- Ballycastle (en gaèlic irlandès Baile an Chaistil, que vol dir "ciutat del castell"; en escocès de l'Ulster Ballykessel,Bellykessel o Bellycaissle) és una vila d'Irlanda del Nord, al comtat d'Antrim, a la província de l'Ulster. Des de les seves platges es veuen l' i el Mull of Kintyre. (ca)
- Ballycastle (irsky Baile an Chaistil) je malé přístavní město v severoirském hrabství Antrim ve Spojeném království. V roce 2008 bylo v Ballycastlu registrováno 5 480 obyvatel, což znamená nárůst o 400 osob ve srovnání s výsledky sčítání lidu v roce 2001. Ballycastle se v roce 2016 umístil na čelní pozici ankety listu The Sunday Times jako nejlepší místo pro život v Severním Irsku. (cs)
- Ballycastle (irisch Baile an Chaisleáin) ist eine Stadt in der historischen Grafschaft Antrim an der Nordostküste Nordirlands. Sie war der Verwaltungssitz des aufgelösten Districts Moyle, der 2015 im District Causeway Coast and Glens aufging. Ballycastle liegt 89 km von Belfast und 43 km von Ballymena entfernt und hat 5089 Einwohner (2001). Der Ort liegt an der Mündung des Flusses Margy (englisch Margy River) in den Nordkanal. Er hat einen kleinen Jachthafen und einen 18-Loch-Golfplatz in schöner Lage am Meer. Ballycastle ist Ausgangspunkt für Ausflüge zur Insel Rathlin (englisch Rathlin Island) und zu den berühmten "neun Tälern von Antrim" (englisch Glens of Antrim). (de)
- Ballycastle (from Irish: Baile an Chaistil, meaning 'town of the castle') is a small seaside town in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. It is on the northeasternmost coastal tip of Ireland, in the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The harbour hosts the ferry to Rathlin Island, which can be seen from the coast. The Ould Lammas Fair is held each year in Ballycastle on the last Monday and Tuesday of August. Ballycastle is the home of the Corrymeela Community. Ballycastle had a population of 5,237 at the 2011 census. It was the seat and main settlement of the former Moyle District Council. (en)
- Ballycastle es un pueblo del , en el Condado de Antrim de Irlanda del Norte. Está situado junto a , enfrente de una isla donde se dice que Roberto III se ocultó de sus enemigos en una cueva. Es un centro de comercio con puerto pesquero y balnearios. En el año 2001 contaba con 5.089 habitantes.
* Datos: Q805405
* Multimedia: Ballycastle, County Antrim / Q805405 (es)
- Ballycastle (irlanderaz Baile an Chaistil, euskaraz Gazteluaren Hiria esan nahi du) Irlandako Antrim konderriko iparraldako kostaldean kokatzen den udalerri bat da. Bertan Moyle Barrutiko Kontseiluaren egoitza kokatzen da. Udalerri honetako portua bertako kostaldetik 10 kilometrotara dagoen Rahtlin uhartera itsasontziz iristeko ohiko abiagunea da. (eu)
- De réir daonáirimh 2001, tá 5,089 daoine i mBaile an Chaistil, agus is príomhbhaile riaracháin Cheantar na Maoile é. Tá an baile suite ag bun na habhann Margaidh ar an taobh thuaidh de Ghleannta (nó Glinntí) Aontroma, ar chósta thuaidh Chontae Aontroim. Sníonn Sruth na Maoile idir an baile agus Cinn Tíre na hAlban. Caitheann daonra an bhaile vótaí ar son páirtithe náisiúnacha sa chuid is mó, agus is é an Caitliceachas an creideamh is mó sa cheantar. Tá na Gleannta Caitliceach chomh maith, ach baineann an chuid is mó den daonra atá ina gcónaí faoin tuath taobh thiar den bhaile leis an bProtastúnachas. Tá calafort beag i mBaile an Chaistil, áit a sheolann an bád fartha go Reachlainn (oileán atá deich gciliméadar ón chósta agus díreach ó thuaidh de Bhaile an Chaistil féin), agus go in Albain (i rith an tSamhraidh). Labhrann an chuid is mó de mhuintir Bhaile an Chaistil an Béarla. Tá naíscoil agus bunscoil lán-Ghaeilge ann anois agus aitheantas oifigiúil acu. Bhí Gaeilge beo sna Glinntí go dtí 1960 d’ainneoin gur chríochnaigh sí mar theanga phobail timpeall an Chéad Chogadh Mór. Bailíodh béaloideas i nGleann Seisce sna 1930í. Tá leacht chuimhneacháin sa chalafort i gcuimhne ar Guglielmo Marconi, a rinne an chéad chraoladh raidió ar domhain nuair a chraol sé ó Bhaile an Chaistil go . Tá clú agus cáil ar Bhaile an Chaistil mar gheall ar an bhFéile Lúnasa a théann ar aghaidh gach bliain (Ould Lammas Fair), titeann seo ar an Luan agus ar an Máirt deireanach de mhí Lúnasa gach bliain. Tá an baile suite sa ghleann a osclaíonn i dtreo na hAlban ar shleasa thuaidh Gleann Seisce, Cnoc Leithid, agus Gleann Taise. Is é ainm an pharóiste agus ba é mac le Muadháin agus sagart de chuid Naomh Pádraig a bhunaigh é. Titeann a lá Féile ar an 24ú Márta. (ga)
