и в современной историографии этих стран также означает места массовых захоронений жертв этнических чисток (в основном итальянского населения), осуществлённых югославскими партизанами на полуострове Истрия и в прилежащих регионах во время Второй мировой войны и сразу после неё. (ru)
  • تشير «مذابح الفويب» أو فقط «الفويب» إلى عمليات القتل الجماعي خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية وبعدها، والتي ارتكبها أساسًا البارتيزان اليوغوسلاف (جيش التحرير الوطني) ضد المجموعات العرقية من السكان الإيطاليين، خاصة في فينيتسيا جوليا وإستريا ودالماسيا. يشير المصطلح إلى الجثث التي أُلقيت في الفويب (حفر طبيعية عميقة، استخدم المصطلح أيضًا لوصف مهاوي (أنفاق) المناجم (العمودية) وأشياء أخرى، والتي استخدمت لإخفاء الجثث). (ar)
  • The foibe massacres (Italian: massacri delle foibe; Slovene: poboji v fojbah; Croatian: masakri fojbe), or simply the foibe, refers to mass killings both during and after World War II, mainly committed by Yugoslav Partisans and OZNA in Julian March, Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia, against the local ethnic Italian population (Istrian Italians and Dalmatian Italians), as well against anti-communists in general (even Croats and Slovenes), usually associated with Fascism, Nazism and collaboration with Axis, and against real, potential or presumed opponents of Tito communism. The type of attack was state terrorism, reprisal killings, and ethnic cleansing against Italians. (en)
  • Les massacres des foibe sont des exécutions de masse commises en utilisant des grottes naturelles (les foibe, pluriel de foiba ['fɔiba], terme frioulan dérivé du latin fovea, fosse, cavité) d'origine karstique, dans des régions italiennes ou autrefois italiennes. (fr)
  • I massacri delle foibe (in sloveno: poboji v fojbah, in croato: masakri fojbe, in serbo: mасакри фоjбе - masakri fojbe?) sono stati degli eccidi ai danni di militari e civili italiani autoctoni della Venezia Giulia, del Quarnaro e della Dalmazia, avvenuti durante e subito dopo la seconda guerra mondiale da parte dei partigiani jugoslavi e dell'OZNA. Il nome di tali eccidi deriva dai grandi inghiottitoi carsici (chiamati in Venezia Giulia "foibe") dove furono gettati i corpi delle vittime o le stesse ancora in vita. (it)
  • مجازر فويب (ar)
  • Foibe-Massaker (de)
  • Foibe massacres (en)
  • Masacre de las foibe (es)
  • Massacri delle foibe (it)
  • Massacres des foibe (fr)
  • Фойба (ru)
  • POINT(13.862500190735 45.63166809082)
  • 45.631668 (xsd:float)
  • 13.862500 (xsd:float)
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