is an exhibition web portal, that, being a project of certain European museums, informs about the exhibitions of that museums, that mostly are based on cultural history and the history of arts of Europe. is an exhibition web portal, that, being a project of certain European museums, informs about the exhibitions of that museums, that mostly are based on cultural history and the history of arts of Europe. (en) ist ein Ausstellungsportal, das als Gemeinschaftsprojekt europäischer Museen über die kunst- und kulturgeschichtlichen Museen Europas informiert. (de) is an exhibition web portal, that, being a project of certain European museums, informs about the exhibitions of that museums, that mostly are based on cultural history and the history of arts of Europe. (en) ist ein Ausstellungsportal, das als Gemeinschaftsprojekt europäischer Museen über die kunst- und kulturgeschichtlichen Museen Europas informiert. (de)