- Ballycastle (en irlandais : Baile an Chaistil, « ville du château » ; en écossais : Ballykessel, Bellykessel ou Bellycaissle), est une petite ville côtière du comté d'Antrim, en Irlande du Nord, au Royaume-Uni. Jusqu'en 2015, elle est le siège du conseil de district de Moyle, date de son abolition. La ville est située à l'extrême nord de l'Irlande du Nord et dispose d'une plage avec vue sur l'île de Rathlin et le Mull of Kintyre en Écosse. (fr)
- 밸리캐슬(영어: Ballycastle, 아일랜드어: Baile an Chaistil)은 북아일랜드 앤트림주의 도시로 인구는 5,089명(2001년 기준)이다. 벨파스트에서 89km 정도 떨어진 곳에 위치한다. (ko)
- Ballycastle (Baile an Chaistil in gaelico irlandese) è una piccola cittadina dell'Antrim, nell'Irlanda del Nord. Nell'ultimo censimento, del 2001, la sua popolazione era di 5.089 abitanti. È il centro amministrativo e principale del Distretto di Moyle. Nel porto è situato un monumento a Guglielmo Marconi, che fece la sua prima trasmissione radio da quel punto all'isola di Rathlin. Ballycastle è inoltre conosciuta per il suo Ould Lammas Fair, tenuto annualmente gli ultimi lunedì e martedì di agosto. La Corrymeela Community ha sede in città. (it)
- Ballycastle is een plaats in het Noord-Ierse graafschap County Antrim. De plaats telt 5089 inwoners. Ballycastle was de woonplaats van de zanger David McWilliams, die hier in 2002 overleed. (nl)
- Ballycastle (irl. Baile an Chaistil) – miasto w Irlandii Północnej, siedziba dystryktu w hrabstwie Antrim oraz okręgu wyborczego . Leży na brzegu Kanału Północnego, naprzeciw wyspy Rathlin i półwyspu Kintyre. Graniczy z AONB Antrim Coast and Glens. Liczy 5089 mieszkańców (2001), w tym 77.7% to katolicy i 20.5% protestanci. (pl)
- Баллика́сл (англ. Ballycastle, от ирл. Baile an Chaistil — город при замке) — малый город, столица района Мойл, находящийся в графстве Антрим Северной Ирландии. (ru)
- Ballycastle (iriska: Baile an Chaisleáin) är ett samhälle i grevskapet Antrim i Nordirland. Ballycastle är administrationsstaden i distriktet Moyle. Samhället hade år 2004 cirka 14 500 invånare. Vid hamnen står en staty av Guglielmo Marconi som år 1898 gjorde sitt andra försök med att skicka trådlösa signaler över vattnet, från Ballycastle till Rathlin Island. Idag finns det en båtförbindelse från Ballycastle till ön. Ballycastle är känt för sin som hålls varje år i augusti månad. I Ballycastle finns även ett museum som bjuder på mycket kulturhistoria. I närheten av samhället rinner floderna , och som är bra lax- och öringsfiskeställen. (sv)
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- Ballykessel, (en)
- Bellykessel or Bellycaissle (en)
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- Ballycastle Harbour - geograph.org.uk - 468327.jpg (en)
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- Ballycastle (en gaèlic irlandès Baile an Chaistil, que vol dir "ciutat del castell"; en escocès de l'Ulster Ballykessel,Bellykessel o Bellycaissle) és una vila d'Irlanda del Nord, al comtat d'Antrim, a la província de l'Ulster. Des de les seves platges es veuen l' i el Mull of Kintyre. (ca)
- Ballycastle (irsky Baile an Chaistil) je malé přístavní město v severoirském hrabství Antrim ve Spojeném království. V roce 2008 bylo v Ballycastlu registrováno 5 480 obyvatel, což znamená nárůst o 400 osob ve srovnání s výsledky sčítání lidu v roce 2001. Ballycastle se v roce 2016 umístil na čelní pozici ankety listu The Sunday Times jako nejlepší místo pro život v Severním Irsku. (cs)
- Ballycastle es un pueblo del , en el Condado de Antrim de Irlanda del Norte. Está situado junto a , enfrente de una isla donde se dice que Roberto III se ocultó de sus enemigos en una cueva. Es un centro de comercio con puerto pesquero y balnearios. En el año 2001 contaba con 5.089 habitantes.
