- Studenten für Christus (kurz SfC) Deutschland und Europa ist ein nationales und internationales Netzwerk von Christen an Hochschulen, mit dem Ziel, zu einem glaubwürdigen Christsein zu motivieren, das sich intellektuellen Herausforderungen stellt und alle Lebensbereiche durchdringt. Angeschlossen sind die Studenten für Christus dem Bund freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden. (de)
- Chi Alpha | ΧΑ (sometimes XA, χα, xa, or SfC - Students for Christ, officially known as Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship), is an international and interdenominational coeducational Christian fellowship, social club, student society, and service organization founded in 1953 on the campus of Missouri State University (then known as Southwest Missouri State College) in Springfield, Missouri. Chi Alpha is sponsored by the Assemblies of God USA, a Pentecostal denomination established after separating from the historically African American Church of God in Christ in 1914. Chi Alpha defines as mission as "to reconcile students to Jesus Christ, thereby transforming the university, the marketplace, and the world..." It describes its core values or pillars as community, creativity, diversity, excellence, integrity, servant-leadership, and evangelism. Its self-described five-fold approach is prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission. It's philanthropic and service organization affiliation is the Convoy of Hope. (en)
- 카이알파(Chi Alpha | ΧΑ )는 미국에서 시작된 초교파 기독교 로 하나님의 성회의 후원을 받는다. (ko)
- Studenten für Christus (kurz SfC) Deutschland und Europa ist ein nationales und internationales Netzwerk von Christen an Hochschulen, mit dem Ziel, zu einem glaubwürdigen Christsein zu motivieren, das sich intellektuellen Herausforderungen stellt und alle Lebensbereiche durchdringt. Angeschlossen sind die Studenten für Christus dem Bund freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden. (de)
- 카이알파(Chi Alpha | ΧΑ )는 미국에서 시작된 초교파 기독교 로 하나님의 성회의 후원을 받는다. (ko)
- Chi Alpha | ΧΑ (sometimes XA, χα, xa, or SfC - Students for Christ, officially known as Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship), is an international and interdenominational coeducational Christian fellowship, social club, student society, and service organization founded in 1953 on the campus of Missouri State University (then known as Southwest Missouri State College) in Springfield, Missouri. Chi Alpha is sponsored by the Assemblies of God USA, a Pentecostal denomination established after separating from the historically African American Church of God in Christ in 1914. (en)