- Běh na 1500 m mužů na Mistrovství světa v atletice 2011 se uskutečnil ve dnech 30. srpna, 1. a 3. září. Ve finálovém běhu zvítězil reprezentant Keni Asbel Kipruto Kiprop v čase 3:35,69. Na druhém místě se umístil jeho krajan Silas Kiplagat a na třetím Američan Matthew Centrowitz. (cs)
- The Men's 1500 metres at the 2011 World Championships in Athletics was held at the Daegu Stadium on August 30 and September 1 & 3. In the heats, Mehdi Baala, who has a history of this sort of incident, fell flat on his face as the final sprint began. He was eventually advanced by the referees to the semi-finals, where he qualified for the final. The first semi-final went out slowly and was a strategic race with a bunch finish. Defending champion Yusuf Saad Kamel finished 6th in that semi and failed to make the time qualifier. The second semi went out on a decidedly faster pace bringing the time qualifiers along with the automatic qualifiers. Previous silver medalist Deresse Mekonnen was left behind in the final kick. With Bernard Lagat opting to run the 5,000 metres, no returning medalists made the final, though all current Olympic medalists did make the final. The final went out at 4 minute mile pace, with Nick Willis leading Matthew Centrowitz and the pack through a 60-second 400, slowing to almost 2:02 by 800. Shortly after that, the Kenyans Asbel Kiprop and Silas Kiplagat moved to the front, chased by Mekonnen Gebremedhin and much of the pack swallowed the early leaders. Centrowitz stepped to the side and followed. As the pack tried to jockey for position, Kiprop refused to relinquish the lead along the rail, even as teammate Kiplagat took the lead on the outside during the backstretch. Kiprop and then Kiplagat continued that way to the finish. Abdalaati Iguider stayed a step behind Kiprop and was in third coming down the home stretch. As he faded, Centrowitz, who had come around the outside followed by Manuel Olmedo moved back up to finish third. (en)
- Der 1500-Meter-Lauf der Männer bei den Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2011 wurde vom 30. August bis 3. September 2011 im Daegu-Stadion der südkoreanischen Stadt Daegu ausgetragen. In diesem Wettbewerb gab es einen Doppelsieg durch die Läufer aus Kenia. Weltmeister wurde der aktuelle Olympiasieger und Afrikameister von 2010 Asbel Kiprop. Den zweiten Rang belegte Silas Kiplagat. Bronze ging an den US-Amerikaner Matthew Centrowitz. (de)
- L'épreuve du 1 500 mètres masculin des championnats du monde de 2011 s'est déroulée du 30 août au 3 septembre 2011 dans le Stade de Daegu en Corée du Sud. Elle est remportée par le Kényan Asbel Kiprop. (fr)
- I 1500 metri piani maschili ai campionati del mondo di atletica leggera 2011 si sono tenuti in 3 giorni: il 30 agosto, il 1º ed il 3 settembre. Si qualificava chi aveva un tempo migliore di 3'35"00 o di 3'38"00. (it)
- Bieg na 1500 metrów mężczyzn – jedna z konkurencji rozegranych podczas lekkoatletycznych mistrzostw świata na Daegu Stadium w Daegu. Obrońcą tytułu mistrzowskiego z 2009 roku był reprezentant Bahrajnu Youssef Saad Kamel. (pl)
- A prova dos 1500 metros masculino do Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo de 2011 foi disputada entre 30 e 3 de setembro no Daegu Stadium, em Daegu. (pt)
- Соревнования по бегу на 1500 метров у мужчин на чемпионате мира по лёгкой атлетике 2011 года прошли 30 августа, 1 и 3 сентября. (ru)
- Běh na 1500 m mužů na Mistrovství světa v atletice 2011 se uskutečnil ve dnech 30. srpna, 1. a 3. září. Ve finálovém běhu zvítězil reprezentant Keni Asbel Kipruto Kiprop v čase 3:35,69. Na druhém místě se umístil jeho krajan Silas Kiplagat a na třetím Američan Matthew Centrowitz. (cs)
- Der 1500-Meter-Lauf der Männer bei den Leichtathletik-Weltmeisterschaften 2011 wurde vom 30. August bis 3. September 2011 im Daegu-Stadion der südkoreanischen Stadt Daegu ausgetragen. In diesem Wettbewerb gab es einen Doppelsieg durch die Läufer aus Kenia. Weltmeister wurde der aktuelle Olympiasieger und Afrikameister von 2010 Asbel Kiprop. Den zweiten Rang belegte Silas Kiplagat. Bronze ging an den US-Amerikaner Matthew Centrowitz. (de)
- L'épreuve du 1 500 mètres masculin des championnats du monde de 2011 s'est déroulée du 30 août au 3 septembre 2011 dans le Stade de Daegu en Corée du Sud. Elle est remportée par le Kényan Asbel Kiprop. (fr)
- I 1500 metri piani maschili ai campionati del mondo di atletica leggera 2011 si sono tenuti in 3 giorni: il 30 agosto, il 1º ed il 3 settembre. Si qualificava chi aveva un tempo migliore di 3'35"00 o di 3'38"00. (it)
- Bieg na 1500 metrów mężczyzn – jedna z konkurencji rozegranych podczas lekkoatletycznych mistrzostw świata na Daegu Stadium w Daegu. Obrońcą tytułu mistrzowskiego z 2009 roku był reprezentant Bahrajnu Youssef Saad Kamel. (pl)
- A prova dos 1500 metros masculino do Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo de 2011 foi disputada entre 30 e 3 de setembro no Daegu Stadium, em Daegu. (pt)
- Соревнования по бегу на 1500 метров у мужчин на чемпионате мира по лёгкой атлетике 2011 года прошли 30 августа, 1 и 3 сентября. (ru)
- The Men's 1500 metres at the 2011 World Championships in Athletics was held at the Daegu Stadium on August 30 and September 1 & 3. In the heats, Mehdi Baala, who has a history of this sort of incident, fell flat on his face as the final sprint began. He was eventually advanced by the referees to the semi-finals, where he qualified for the final. (en)