* Datos: Q805405
* Multimedia: Ballycastle, County Antrim / Q805405 (es)
- Ballycastle (irlanderaz Baile an Chaistil, euskaraz Gazteluaren Hiria esan nahi du) Irlandako Antrim konderriko iparraldako kostaldean kokatzen den udalerri bat da. Bertan Moyle Barrutiko Kontseiluaren egoitza kokatzen da. Udalerri honetako portua bertako kostaldetik 10 kilometrotara dagoen Rahtlin uhartera itsasontziz iristeko ohiko abiagunea da. (eu)
- Ballycastle (en irlandais : Baile an Chaistil, « ville du château » ; en écossais : Ballykessel, Bellykessel ou Bellycaissle), est une petite ville côtière du comté d'Antrim, en Irlande du Nord, au Royaume-Uni. Jusqu'en 2015, elle est le siège du conseil de district de Moyle, date de son abolition. La ville est située à l'extrême nord de l'Irlande du Nord et dispose d'une plage avec vue sur l'île de Rathlin et le Mull of Kintyre en Écosse. (fr)
- 밸리캐슬(영어: Ballycastle, 아일랜드어: Baile an Chaistil)은 북아일랜드 앤트림주의 도시로 인구는 5,089명(2001년 기준)이다. 벨파스트에서 89km 정도 떨어진 곳에 위치한다. (ko)
- Ballycastle (Baile an Chaistil in gaelico irlandese) è una piccola cittadina dell'Antrim, nell'Irlanda del Nord. Nell'ultimo censimento, del 2001, la sua popolazione era di 5.089 abitanti. È il centro amministrativo e principale del Distretto di Moyle. Nel porto è situato un monumento a Guglielmo Marconi, che fece la sua prima trasmissione radio da quel punto all'isola di Rathlin. Ballycastle è inoltre conosciuta per il suo Ould Lammas Fair, tenuto annualmente gli ultimi lunedì e martedì di agosto. La Corrymeela Community ha sede in città. (it)
- Ballycastle is een plaats in het Noord-Ierse graafschap County Antrim. De plaats telt 5089 inwoners. Ballycastle was de woonplaats van de zanger David McWilliams, die hier in 2002 overleed. (nl)
- Ballycastle (irl. Baile an Chaistil) – miasto w Irlandii Północnej, siedziba dystryktu w hrabstwie Antrim oraz okręgu wyborczego . Leży na brzegu Kanału Północnego, naprzeciw wyspy Rathlin i półwyspu Kintyre. Graniczy z AONB Antrim Coast and Glens. Liczy 5089 mieszkańców (2001), w tym 77.7% to katolicy i 20.5% protestanci. (pl)
- Баллика́сл (англ. Ballycastle, от ирл. Baile an Chaistil — город при замке) — малый город, столица района Мойл, находящийся в графстве Антрим Северной Ирландии. (ru)
- Ballycastle (from Irish: Baile an Chaistil, meaning 'town of the castle') is a small seaside town in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. It is on the northeasternmost coastal tip of Ireland, in the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The harbour hosts the ferry to Rathlin Island, which can be seen from the coast. The Ould Lammas Fair is held each year in Ballycastle on the last Monday and Tuesday of August. Ballycastle is the home of the Corrymeela Community. (en)
- Ballycastle (irisch Baile an Chaisleáin) ist eine Stadt in der historischen Grafschaft Antrim an der Nordostküste Nordirlands. Sie war der Verwaltungssitz des aufgelösten Districts Moyle, der 2015 im District Causeway Coast and Glens aufging. Ballycastle liegt 89 km von Belfast und 43 km von Ballymena entfernt und hat 5089 Einwohner (2001). Der Ort liegt an der Mündung des Flusses Margy (englisch Margy River) in den Nordkanal. Er hat einen kleinen Jachthafen und einen 18-Loch-Golfplatz in schöner Lage am Meer. (de)
- De réir daonáirimh 2001, tá 5,089 daoine i mBaile an Chaistil, agus is príomhbhaile riaracháin Cheantar na Maoile é. Tá an baile suite ag bun na habhann Margaidh ar an taobh thuaidh de Ghleannta (nó Glinntí) Aontroma, ar chósta thuaidh Chontae Aontroim. Sníonn Sruth na Maoile idir an baile agus Cinn Tíre na hAlban. Caitheann daonra an bhaile vótaí ar son páirtithe náisiúnacha sa chuid is mó, agus is é an Caitliceachas an creideamh is mó sa cheantar. Tá na Gleannta Caitliceach chomh maith, ach baineann an chuid is mó den daonra atá ina gcónaí faoin tuath taobh thiar den bhaile leis an bProtastúnachas. (ga)
