The Parole Officer is a 2001 British comedy film, directed by John Duigan. The film follows a diverse group of former criminals as they assist their probation officer in proving his innocence after a murder accusation.
Das B-Team: Beschränkt und auf Bewährung (Originaltitel: The Parole Officer) ist eine britische Kriminalkomödie von John Duigan aus dem Jahr 2001. (de)
The Parole Officer is a 2001 British comedy film, directed by John Duigan. The film follows a diverse group of former criminals as they assist their probation officer in proving his innocence after a murder accusation. (en)
Un'insolita missione (The Parole Officer) è un film del 2001 diretto da John Duigan e interpretato da Steve Coogan, Lena Headey e Stephen Dillane. (it)
Kurator (ang. The Parole Officer) – brytyjska komedia kryminalna z 2001 roku. (pl)