- Ballycastle (iriska: Baile an Chaisleáin) är ett samhälle i grevskapet Antrim i Nordirland. Ballycastle är administrationsstaden i distriktet Moyle. Samhället hade år 2004 cirka 14 500 invånare. Vid hamnen står en staty av Guglielmo Marconi som år 1898 gjorde sitt andra försök med att skicka trådlösa signaler över vattnet, från Ballycastle till Rathlin Island. Idag finns det en båtförbindelse från Ballycastle till ön. (sv)
- Ballycastle, County Antrim (en)
- Ballycastle (Antrim) (ca)
- Ballycastle (Severní Irsko) (cs)
- Ballycastle (Antrim) (de)
- Ballycastle (Antrim konderria) (eu)
- Ballycastle (es)
- Baile an Chaistil (ga)
- Ballycastle (comté d'Antrim) (fr)
- Ballycastle (it)
- 밸리캐슬 (ko)
- Ballycastle (Antrim) (nl)
- Ballycastle (pl)
- Балликасл (Антрим) (ru)
- Ballycastle (sv)
- freebase:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- lgdt:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- http://viaf.org/viaf/315944145
- geodata:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- yago-res:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- wikidata:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-bg:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-ca:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- http://ceb.dbpedia.org/resource/Ballycastle_(kapital_sa_distrito)
- dbpedia-cs:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-de:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-es:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-eu:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-fa:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-fr:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-ga:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-gd:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-it:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-ko:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-ms:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-nl:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-no:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-pl:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-ru:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-simple:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- dbpedia-sv:Ballycastle, County Antrim
- http://vec.dbpedia.org/resource/Ballycastle
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/4xgX6
- POINT(-6.2579998970032 55.205001831055)
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- Ballycastle (en)
- Baile an Chaistil (en)
- Ballykessel, (en)
- Bellykessel or Bellycaissle (en)
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- dbr:Campbeltown
- dbr:Camping_coach
- dbr:Páirc_Mac_Uílín
- dbr:Ballycastle
- dbr:Robert_Quigg
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Down_and_Connor
- dbr:List_of_beaches_in_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_deaths_in_rock_and_roll_(2000s)
- dbr:List_of_dialling_codes_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Moyle_District_Council
- dbr:Tourist_Guide_to_Ballycastle
- dbr:2011_Moyle_District_Council_election
- dbr:2012_Summer_Olympics_torch_relay
- dbr:Battle_of_Glentaisie
- dbr:Battle_of_Scarrifholis
- dbr:David_Ford_(politician)
- dbr:David_McWilliams_(musician)
- dbr:Dervock
- dbr:Antrim_Coast_and_Glens
- dbr:Hostelling_International_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:Hugh_M'Neile
- dbr:John_Surman_Carden
- dbr:List_of_castles_in_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_islands_of_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_monastic_houses_in_County_Antrim
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1775
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1783
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1787
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1794
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1795
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1808
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1935
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_2010
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_August_1829
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_August_1883
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1820
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1841
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1869
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1876
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1835
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_January_1856
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1844
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1850
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1857
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1868
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1820
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1827
- dbr:Paul_Morris_(hurler)
- dbr:Dervock_railway_station
- dbr:Dessie_Donnelly
- dbr:Invention_of_radio
- dbr:List_of_hospitals_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_integrated_schools_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_localities_in_Northern_Ireland_by_population
- dbr:List_of_museums_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_places_in_County_Antrim
- dbr:List_of_ports_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_post_towns_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_postcode_districts_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_primary_schools_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_rural_and_urban_districts_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_secondary_schools_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:Northern_Ireland_Schools_Debating_Competition
- dbr:1898_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:1565_in_Ireland
- dbr:1625_in_Ireland
- dbr:1985_Moyle_District_Council_election
- dbr:1989_Moyle_District_Council_election
- dbr:1993_Moyle_District_Council_election
- dbr:Conleth_Hill
- dbr:County_Antrim
- dbr:Cross_&_Passion_College_(Ballycastle)
- dbr:Children_of_Lir
- dbr:Louis_Joseph_Walsh
- dbr:North_Antrim_(Northern_Ireland_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:North_Channel_(Great_Britain_and_Ireland)
- dbr:1880_in_Ireland
- dbr:1898_in_Ireland
- dbr:Ciarán_Clarke
- dbr:Clan_MacAulay
- dbr:Alexander_Carragh_MacDonnell,_5th_of_Dunnyveg
- dbr:Edward_Edwin_Glanville
- dbr:Google_Street_View_in_Europe
- dbr:Mull_of_Kintyre
- dbr:Cormac_Donnelly
- dbr:Corrymeela_Community
- dbr:Palmaria_palmata
- dbr:Thomas_Witherow
- dbr:Operation_Seagull_II
- dbr:Ould_Lammas_Fair
- dbr:1979–80_All-Ireland_Senior_Club_Hurling_Championship
- dbr:1983–84_All-Ireland_Senior_Club_Hurling_Championship
- dbr:2019_Joe_McDonagh_Cup
- dbr:2014_Antrim_Senior_Hurling_Championship
- dbr:Antrim_Senior_Hurling_Championship
- dbr:Louise_McIlroy
- dbr:M2_motorway_(Northern_Ireland)
- dbr:MV_Canna
- dbr:MV_Claymore_(1978)
- dbr:MV_Raasay
- dbr:Stephen_Gilbert_(novelist)
- dbr:Stranocum
- dbr:House_of_McDonnell
- dbr:John_Kaye_Charlesworth
- dbr:March_1938
- dbr:Market_houses_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:McQuillan_GAC_Ballycastle
- dbr:1997_Moyle_District_Council_election
- dbr:1997_Northern_Ireland_riots
- dbr:1st_Battalion,_Ulster_Defence_Regiment
- dbr:2001_Moyle_District_Council_election
- dbr:2005_Moyle_District_Council_election
- dbr:1963_All-Ireland_Senior_Camogie_Championship
- dbr:1971–72_National_Hurling_League
- dbr:1972–73_National_Hurling_League
- dbr:Ballintoy
- dbr:Ballymoney
- dbr:Bushmills
- dbr:Causeway_Coast_and_Glens
- dbr:West_Coast_Motors
- dbr:Glen
- dbr:Ireland_Way
- dbr:Irish_Children's_Fund
- dbr:Irish_pub
- dbr:James_Alexander,_1st_Earl_of_Caledon
- dbr:James_Andrew_Robbie
- dbr:July_2001_Belfast_riots
- dbr:List_of_A_roads_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_Areas_of_Special_Scientific_Interest_in_County_Antrim
- dbr:List_of_Areas_of_Special_Scientific_Interest_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_B_roads_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_Catholic_priests_and_religious_awarded_the_Nobel_Prize
- dbr:Local_Government_(Boundaries)_Act_(Northern_Ireland)_1971
- dbr:Townpark
- dbr:Sectarian_violence_among_Christians
- dbr:2005_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:Cushendun
- dbr:Dalriada_Hospital
- dbr:Dunaneeny_Castle
- dbr:Erin_O'Connor
- dbr:Fair_Head
- dbr:Ballycastle_Castle
- dbr:Ballycastle_Railway
- dbr:Ballycastle_railway_station
- dbr:Ballyvoy
- dbr:Brian_Donnelly_(hurler)
- dbr:North_Antrim_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:North_Irish_Horse
- dbr:Northern_Counties_Committee
- dbr:Capecastle
- dbr:Capecastle_railway_station
- dbr:Digital_switchover_dates_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Diocese_of_Connor_(Church_of_Ireland)
- dbr:Edmund_Haviland-Burke
- dbr:Foggy_Dew_(Irish_ballad)
- dbr:Glens_of_Antrim
- dbr:Glenshesk
- dbr:Glenshesk_River
- dbr:Glentaisie
- dbr:Gracehill_railway_station
- dbr:History_of_roads_in_Ireland
- dbr:John_Pinkerton_(politician)
- dbr:John_Samuel_Bewley_Monsell
- dbr:John_de_Karlell
- dbr:List_of_Grade_A_listed_buildings_in_County_Antrim
- dbr:List_of_Irish_Volunteer_corps
- dbr:List_of_Irish_local_government_areas_1898–1921
- dbr:List_of_Irish_medium_primary_schools_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_National_Cycle_Network_routes
- dbr:List_of_Royal_Observer_Corps_/_United_...d_Monitoring_Organisation_Posts_(A–E)
- dbr:Michael_Dallat
- dbr:Red_Hand_Defenders
- dbr:Guglielmo_Marconi
- dbr:Helen_Megaw
- dbr:BT_postcode_area
- dbr:2017–18_All-Ireland_Senior_Club_Hurling_Championship
- dbr:2018_Joe_McDonagh_Cup
- dbr:2018_North_Antrim_recall_petition
- dbr:2020_Antrim_Senior_Hurling_Championship
- dbr:Argyll_and_Bute
- dbr:Armoy,_County_Antrim
- dbr:Armoy_railway_station
- dbr:A26_road_(Northern_Ireland)
- dbr:A2_road_(Northern_Ireland)
- dbr:Charles_Edward_Callwell
- dbr:Charles_Lanyon
- dbr:Joe_Cassidy_(Gaelic_footballer)
- dbr:Jura,_Scotland
- dbr:Keith_O'Brien
- dbr:Kieran_Kelly_(hurler)
- dbr:Kinbane_Castle
- dbr:Big_Number_Change
- dbr:Coastal_landforms_of_Ireland
- dbr:White_Park_Bay
- dbr:Yellowman_(candy)
- dbr:Donal_Lamont
- dbr:Mary_Hobhouse
- dbr:Bonamargy
- dbr:Bonamargy_Friary
- dbr:Port_Ellen
- dbr:Sorley_Boy_MacDonnell
- dbr:Hugh_Boyd_(writer)
- dbr:Kintyre
- dbr:Knights_of_Saint_Columbanus
- dbr:Michael_Longley
- dbr:Nathan_Carter
- dbr:Neal_McAuley
- dbr:Oran_Kearney
- dbr:Cary_(barony)
- dbr:Randal_MacDonnell,_1st_Earl_of_Antrim
- dbr:Randal_MacDonnell,_1st_Marquess_of_Antrim_(1645_creation)
- dbr:Rathlin_Castle
- dbr:Rathlin_Island
- dbr:Sectarian_violence
- dbr:Shane_O'Neill_(Irish_chieftain)
- dbr:Christopher_Fleming,_17th_Baron_Slane
- dbr:McKillop_(surname)
- dbr:Patrick_MacAlister
- dbr:Ryan_McGarry
- dbr:Route,_County_Antrim
- dbr:Seaside_resort
- dbr:Shore_Road,_Belfast
- dbr:Stranocum_railway_station
- dbr:List_of_towns_and_villages_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_unsolved_murders_in_the_United_Kingdom_(1980s)
- dbr:Gillaspick_MacDonnell
- dbr:Terence_Donnelly
- dbr:Surfing_in_Ireland
- dbr:Ballycastle,_Moyle
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